[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

It works 100% for all of my Lutron Caseta lights, for some reason just this one switch (GE Enbrighten) doesn't work.

Sure, where did you want me to pull the device logs? Is this just the information that posts under "Past Logs" when the light switch is turned on/off?

You can send them through the app: Nav drawer -> About -> Support. This will let you pick an app (such as email) to send the logs


I love this app. Thank you so much. It was so easy to set up that I really have not done any customization until now and I am a bit discombobulated. I want to visually differentiate between ceiling fans and exhaust fans. I tried using the ceiling fan icon and using icon color and background to indicate whether it was on or off. Apparently, I am a complete dullard. I cannot configure the icon to do this. Is there a guide somewhere that can show me how to visually differentiate between on/off? I even tried doing it with the green and red slide on/off icons and they always end up the same background and icon color no mater what I do.


I figured out the bug.. This is a switch that supports motion as well. It happens when a device is defaulted to 1 type (ie: motion) but changed to another (lights, switch, etc). The toggle command was looking at the initial type to figure out what command to send. In this case it was looking for a toggle command for a motion device type and there isn't any so nothing happened.

Fix is building now

The above fix should also apply here too

version 1.0.1094 (beta)

  • fix bug: sending toggle command to some devices not working
  • show celsius values with up to 1 fraction digit (ie: 30.6)
  • make switch higher priority than motion when picking device types

There's a couple of small changes in this one.. the biggest is a bug fix where toggling a device on/off isn't working. It happens if the app defaulted a device to 1 type and you changed it to another type.

I didn't test this one so I could use the feedback.. I'm automatically displaying Celsius thermostat values with up to 1 decimal precision. I should only be doing this for the cooling and heating setpoint values as I don't expect anyone to set their AC or Heating temps to overlap between C and F values. If it works I can try to add a global or per-device setting in the app for other temps which I don't think I can automatically figure out


I can confirm that version 1.O.1094 (beta) fixed the switch type problem and works on all my devices. Observation that you may want to fix. If the device type was a button and you set it to be a wide tile, when you change it to be a switch, you can not change the tile width without going back to a button. Not a big deal but thought you should know. Thanks for all your hard work.

A couple of the Fahrenheit temperature sensors that I use are now displaying tenths of a degree with version .1094; coincidentally they are the ones that I use in my refrigerator and freezer.

The other temperature sensors I use (all reading in the 70s right now) are not displaying tenths of a degree (this is the behavior I would like for all of my Fahrenheit temp sensors). The sensors are the same physical hardware (Iris V2 contact sensors).

It appears that the lower value temperatures are formatting with fractional degrees like Celsius temperatures.

@jpage4500, I am quite impressed with this app. Your work is amazing and greatly appreciated. I am using your software on all of my pads now. Nothing else even comes close to the quality of my dashboards. Thank you sir for all of your dedicated work!

I believe that would be because the app doesn’t display either Fahrenheit or Celsius, it just displays temperature. The app will interpret and treat all temps below 50 as Celsius. What’s the temp of your freezers? Around 0 degrees Fahrenheit?

All my motion sensors changed to something else, i now have two more switches and a bunch new temperature sensors. Is were a way to change that back other then edit every single sensor on a couple phone and tablets?

Yes, the refrigerator runs about 34F in the freezer is about 2F. Prior to .1049, all temperatures displayed as integers.

Also the digits now are displayed different sizes (34.1 displays in noticeably smaller type than the 2.1 tile adjacent to it).

Sorry, literally right after I released the last version I realized the logic I used isn't going to work in the winter! I didn't think about temp sensors in a freezer.

I changed the app to make the temperature precision a setting instead of automatic. I even started to post new version details but stopped when I wasn't happy with another of the changes. But, it's almost done so I'll try to get the fix out soon.


version 1.0.1107 (beta)

  • show restore button on login screen which will show any previous logins
  • backup server information along with devices when saving config file
  • automatically save config file on logout
  • add global setting for minimum decimal digits displayed for any temperature

The big change in this version is backing up server information in the config file. With that, it's now possible to switch from 1 hub to another. It's also now possible to login when you're not on the Hub's local network. Here's some details:

  • There's a new 'RESTORE' button on the login screen which will display any local backups along with an option to select a file from another source (ie: Google Drive)
  • When you logout, the app will automatically save the config file locally using the Hub's IP address
  • You can still restore from earlier backups - just note that there's no server information in there so they won't work from the login screen for obvious reasons
  • Note: Save to device saves to an internal app-only folder. I'll look into saving it somewhere that can be accessed by a file manager in the future (Android has made it hard for apps to save files in public folders of late so this would likely require a new permission)

You can now login to the app without being on the same network as the Hub. This is somewhat related to the above changes but I wanted to call it out separately. You can do it by leaving the Server IP Address field empty when manually logging in.. you will need to fill in all of the other fields though. The app will start off in cloud mode.

The other change in this version is change the automatic temperature precision logic from automatic to a setting. It can be found on any device type which displays the temperature but will affect ALL temperature displayed in the app. I know that might not be perfect for everyone but I wanted to keep it simple to start.


When looking at another issue I noticed that a device with both motion and switch capabilities was defaulting to a motion device type. I generally try to default to what I think is the most important device type and in my mind a switch is actionable while the motion device type just shows information ('active' or 'inactive'). Anyway, that's why it changed.

I'm wondering if there's a case for a new device type that supports both - something that works like a switch (click to toggle) but has a new set of icons for all of the states: on/off + active/inactive

just FYI - the app will revert back to no decimals after the latest update. You can change it on any temperature device though to 1 or more (up to 3) and it'll change for ALL temperatures displayed in the app (see here)

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I got a chance to test restoring settings remotely (not on the same network) and found a small issue.. the fix was just pushed. I don't have multiple hubs to test with (on same or different networks/locations) so any help testing this would be appreciated. It should work but if there's any hiccups I'll try to get them fixed.

You can now login to the app without being on the same network as the Hub. This is somewhat related to the above changes but I wanted to call it out separately. You can do it by leaving the Server IP Address field empty when manually logging in.. you will need to fill in all of the other fields though. The app will start off in cloud mode.

I tested this one too and it does work

This is a fantastic app and I appreciate all the hard work that went into it.
I also appreciate the delicate balance act between adding features/customizations and minimizing complexity.

My number one wish is to be able to load a custom CSS file so that I can control all the aesthetics of the dashboard. I envision that this is loaded from an external URL (so I'm not trying to import or edit a CSS file on the tablet) that can be "refreshed" manually just as the device refresh is done. Ideally all of the tiles have unique CSS IDs but also shared classes so I would have the ability to fine tune the design as needed.

I had been making a running list of minor requests (ability to change font colors, cell padding, etc.) for this app but this would be ideal! I think this would also allow more savvy users to customize icons, as long as the icon div/object also have unique and class IDs.

Obviously the custom CSS would supersede any of the system color/design preferences, so you could continue to develop general layout options for your other users who don't use this feature.

Thoughts?? Thanks again for all your hard work on this!

This app is all native Android - no HTML - so unless I'm missing something CSS isn't applicable. I did try to make a lot of the UI customizable but of course there's always more like font color. If there's others like that which might be useful to others let me know and I can see how hard it'd be to add.