[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

I just pushed this change - let me know if it's what you were looking for

I'm not an expert in video streaming in any way. I'm guessing most people won't open up their camera video feed outside of their own network though so the firewall part might not be that important. Even that article says at the bottom RTSP might be better for live feeds. Anyway, from the app's perspective I just want to try and handle video from as many cameras as possible. My hope was to find a library that could handle lots of formats.. I did find this ExoPlayer library which looks promising but it doesn't work with Amazon Fire OS.. there's still hope though - I just need to spend more time on it.

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The app tries to use the listed device capabilities to figure out what each device can do. However, not all custom drivers follow these and some devices don't have anything unique either to look for. So, I'm also looking for some keywords in the device name to default a device type.. for example, a contact sensor looks for "door" or "window" to show more specific device types by default.

However, whatever the default type, I also try to allow any device to be switched to any other compatible device type. This is also based on device capabilities but instead of picking the 'best' option it should let you select from anything the app can display that device as.

In your case seeing the device log or JSON from MakerAPI would help me figure out what might be missing. With that can you let me know which device and what type you're looking for?

There's one device that won't work as a widget. It's a switch in the app

Not all device types are supported as widgets yet. I did think I tested with a switch though. I can try again but if it works for me it would also help to see a device log sent after you try that

Sorry, I missed a few posts until now including this one. Sure, I think that's possible. I'll add it to the TODO list and see if it's an easy change

better late than never:

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Full screen images are (also) no longer scaling correctly. It is cropping them left/right, rather than scaling. This turns my 7 day forecast into an oddly cropped 5 day. This just started recently, it was fine before (e.g. it had to have changed in the past 2 weeks).

When it should look like this:

Do you have any way of having 2 copies of the app on a device. I have two separate sets of hubs. I have been using backup and restore but the second set of hubs will only work locally. The restore does not update the cloud token. Thanks. This app is wonderful. I rarely even open the dashboards on the hub app.

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This one's a little tricky.. although I don't think anything's changed recently. The scale type you pick applies to the main device tile but when in full screen I didn't always want the same scale type.. the reason is the main tile aspect ration could be a lot different than the popup which is either super tall or wide depending on your phone's orientation (landscape or portrait). Anyway, in full screen I'm always filling the entire window which is what the screenshot above looks like to me.

Examples of the 2 main scaling options I use:
image image

I agree it's not what you want for a weather forecast where you want to see the entire image. If I wanted to be really smart about it I'd look at the image dimensions and the photo dimensions and try to figure out what would display best.. but, in the meantime I might just add a second crop option for full screen and call it a day :slight_smile:

version 1.0.1089 (beta)

  • use same crop option / scaling as selected in full screen view
  • handle device rotation when image is displayed full-screen

Try this version - it just uses the same crop option as the main dashboard tile as the full screen view. It'll look small in portrait mode but much better in landscape


Rotating the device should also work now for any full-screen image/video

This was working fine until very recently (like until the past month maybe). I'll wait for the update and see if that helps. Thank you.

The Play Store got the update out very quickly this time.

This helps for landscape, but in portrait mode it doesn't seem to scale at all (I get 3 days out of the 7 day forecast). In full screen mode can you have it scale down (or up) to match the most narrow dimension? This way everything is showing of an image, even if there is wasted space at the top/bottom or left/right; now that rotation is working we can rotate the screen if we want a better fit.

Thanks again.

Perfect ("Use Metric") thanks again :smile:

It should scale so the entire image fits inside the window - just like the screenshot above. As long as you have any crop option selected except 'crop - center' - which fills the entire screen. That's how it's working for me at least and I'm primarily testing in portrait

Excellent! That's exactly what they were set to. Works great now, portrait and landscape (including on my Android car headunit). Thank you!

Any thought to letting us set a URL to launch (in the default browser) or an app (e.g. I would like to launch the My Radar app) if we click on the full screen image?

When using Celsius, the thermostat does increment in 0.5 degree steps, as promised. However, since the displayed value is an integer, I cannot see from the app whether the heat is set to 20.5 or 21 degrees (both just show 21 in the app). Would it be possible to have it show one decimal please? It would be great if current temperature could show one decimal as well.

I'm working on a way to switch between hubs now. I'll start by saving the server/token/etc to the config file so that file can restore the app. I'm also going to auto-backup to a local file on logout and add a 'restore' option on the login screen which can restore from any local backups.

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Thanks for working on this @jpage4500. I'm looking forward to it!

I do have it working in Parallel Space app on my samsung tablets and my s10+. It would be great to use one app however I am not sure how you will handle widgets. Thank you so much for this app.

Edit: The only thing so far is the backup and restore do not work. Assuming that it is trying to save the file outside of Parallel Space app. Other than that it seems to be working great.

First of all, thank you for all your work on this app, I use it all the time now, and it's a lot faster than the Hubitat Dashboard navigation.

I am having the same issue as this user, I'm using a GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Plus Motion Sensing Light Switch. If I set it as a bulb, it will show status (On/Off), but trying to actually turn it on/off does not work. I tried setting the device type to switch (like this user has), and same result, on/off does not actually do anything on the light itself.

Setting it as a button allows me to turn it on/off, but obviously no status as to if the light itself is on/off.

Is there anyway to get this working properly? Literally everything other device I have works 100%, so thank you so much again!

weird.. i have several light switches and they work for me. Can you try turning the light on and off and sending me the device logs? The app should just be sending the /on or /off command to the hub