[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

Continuing the discussion from [RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard:

I am not able to change icons or the color of tiles. Don't know if i am doing something wrong or what. I have updated to latest (version 1.0.1945 (beta). Running on Amazon fire 7 (2022). Also is there a way to add additional user codes for HSM? Thank you for a great program!

What is the recommended version for Wink Relays running android 4.3?

1.0.1770 is the latest version I tried that works on the Relay.

This app is fantastic! Thank you so much for your hard work.

Any chance of an IOS port? (The better half of my family insists on the fruit).

Thanks again!

I hear iAndroid works really well. Haven't tried it though.

Oddly enough, I have not had any time issues in the last 36 hours.

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Thanks. I managed to track down 1.0.1822 and it runs well, though it took a lot of trial and error to get things to not sit on top of each other.

Fantastic App @jpage4500 !

Have you ever consider making geofencing a separate app? Not that the full app is not interesting but I already have my HE dashboards for a while. I would also consider installing geofencing on my kids devices without giving them to much control.

Feature request: multi-zone.
Exemple use-cases:

  • turn ON heating when leaving office, turn ON porche lights only when arriving in the street
  • lock doors when outside of leaving the house (small radius), set Away mode when outside of the neighborhood (larger radius). So the house doesn't turn to away mode when just taking a walk.
  • Turn OFF the water heater when arriving to cottage (away for the weekend)

isn't that what Rules are for? I'm a bit toasty but Geofencing in the HE world has always been hit or miss. hate to see a great app get funky... still... I'm a bit toasty so ...

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You'd have to have the option to set multiple geofence "places" which I don't think the app can currently do.

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I spoke too soon. I had the time error again this morning.

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All apps I know only allows to define one geofence (one pin + one radius) so you only know if you're home/away. What I mean is I'd like to know if I'm home/away but in the neighborhood/far away/at the office... Multiple pin+radius instances.

I'm using owntracks (android) and have multiple locations.

@jshimota beat me to it.. I was going to say OwnTracks is an app that just does geofencing and runs on both Android and iOS. It's a little on the complex side to configure but with the Hubitat driver you can have devices reporting directly to your hub.

I don't personally use this app just because I don't have any good uses cases for it (yet!). The reason I added geofencing to HD+ was really to replace the native Hubitat Android app which wasn't very reliable.

I'm not against supporting multiple locations in HD+ though.. I imagine each one would link to a Hubitat presence device.

I just reproduced this one and have a fix for it. It'll be in the next release

I think I missed this post originally. I just tried and can change icon, background color and icon color. What tile (device type) are you trying to change?

Also is there a way to add additional user codes for HSM?

Do you mean PIN codes? That one might be tricky as I use the same logic to PIN protect any (or all) tiles.

It is the window and door icons that I can't change either color or replace with a different icon.
Yes I was referring to individual pin codes for HSM. Hubitat allows for up to 20 different user codes.
Thanks for a great program!

It is really hard to get the sliding menu to come out when using gesture navigation. Can it be made to slide out if you long press an empty spot or something? I feel like something changed and it used to not be so hard.

I notice that too with the gesture based OS navigation. If you swipe from either side though that's the 'BACK' gesture which will open the nav menu in the app. Swipe again while the menu is open and it will exit the app. I'm doing this now on a Pixel 7 and it's working. Do you have the side gestures set to something other than BACK?

No, swipe from the side is back for me too, I haven't changed it. I'm also on a Pixel 7. I don't get the sliding menu at all when I swipe from the side. I can randomly get it to come up by swiping dozens of times and I have no idea what was different about that one swipe.

I've been using gesture navigation for a long time and used to not have this problem in this app.

EDIT: I actually just figured it out as I was typing this. If I place my finger at the end of the screen and hold it there for about a second, the menu peaks out a little and then if I swipe the menu comes out. I was just able to reliably do this like 8 times in a row.

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