[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

For custom icons, the app (and the config file) just point to the URL of the icon. The URL can start with http:// or it can also point to one of the built-in icons (I think the URL would start with asset://).

The app itself does cache images locally.. so, it should only have to download it once.

If you're looking to store custom icons somewhere that can be accessed by multiple devices using the same URL -- you could upload them to the Hub's File Manager (http://HUB_IP/hub/fileManager) and use that URL. It would only work locally but once the app has it it should still be there in cloud mode too.

Does that help?


I tried uploading them to my OneDrive, but that doesn't seem to work. I'm using postimg for the moment (I guess I could also use imgur). Any way to make OneDrive or Dropbox work?

Thanks this is good information. Main thing that they are cached.

Oops.. just realized theme switching is broke.. will fix tomorrow. I also have a small fix ready to preserve scroll position after exciting a folder

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If you're looking for a URL that points to a dropbox file, this link might help.

I could offer a way to 'browse' files using the default Android file picker. That would let you pick from any app that allows it such as google drive, dropbox, etc. I'm not sure though that the URL's I'd get from that would persist. But, I can add that to the TODO and test it out


@jpage4500, videos working great now with webURL. How do I increase the size and move the date in the Date / Time tile?

After a few hours of running, the app drops to the main Fire HD screen. It is not closed, just minimized. I think this may be a Fire HD issue and not an issue with the Dashboard app.

I wish I had found this sooner. Great app! I appreciate all the effort Joe has put into it. I just started setting up my fire hd 10 with rtsp feeds from my Unfi cameras. For some reason I keep getting a "SSL handshake timed out". I can play the feeds with VLC on the same tablet. Any idea what could be causing this? Thanks!

I kept getting that with my rtsp feeds (Video URL). I had to use web URL to get my video feeds to work correctly.

Hi, for RTSP video streaming in the app I'm using this open source library. There was a few other libraries I found to stream RTSP but this one supported username/password and has been really fast in my testing. Anyway, the library has a sample app which I built and uploaded here. If you're able to try it out can you let me know if it works with your camera?

I can look for other RTSP libraries or code to implement if there's a better option out there

I'm pretty sure the web URL (a mini web browser) doesn't support RTSP. So, your video feed is likely another format -- something that starts with http and not rtsp.. at least that's how I understand it.

The only other video streaming format that's supported in the app (using the video URL device) is MJPEG. There's also a few open source libraries for this but I ended up doing some of this logic myself which was super painful but I wanted it to be fast & efficient.

Anyway, I was able to test both RTSP and MJPEG streaming but I don't have any actual security cameras that support these (I'm using a free Android app on another device to test). If anyone knows of a public video stream to test with I'll give it a shot - just DM me the URL.

That sounds to me like the app crashed.. either ran out of memory or something else. I have left a few live video feeds running for a while w/out issue on a phone but not using the web URL. If I get time I'll try adding a few video tiles to a dashboard and just let it run for a day or so and see if there's any performance issues.

I do know video takes a lot of memory/processing.. that's why I also wanted an option to show an image that updates every once and a while on the dashboard. Then, if you click on the tile it can show the video feed live.. that would save a lot of overhead

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Thanks Joe,

I tried your test app on the tablet and it failed as well. I'm including screenshots of the error. Any way I can save the logs and DM them to you? I couldn't find a save option. Thanks.

It's not my test app.. it's from this open source library. If you want to hit the 'share' button in the logs screen you can email the logs to yourself and create a new issue on that github page.

I will say that error should be fixable for sure.. not sure if the video stream is viewable though - what device (camera) is this? Also, what OS is the Fire Tablet running? You'd want to post that info as well to the github issue as it'll help. The library is open source so if the author isn't available to help I can also take a stab at fixing it too.

Here's what the library says it supports

  • Android min API 21.
  • RTSP/RTSPS over TCP.
  • Video H.264 only.
  • Audio AAC LC only.
  • Basic/Digest authentification.
  • Supports majority of RTSP IP cameras

Sorry, I did not make that very clear. I had difficulty getting the video URL with rtsp working. I was getting socket and peer errors. They were probably syntax errors on my part. Or my NVR was timing out somehow. However, the web URL with http works perfectly for me.

@Pantheon I have the plug in required issue for the NVR page using the web url. Did you come across a fix during your setup?

All I did was change from using rtsp to http and I used the Web URL tile.

I have some CT bulbs that I am pulling from HUE via CoCoHue. These do have a CT driver, but do not show up ad CT or RGB bulbs in the app. They only show up as Dimmable bulbs. Any idea what could be wrong ?

I remember reading that you had a fix to preserve the scroll position after exiting a folder-- did it ever get deployed?

Anyone else having an issue with the dashboard staying live? It seems after a few hours that the Fire HD lock screen comes up (or the dasboard app just minimizes and the home screen shows) and I have to swipe up and then tap the dashboard app again. It may be a Fire HD setting, but all of my pads are doing it.