[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

It's weird - I also had that issue maybe a year ago and made sure I fixed it. I haven't noticed it since. Can one or both of you do something to help me narrow this down?

  • do a backup to the Hub (can be anywhere but that's the easiest way)
    • menu -> backup/restore -> save to hub
  • in the hub's filemanager find the file you backed up (NOTE: it'll start with "dashboard-")
  • view this file and search for the date tile (search for "ID-DATE")
  • DM/send me the snippet that looks like this:
            "id": "ID_DATE1",
            "label": "Date \/ Time",
            "prefs": {
                "deviceType": "",
            "attributes": {
                "prevRefresh": "1680018557586",
                "refreshInterval": "30",
                "lastRefresh": "1680018587613",

I want to ensure 2 things:

  • refreshInterval exists and is set to "30"
  • lastRefresh is set to a valid time

if both of these values are valid then the issue has to do with the order of events that your device is sending which must be different than what I'm seeing on my devices. Otherwise, if one of these values is invalid I can ensure they're always valid..

I hadn't had much time lately but this one shouldn't be too difficult.. I'll see if I can get it done today (ideally with a fix for the date/time tile too if possible)

I haven't had the issue in some time. All three of my Fire tabs show the correct time, now.

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version 1.0.1942 (beta)

  • add option to shortcut tile to open folder
  • update calendar icon
  • backup and restore geofence settings

Just a few minor changes in this version including a way to create a shortcut to a folder

sorry for the long delay.. this should also be fixed too. If there's a newline between 2 words like "test1\ntest2" they should be displayed on 2 lines now.

I'm going to make some changes to hopefully make the date/time tile more robust but wanted to get these changes in first


Thank you sir! Much appreciated.

Folder shortcuts work perfectly. Is there a way to identify which shortcut button I pressed? ID number or something similar?

Am i missing something here. I can't figure out a use for folder shortcuts. Someone care to enlighten me?

Is anyone else having time tile issues? I have been running a test dashboard with only a time/date tile. It seems completely random when the time gets stuck and does not update.

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I have a unique dashboard configuration that has several layered folders. It is much easier to return to a default folder with a shortcut than to page back through my folders.


Thank you for the reply. That has given me a great idea using a set of folder shortcuts on the top of the dashboard as well as in each folder. Using the shortcuts should make a "tab" like structure. This us very interesting.


Any one still having problems with clock tile? All 4 of my tablets are freezing?

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I'm not sure why the date tile isn't updating for you -- it's working on my 2 fire tablets and has been for months. But that said I'm doing some refactoring now and paying specific attention to the date/time tile. I just need some time to test everything out before I do an update

Thanks m8, All tabs are android. I’ll check if my fire tab does the same? Wonder if could be android??

In the [Stay Awake] options, although the primary on/off time works fine, I can't get the secondary screen on/off time to work. I can type in the secondary on and off times, but when I'm returned to the previous screen [Screen On Times], the secondary time [On/Off Time (2)] is blank. Are you able to replicate the error? Any suggestions? (Using 1.0.1942) Thanks!

version 1.0.1945 (beta)

  • refactor tile refreshing logic

This one is internal but I changed the way tiles refresh - making it more efficient.

I've also tested on several other devices such as a Samsung S20, S10 and Google Pixel too.

I can use help testing this update since I couldn't reproduce the issue myself. If you are able to still reproduce this I do have some additional logging that would help me - but it's not enabled by default so let me know and I'll post instructions on how to get them

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I'll try it out

Thank you, can I help in anyway? Or do I need to keep me eye on time now ?

Me too!

Hopefully everything will just work! But, if you do see any issues please let me know and I'll keep at it. I did post a guide on some more advanced logging that -- as long as if sent not long after the issue occurs -- should help me understand.