[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

I was refering to my issue with the backup not working @LosinIt sorry don't know anything to help with your issue.

Ah, my bad. I didn't check which post you were replying to. :roll_eyes:

Here is how to clear cache in silk though. Tap Silk Browser to open the web browser. Go to Menu > Settings > Privacy. Tap Clear browsing data. Make sure Browsing history, Cache, and Cookies, Site data are selected. Don't know if it will help only use my phone for my home automation.

Thanks! And that did it, I now have 1.0.2449

I updated my tablet and it worked. Did you update in-app (about -> check for updates)? If you're trying to update the app manually when you had installed it via Google Play originally it might not allow that.. anyway, if it was installed via Google Play try force closing it and seeing if it detects the update available. It does take some time though

Never used Google Play with this device but I did originally install from the Fire Store. I had to delete that version before the APK I got from your site would install.

Anyway, I now have 2449 but it fails when trying to save the log to the hub. It worked with earlier versions.

I did see the motion sensor in the Events log though.

Looking at the log within your app and at the Verbose setting I see the motion sensor go active with the following entries:

update: Tablet Motion Sensor (2029) key:motion, value:active (was inactive)
onDeviceUpdateEvent: WAKE:false, 2029,  changed:["motion"]

Buit it did not wake the app.

@jpage4500 is this expected behavior for a OpenWeatherMap-Alerts Weather Driver device tile inside a folder? I am using the mytyle display option.

thanks - that's helpful. That's the right device and the app did get an event.

I look at the device type of that device and get it's key attribute which for a motion sensor is "motion". But, the fact that WAKE=false I think means this device type isn't a motion sensor.. that's all I can find. Can you check if this device is set to a different device type? ie: maybe some other contact sensor?

onDeviceUpdateEvent: WAKE:false, 2029,  changed:["motion"]

The idea was to prevent random attribute updates from waking up the app.. for example, if that motion sensor's battery or temperature changed every few minutes I didn't want the app to wake.

looks like I don't handle the weather device type on a folder cover.. I don't handle every device type - usually the ones that would be hard to display that small. I'm not sure why it displays that HTML code though.. I'll take a look. Worst case I could probably display the current temp on the folder cover

EDIT: @JediRed - what is the device type for this device? It looks like it should already display the current temp if it's the weather device type.

Ahh.. the Fire Store must do the same thing -- prevent apps from being updated outside from it. I haven't updated HD+ in the Fire App store in a while because it's such a PITA.. I probably should though as it doesn't change as much as it used to

And you think correctly! It was a "battery" device type and I never noticed because I'd hidden the tile as soon as I added it. D'oh! Changed type to "motion" and it works perfectly.

Joe, I think you may have not noticed this

I'd rather get it from your repository anyway.

BTW, is there a directory/folder of the various versions somewhere? It seems to me that I wanted to downgrade at some point and I didn't find previous versions anywhere.


I've used the HD+ app for white a while. (It's an alternative dashboard for Hubitat)

Although I haven't completely verified this... In the past couple of days it seems like when i start up the app it TURNS OFF one of more switches as it starts up! Never did that before.

Now it could be a display issue -- perhaps the switch was actually off but the initial display as the app starts up shows it ON, then it updates status and shows it OFF (so it looks to me like HT+ turned it off. I will have to experiment some more. Reason it's not so clear is the one it seems to affect the most is a virtual switch (so there isn't an actual device I can observe)

Posting this just in case anyone else has seen this... In over a year using HD+ I've never seen this behavior...

Instead of starting a net-new thread, it's recommended to post questions about community-developed apps/drivers in their respective (existing) thread -- that way, the dev and fellow users are more likely to see it, and it keeps that thread a central cumulation of info.

[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard - :gear: Custom Apps and Drivers / Custom Apps - Hubitat

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I looked for such a place but failed to see it. Is there a way to move this to the appropriate thread?

The community Search tool (upper right corner) works very well -- that original thread was the first hit when I searched for "HD+"

One of the mods or ambassadors may be able to move your question over, or you could just copy/paste the question itself over into that thread.

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moved :slight_smile:

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I'm guessing you're using "HTML" as the device type, right in order to display the 'myTile' attribute? I was able to get this tile displayed like what you have.

However, oddly when in a folder this is what I see:

I'm not sure how to reproduce what you're seeing though

For HTML tiles there's really no good way to show them on the folder cover since that can be really small.