[Release] Heatmiser Neostat / Neoplug Integration

Well that was simple......
The heatmiser app is obsolete when u use the hubitat app.

Just need to look at the thermostat

Like i said earlier its normally user error

That's great. I have pretty similar rules. I particularly like the heating on and off when doors and velux's are open. I delay my offs and ons but looks like we're on the same page. Thanks for your pointers :+1:

My Neo Plugs always default to Off after a power cut. I can't find a way of defaulting to On in the Neo App and so I thought I would write a rule that would switch the plug on whenever it reports OFF but RM expects a numeric parameter. Has anyone found a way of doing this or is the device not able to support this?

I think I've sorted this by just creating a Profile within the NM App for always on and then setting the plug to auto. Sorry for not thinking about this first! :upside_down_face:

Hi guys, I'm getting to grips with this app and it's really helped me with some cool automations so thanks @cjcharles once again. Just one question, is there a way to set the thermostats to recognise the 0.5 decimal setpoint. Mine only seems to work with whole numbers. For example, if I alter my Heatmiser thermostat on the wall to 20.5 degrees. My dashboard tile will only change to 20 degrees. It appears to round down each time

Conversely, my tile, won't increment in 0.5s. If I hit the up chevron, it tries to go to 20.5 for example but then rounds itself back down to 20 degrees. It will only accept whole numbers so 21 degrees would be the next step.

Oddly heatmiser only allowed incremental changes of whole numbers until a year ago when they updated their software to accept 0.5 increases.

Any thoughts out there guys. See screenshot of whole numbered tiles. Thanks in advance

If the thermostats now allow half degrees it is a quick change to update the handler, but I had to bodge the Hubitat handler to ensure whole numbers as previously half degrees would cause give loads of errors on the Heatmiser side.... Should just need to look in the increase/decrease temperature code, or I'll try and do it in the next few weeks.

Oh great, look forwards to this enhancement. :crossed_fingers:

@cjcharles do you manage to change the DH to allow half degrees. Could I have access to the new code please If it's available. Really appreciate your time :+1:

Ive just uploaded an updated version to Github which should do what you want, but has not had much testing since it is part way through a load of improvements I am trying to make to make the DTH much more useful in Hubitat (rather than just being a bodge to get an ST driver migrated accross)

Wow, that is an outstanding result and works seamlessly. Thank you so much for putting the effort into this request @cjcharles. I really am thankful.

Also, the response time in general seems better when set point is set to a whole number. So thanks again!

Finally, and this is not a request, did you apply an other modifications?

Thanks again, you're a superstar :+1::+1::+1::+1:

Ps, I updated via HPM

Nothing major new so far other than splitting out the smart plug/timer to a separate DTH, since that way they are less confusing and work better with Google Home and Alexa.

In terms of plans, I want to make it easy to create a dashboard with lots of useful functions like boost/holiday mode/standby/... Already possible but not easy at present.

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Awesome irrespective. Looking forward to your dashboard. Thanks again

Perhaps i'm being dumb - but how do i set my thermostats to "away"/standby mode using rule engine? I only see options for "auto", "heat", "cool", "off", and "emergency heat'...

Auto and off are the main ones, I don't have control of those bits of text as they are Hubitat standards (afaik) but they should translate across fine. I can look to be more intelligent with the misses but I haven't had time yet. I still want to rebuild all the cool functions I had on smartthings originally.

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Thanks! Looking forward to them. FYI - there are a load of other options if you use the Custom Actions task in Rule Engine:

Also - any idea how Thermostat Scheduler interacts with Profiles in Heatmiser? Does it override the profile schedule?

And outside question - do you think it'd be possible to "push" the Thermostat Scheduler schedule to a profile in Heatmiser (so it's resilient if, say, i have some issue with my home network)?

Yes, I know that! I wrote the functions! But they arent particularly accessible!

Thermostat scheduler will totally overwrite the Heatmiser one, but they will fight (e.g. if Hubitat changes at 8am and Heatmiser at 9am then the Heatmiser one will override Hubitat). It is possible to push a schedule but quite complex to translate it and better to put Heatmiser in Manual mode and just use Hubitat.


Hi all, while setting up a new IoT VLAN on my UniFi controller and migrating all my devices across to the new subnet, I ran into a confusing and persistent issue with getting the Neo Hub bridge device to communicate with the Heatmiser hub again. After days of tearing my hair out, I finally discovered that the Heatmiser hub has a (possibly new) Legacy API toggle in the hub settings. Now, I didn’t disable the legacy api, had no idea it was there or how it became disabled (maybe the hub updated when I power cycled it onto the new subnet?) but with it disabled it stops all communication between the bridge and the hub. Chris asked me to post in case this helps anyone with a similar issue.

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Heatmiser have just released v3 of their api which basically requires WSS connections - the legacy local api is still supported but closes after 48 hours without use requiring manually reopening.

Are you thinking of updating to the WSS connection, @cjcharles ?

Interesting... I can't tell if that is v3 of their API for all hubs, or an API for v3 of their hub... If it's the latter then I won't be able to help as I have a V2 hub. I can't see anything related to any of this documentation in my app.

Will see if there is somebody to ask

I’m not sure how to tell the difference between the V2 and V3 hub, but I suspect mine is the V2 as it was installed around 2017 by the previous owner of my house. I’m on firmware V2161 though if that helps?

The app has updated again, now asking for direct connection to devices every time I open it, and the API screen has changed again (screenshots attached).