[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

It will still work if using fully kiosk right? I forgot that your apk auto updates, I'm dumping the Google version ASAP anyways and just use the APK.

If it can still be done by using the direct apk, I'll happily delete it from Google and go back to that. I was always on the apk but at some point I've accidentally ended up on the Play Store version.

I've switched to the apk. Does HD+ have a way to auto-check for updates of the apk?

I think Google Play will automatically scan for apps that exist on your device and will update them even if you didn't install via Google Play. At least if you're logged-in on Google Play. I personally don't even login to Google Play on my wall mounted tablets since they're pretty much dedicated devices.

If you are logged-in to Google Play the other way to prevent it from auto-updating is by finding the app in the Play Store -> overflow menu -> uncheck "Enable auto updates"

I'll try to push an update today and see if I can get the beta version updating again

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version 1.0.2275 (beta)

  • move QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES permission to non-google play version of app
  • show tile size on multi-select dialog in folder
  • minor updates to pollen tile
  • minor updates to device copy
  • update unlock icon
  • if auto return home option is enabled, also scroll screen to top
  • don't return home when in edit mode

Most of these changes are pretty minor.. the big one is removing a permission which Google Play doesn't allow apps use anymore without a lot of back and forth trying to explain why it's needed. It's still used in the direct apk version of the app though. Existing tiles will still work fine without this permission -- it's only used for populating the application shortcut list. Also, that permission isn't even necessary for older versions of Android so I'd recommend trying it first since it might just work exactly as before.

I updated the unlock icon a little.. it's not perfect but I wanted to make it align better:
image (was: image)

There's a few small changes to the "Auto Home" feature, which is meant to return the screen to the main dashboard if you leave a popup or folder open. I changed it so it'll also scroll the screen to the top (I have kids that sometimes scroll down and don't move back up). The auto home feature won't do anything though if you're in EDIT mode.


version 1.0.2279 (beta)

  • Set Timer feature will now work even if HD+ isn't running

This is a small change that was requested a while back -- you could set a timer on a device before (light or switch) and the device would turn ON/OFF at the given time. However previously it only worked while the app was running.. so good for an always on dashboard but bad for a phone where the app isn't always running. I updated this so now it'll work even if the app isn't running.

I also documented it here


Hi Joe. This is a great feature! Can't wait to try it out. I just got the previous beta update notification.

Do you know how long it usually takes between the time you publish and it becomes available in the app store?

Had anybody else experienced catastrophic failure? My hub is working because my automations are working but my phone isn't tracking state nor can I control anything. Just happened, updated app via Google Play, still same problem.

I recently started experiencing 1 smart plug that doesn't track the correct state for some reason. I haven't had time to do much troubleshooting. I have quite a few Zwave and Zigbee devices that are working fine with app though.

I am finding that my Kasa Switches rarely display the state in HD+

I have a lot of Kasa switches and outlets.. they're so cheap it's too hard to pass up. I've never had a problem with the state showing up incorrectly in HD+ -- but first check that the state is up-to-date in Hubitat since that's the source. If the Hubitat shows 1 thing and HD+ shows something else -- then we can start to narrow it down.

I'm also still using the now-deprecated driver and not the built-in version. I'm not sure if that matters at all but just FWIW.

side-note, I'm not a fan of having drivers like this get moved from a community app to built-in.. why? because now they can't get updated without a Hub update.. kind of like how Safari (iOS browser) can't be updated without a new OS update.. just seems like it's not going to end well. Plus, now there's no dedicated community forum with ideas/suggestions and changes listed from the author.

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I haven't had anything out-of-sync in a while -- and I've been doing lots of testing the last week. Maybe I'm not using the same devices though or something else is different from your setup.

I will say recently I decided to re-create my dashboard layout and keep it in sync with a few devices. So, I logged-out on 1 device and logged in again, basically starting over from scratch. I don't have too much customization so it didn't take long to get back to where I wanted. I also wanted as many devices to be defined on the Hub as possible so I didn't have to add local tiles as much.

Anyway, that is to say maybe there's an issue with dashboards that were created long ago. One worry I'd have is that Hubitat re-uses device ID's at some point which would create an issue with devices staying in sync.

Good point - the devices are not showing the correct state on the device page.
Will have to investigate further

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The new unlocked icon differences are pretty subtle, sometimes slip right by my old eyes. :face_with_peeking_eye:

Maybe add a bigger keyhole at ninety degrees as well... or...? :man_shrugging:

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Unlocked a different color or shading?

Yeah I prefer the old ones too. I have my locks on separate tiles so the alignment didn’t bother me. I do already have the tile turn red when the door is unlocked.

@jpage4500 I'm not sure what was changed lately but every time I touch my phone's dashboard the whole dashboard slides down slightly making the off screen. This happened like 6 months ago and you fixed it somehow.

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yeah I hear ya.. it is harder to spot at a glance. I made the unlocked version yellow so I could tell at a glance but I'll think about changing it back.

Hola amigo, cómo se haría para en un mismo mosaico agregar dos o tres iconos? Me gustaría que me mostrase el estado de una ventana que tengo dos sensores juntos ,no por mosaico separado

Another option for your consideration. :smiley:
