[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

There's not a lot of space for text on the tile - esp if you select 4 attributes.. I've been using icons in the background like the examples below. If I can figure out an easy way to let you select an icon for an attribute (or none) I'd do that

image image

I realized this one might be harder to do.. I wanted to change the theme while selecting different options - which is what's there today. But, in order to change to a given theme, any previous customizations like background/icon colors gets removed. I could either go back to no preview -- you'd have to hit 'OK' to set the selected theme -- or just make it more clear that selecting an option changes things right away.. I'll probably do the former to start

Sure, that sounds reasonable.

quick updates.. the last few days I've been trying to get video to work (either MJPEG or RTSP) until I finally realized I was using the wrong URL for Web IP Camera.. I was using http://IP:8080 and should have been using http://IP:8080/video... argh!

So, after banging my head trying to figure out what broke -- turns out I was just using a bad URL the whole time.. I verified that both RTSP and MJPEG video still work, at least in my testing.

Anyway, in all of my testing I even switched back to 1.0.892 and noticed that RTSP wasn't supported yet in that version. It was added in the next version, 1.0.901.

Not saying you're wrong -- just that I will probably need to reproduce the issue to try and fix it. Are you able to send me a device log? Maybe there's something in there that can help me debug

Absolutely loving the App! and enjoying having a play around. firstly is there a beer jar we can through some money in as a thanks? and secondly if I add a temp sensor as a widget on my android phone it doesn't display which is a real shame as widgets are allowing me to build a really bespoke dashboard with multiple services on

Once again thanks

The Dev won't point it out, he's way too nice, but there's a beer jar here... https://paypal.me/jpage4500


I'll add that to the TODO list.. to start I only supported simple widgets with an on/off icon. It shouldn't be too hard to support simple text widgets like temp. Multiple value device types would be harder but I'll try to support as many as I can

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@jpage4500 did you say that mjpeg and rtsp was working? As I still cannot get it to work. I have try different combination of the url?

Yes, I was able to get both to work using Webcam IP (android app). What device are you trying to stream from and what URL are you using? A device log could help too

How are you using the Webcam IP in your dashboard? Sorry but I must be not thinking?

version 1.0.1006 (beta)

  • add backup and restore settings to/from hub

I added a new option to the backup/restore dialog which will save the dashboard configuration to the Hub's File Manager. It really simplifies backing up your dashboard settings and also makes it super easy to restore from other devices on the network as well. Note that this will only work if you're on the same network as the hub (local mode) and won't work if you have a username/password set on the hub (which is disabled by default).

In the future I can add an option to automatically restore from a given file allowing you to keep multiple devices in sync


I installed this app on another android device. It turns your device into a video camera which can be streamed using RTSP and/or MJPEG.

I then configured the dashboard app to point to both RTSP and MJPEG streams.. the exact URL's are different.. MJPEG URL is http://IP:PORT/video. The RTSP stream URL is more complex but I use logic in the dashboard to 'discover devices' which uses ONVIF to query your network and find RTSP URL's.. basically, I didn't have to type anything in the app.

Anyway, that's how I'm able to test both types of video formats in the app

version 1.0.1008 (beta)

  • support text app widgets
  • allow any device attribute to be displayed in multi-type device type
  • display battery percentage text on battery device type

There's 2 fairly big changes in this one.. both still need some more polish but I think they're good enough to at least get into beta now.

  1. support for text app widgets
    • Not every device type is supported but I tried to cover several of them to start
    • App widgets don't support auto-text sizing like the app does.. I will see if I can figure out another way to resize the text to fit the widget space
    • I'm not sure multi-sensor device types will look good in a 1x1 widget.. I might need to create a larger widget to display multiple values

  1. allow any device attribute to be displayed in multi-type device type
    • The UI for this isn't great.. but if you select "Manage Display Items" on a multi-value device type it'll now show ALL device attributes. You can select up to 4 to be displayed

That's awesome. Thanks again.

I did find a bug. I copied my "Outside" multisensor tile, named it "Wind Gust/Max mph"...

and selected two attributes...

It looked good until the data for the tiles refreshed and the copy reverted to default attributes...

Turns out all my temp sensors are multisensors and arn't displaying on the widget sadly. If we can't increase the size of the widget could we just select an attribute to display?


@jpage4500, it is a driver problem! The current status isn't properly reported by the driver, that was adapted from ST.

Please excuse!

I just installed the app and it found my hub on LAN.
But it reports "no devices"
why ?

You have to enable devices in Maker API. Please scroll up to the first post and read the installation instructions. Here's a link [RELEASE] Hubitat Dashboard - Android dashboard app

I tried to find my answer in this thread but was unable to, so @jpage4500, I am wondering how the own icon works. Does it store the new icon in the app and will a backup save the icon as well ?

I am looking at embarking on customizing the icons a fair bit, but would like to know if it will work offline as well and how I can then copy my setup to another device. I see the backup, but that seems to only be a txt file with some JSON ?

As a test, I uploaded an icon to imgur, added it to the dashboard and then deleted the file. It is still visible in the app, but I assume it is just cached on this devices, so probably it is not easily transferred.