[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

I have a guide to get it here: https://joe-page-software.gitbook.io/hubitat-dashboard/support/support-feedback#new-device-support

You can also send a device log which should contain the device details too: https://joe-page-software.gitbook.io/hubitat-dashboard/support/support-feedback#sending-a-device-log

Interesting. When i go to MakerAPI, and click on get full details, I get:
No response from hub

Do you have a lot of devices added to MakerAPI?

This is the behaviour I see on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite running Android 12. Works fine on my phone.

Yeah, plenty of devices.

I have not spent a lot of time trying to do this, so maybe there is a way. If I want a device on a dashboard more than once... how do I do it? Like if I have a device that has temperature and humidity and I want to display both.... how do I add the device a second time?

Right click on the device you want to copy, press "Edit", then select "Copy device".

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You can get some strange results when moving tiles and copies in/out of folders. My preferred method when I have a device that I want both on the main dashboard and in a folder.

  • Move original devices to their folders
  • In that folder create the copy
  • Go back to the main dashboard, manage folder items and deselect the ‘copy of’ devices. That will move them to the main screen.

A couple of points that may help. Be careful how you name the copy when complete. If it’s the same as the original, next time you ‘manage folder items’ there’s no way of knowing which is the original and which is the copy. When in edit mode the original has a ‘hide’ option while the copy has a ‘remove’ option.

Also make sure you have all of your devices in their folders or on the main dashboard before adding any empty spacer tiles. Using ‘Manage folder items’ and deselecting a tile from a folder will also remove all the spacer tiles from that folder to the main dashboard. You’ll then need to delete the unwanted spacers from the main dashboard before going back to your folder, putting it in edit mode and recreating/placing each spacer. It’s easiest to avoid that occurrence in the first instance.

The above information applies where you want to copy a device and have it in more than one location. If you're just copying a device in order to show a different attribute (and both original and copy will remain on the main dashboard), then the above won't necessarily affect you.

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version 1.0.1899 (beta)

  • fix thermostat control issue
  • add option to use fixed text size on string tiles
  • add option for analog clock
  • change name to "HD+"

The biggest change here is renaming the app from Hubitat Dashboard to "HD+". I know neither one is super original but I'm trying to avoid any confusion between this app and the built-in Hubitat Dashboard and hopefully "HD+" will do that.

For text-only tiles I added an option to change the text size. By default the text will 'auto-fit' the space but this option will override that. It's just a per-tile setting right now

There's an option on the date/time tile now to show an analog clock if anyone's interested in that

This should be fixed now too


First I really love this app and wouldn't trade it for any other.
I was running it on a 7" android tablet, but my eyes are not what they used to be. I upgraded to an 11" Acer flip-style Chromebook, which looks great without my glasses. I only have one piece I can't get to work, and that's viewing a security camera. It works fine on my Samsung phone on the same wifi same config. On the Chromebook, it connects for a couple of seconds then drops with "reconnecting in 5 seconds". I even tried a new Lenovo Chromebook and got the same results. Looks like it's not the network, config, or camera since it works on my phone. Has anyone been able to get a camera view on a Chromebook? I think it's something in the Chrome OS. I even gave the app full permission for everything.

Really, really loving this option! This creates a much more unified look across tiles, and really gives a screen with many text tiles of different sizes a very sleek, professional look.

However, this also made me realize that a whole number of my text-only tiles are displaying custom attributes.

Are you considering expanding this feature to custom attributes as well? Because that would fantastic!

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This is a great improvement, that I've been hoping for. I have a screen that has several screen width variable tiles showing, that change to show the next event in a series (using the Daily Reminder app by theBearmay). As the tiles are a common width, but the content between them varies greatly, it always looked a bit strange/in your face large. I've ran the update on one of four tablets and I can now set the text in those tiles to match one another and normalise the view.

As @Shenanigans has mentioned, it would be great if this could be extended to custom attributes. I also have numerous tiles of type 'custom' that reference one specific attribute of a device. It would be great if we could match those as well, so that text based tiles are uniform across the board.

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I confirm that problem with thermostat is resolved!
I don't want to start debating but I preferred the old name. HD+ reminds me of an IPTV application. :wink:

Yep, it's next up. I tried adding it originally but it didn't work/look good when you had multiple custom values picked. Are your text-only tiles showing a single value or multiple?


lol.. I tried thinking of new names but really couldn't come up with anything.. naming is definitely not my strength!

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version 1.0.1903 (beta)

  • enable text size for custom device type

Just a small change on this one - I enabled changing text size for custom device types:


#epic Thank you :pray:

This is fantastic!

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So I've got a follow-up question/ask regarding text sizes: would it be possible to also allow changing the text size for folders if a folder displays text-only content?

Asking because on my phone, the tiles currently looks like this:

Android 'Dasher Plus'?

Re text sizes, as some on here know, I write custom tiles for my needs. - either modding existing apps or building the tile myself:

I have always wanted the ability to adjust font/text size - so much so I have a library that I add to existing drivers from other devs' so I can gain control internally to the tile data.

EG; in the Notification tile driver - i've modded it to include hex color (and opacity), size as a percentage and word position. This allows me the control customization I actually need. My point, dear reader if you're still with me, is that I think care should be taken about just tossing 'text size' on tiles without a little discussion of impact, loss vs gain and what other options need/should go in, in conjunction with the feature - I'm all for it, btw!! not that my opinion should matter but it has been a desired feature since it is one of the greatest shortcomings tiles should be used to fix!

*update - for example, a 2 digit temperature is larger than a temp with a tenths position. Drives me bonkers...

This is solvable - if the tile controls have the ability to choose 'em' or 'px'.

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