[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

I can confirm that with the new Cloud only setting that the app now works on my Chromebox. Still had to bring the Chromebox to my house to get the cloud token to take (tried manual input of the cloud token from work but it would not enter??? Kept defaulting to a blank entry???) but it now works great. No real need for ActionTiles anymore as this is very customizable and super fast.

One small bug. I use the top button on the GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Plus Smart Motion Sensor Light Switch, On/Off, Vacancy / Occupancy Sensor, #26931 to turn on all six lights in the room and the bottom button to turn them all off. The motion sensor turns on 2 lamps anytime anyone comes into the room when it is dark. When I set the device type to a switch,

turning the switch on does nothing but bring up this:

Which I can not click/select to make anything function. Setting it up as a button, works.

I can live with it but thought you should know.

It is, yes! Thanks so much.

I noticed this happening with button devices as well. It isn't possible to change the icons on those at all either. I'm not sure if that's intentional, but I thought I'd point it out anyway (I don't use button devices).

Having a bear of a time getting an rtsp stream into the app. (1.0.1075)
The stream works in my PC's VLC
It also works in your Rtsp demo app. Just not in the app.
The url given to me by the cam is


The LOG says HD_RtspVideoView: onTrspFailed: Read timed out, (the url line above)

The cam happens to be a Wize cam with RTSP flashed (Wyze's mod, not Dafang)
Any help is appreciated

Finally able to get my http video working from my Dahua NVR.
This worked...
http://admin:password@your NVR IP:80/cgi-bin/mjpg/video.cgi?channel=5&subtype=1
Make sure your substream (1) is set to MJPEG in the NVR in the encode options.

Any chance of getting a Ring Video Pro doorbell video on this dashboard?

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Fixed mine too, I'm happy to say.

Great! Sorry, I haven't been much help with video streams as I don't have any devices that support RTSP or MJPG video.

Any chance of getting a Ring Video Pro doorbell video on this dashboard?

Does Hubitat have any drivers that can get the video stream off of these cameras? I'm thinking Ring doesn't allow access to their cameras otherwise

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Are you saying nothing happens when you click the ON or OFF icons in the image here? I've been using this for a while and it works for me.. If you don't want the prompt/dialog you can change the setting in more settings -> click options -> prompt some; This won't prompt you to toggle lights and switches

I haven't used the Life360 driver/tile in a while but I can quickly add an option if you're able to test it out.

version 1.0.1080 (beta)

  • when viewing an image full-screen, you can now pinch-to-zoom and pan the image around
  • when viewing a google photos image full-screen, you can click on the right-third of the screen to advance to the 'next' image and left third of the screen to show the 'previous' image

I'll try to post a video later of these in action

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Correct. Nothing happens when I click the on/off buttons in the image.

@jpage4500, Is it possible to make it so that full screen images rotate when going from portrait to landscape (and vise versa)? Right now if the orientation changes it closes the full screen image. I have some weather image URLs on my phone that look better landscape (in fact they cut off both sides in portrait mode), but I keep forgetting to rotate my phone before making them full screen.

This app needs a icons library like this one:


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Thanks for that prompt! I was meaning to get the NVR on the network, but I've been procrastinating. Once I got it on the network I got the http feed working by using the format you provided. I then got adventurous and upgraded the firmware in the NVR to the latest available (4.0), but then the http feed stopped working. I know that the RTSP feed is working though and that is available using this format:

rtsp://<username>:<password>@<NVR IP>:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1

I understand the very basics of http versus rtsp :

"RTSP has theoretical firewall traversal capability, as it is designed to be easy for firewall to learn the IP addresse and port number tuples that need to be authorized. Not so many firewalls handle or allow RTSP however. HTTP goes through almost any firewall." More information HERE.

I'm just not sure which is better for streaming video to a dashboard.

Unfortunately, that is true. However, since I am using an Amazon pad, and Amazon owns Ring, I would THINK that there would be a method to stream the doorbell video without the app. BUT...

Awesome and yes I can test

Where are the default icons in the app stored in the Android file system? I was wondering if it would be possible to copy custom icons to that folder since my device is rooted.


I don't think so.. the icons are built into apk and I don't believe there's a folder which they're added to when the app is installed (root access)

I did want to make it easier to replace the icons though.. 1 idea I had was to use the Hub's file manager since it'd likely be easier for most people to put images there than on their device. Plus, it'd be available for multiple devices. The downside to that solution would be the files wouldn't be accessible when the device isn't on the Hub's network.. but, with the app caching images locally I would still expect that to work anywhere once downloaded.

Not that I can't also support a local folder. The only question I need to figure out is how the new Android file permissions work.. if the app would be able to get access to a folder once and then keep it for later use. Android has done a lot latest to prevent apps from accessing external folders which makes this feature harder..

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I finally started using this app, and I found a few bugs:

  1. It's very inconsistent with what device type it lets me assign to each device. Some switches that aren't dimmable showed up as dimmable lights, and a non dimmable light wasn't an option -- I could only change them to a plain switch. Some devices that showed up as "switch" can't be changed to a light; others can.

  2. There's one device that won't work as a widget. It's a switch in the app, it happens to be the first one in the selector list when I set up the widget, and it doesn't do anything when I select it. The selected device doesn't change.

version 1.0.1086 (beta)

  • add setting to Life360 tile to use metric (km)
  • if a switch has "fan" in the name, default to 'fan' device type

I recently installed a smart switch to control a fan - on/off only, not speed control. The app showed this as a switch by default but I wanted a more 'fan-like' UI for this so if the switch has "fan" in the name I'm now defaulting it to a fan device type.