[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

the whole timing issue of this I'm not very clear on - it may have been happening for a long time, I don't monitor temps very closely - I just recently needed to manage an AC unit and created a control and it all got flagged. Maybe copied devices in HDA somehow interact with RTSP update timing functions? I know my recent Radar worked for a day or two then stopped - no doubt also being looked into by @jpage4500...

This app is awesome! I can't believe I haven't used it in the 18 months I've had Hubitat.

Has anyone embedded grafana charts into a tile? There's an option for sharing charts from grafana using an iframe or a url, but when I paste the link into a web tile, I get a page load error saying the browser may not be supported.

I can't get RTSP working. I have a camera that I can stream via an RTSP app I found on Google Play, but when I tried adding a Video tile with that access url, I couldn't touch it or it crashed HDA. That meant I couldn't even delete the tile lol I had to restore from a backup! I tried using a normal web tile too but it gave me the same result as it does on Chrome, basically it thought I wanted to search instead of actually opening the page

Make sure you are not in 'cloud' mode; if you are not on your local LAN you will not see the hub as a backup destinaton.

To be honest I don't seem to notice the sync issues with copies as often as I used to, likely because I stopped looking for them lol.

More flexibility in setting tile text sizes would be a nice enhancement. And maybe a way to force "- 0" to display as just "0" on my freezers temp tile. Just about all of my other wish list items have already been incorporated into this awesome app.

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version 1.0.1562 (beta)

  • support multiple video drivers
  • screen saver wakes up only by the primary attribute of the device type.. ie: motion sensor = 'contact'
  • allow android tv remote to adjust thermostat
  • Android TV: fix moving devices using remote

I spent a lot more time on streaming video.. I've now got 3 different sources of video to test with which helps. That said - I've found video streaming to be quite painful! I'm not a streaming expert but I've tried to learn as much as I could.. still, there's only a few different video 'drivers' that exist for Android which do this efficiently and none of them seem to support everything. Plus, not every device supports every video codec.

I spent this iteration trying to make the app flexible and make sure it's clear when any issues occur with the video stream. It'll still be something that needs tweaking but I think it's better than before.

To start, I added a new video 'driver' which seems to be the jack of all video drivers - Exoplayer. In total, there's 3 different video streaming drivers now and you can choose which one to use in the edit device dialog.

  • ExoPlayer -- this one has worked MUCH better for my Reolink RTSP video feed.. according to this page it supports a TON of video formats. But, it doesn't support the RTSP video from my hacked Yi camera or MJPEG video from IP Webcam.
  • MJPEG - this is what I've been using for MJPEG video for a while and it's worked pretty well for me
  • RTSP - this is the driver I've been using for RTSP video before

I was able to get 3 different video streams going at the same time and didn't see any connection issues.. at least for the 15 or so minutes I left it running. Of course, time will tell how they hold up over a longer period but feel free to send me logs if you run into any issues

Hmm.. yeah that's a problem. I think I noticed the crash a while back and fixed it but just pushed the latest version now - 1562. Hopefully that will let you delete it.

Thank you for the reply.
I will give it a try and let you know!

This should be fixed with the latest version -- sorry about that! I hadn't checked this thread in a few days but am spending as much time as I can working on streaming video support so hopefully it'll get better.

I'm still undecided if I really want my wall mounted tablets to show live video or to just have them show an image/snapshot which auto-updates every few seconds.. video streaming takes up a lot of resources (network, battery, CPU) and 90% of the day I'm not looking at it anyway.

I'd like to get to a point where I can click on the snapshot/image and then it'll start streaming the video from my camera.. that's on my TODO list


I'll get to the bottom of this.. just to be sure, is this on one of the newer versions of the app? I know 2 versions ago I made a change relating to updating device copies.

FWIW - I've got 2 tablets running all day long and 1 of them has recently been 'frozen' in the sense that the date or devices aren't updating. It's only happening to 1 of my tablets so it's a little weird but nothing helps fixing a bug then having to look at it often :slight_smile:

I checked and that option (save to hub) doesn't show up when you're running the app in 'cloud mode'. Is that possible? The way I'm saving files to the hub you have to be on your local network

Or, is the option showing up but not working?

Well come on!!! Get to it!!! Fix the problems!!!!

HAHAHAHAHA.. :rofl: :joy: :joy:
I hope you know I am joking, because I am!
You have done a FANTASTIC job with this app, and judging by all the posts (over 3000!!!!), this is a VERY handy app that you created!
I also am impressed and respect your responsiveness to all the questions that have been asked, and the speed your resolve the problems!

I just wanted to post this because I, for one, REALLY appreciate all your hard work and devotion to this great app!

Keep up the fantastic work!
Thank You

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Image tiles sounds like the best option for most applications. :+1:

Just to add, most of the time I just want to click on the image tile and see a bigger image, but there are times when it would be nice to have another step (click something?) that would go from the large image to the cameras video stream.

Thanks again for this great app. :star_struck:

My vote would be for RTSP streaming video. Please correct me if I'm wrong but I can set the stream fps on most cameras. (Not WyzeCam, they just chunk it out at 15fps and I think that may be one of the biggest problems with their RTSP stream. - Overload.) Don't video streams only put out the changed pixel groups, not the entire picture whereas snap shots always put out the entire frame?? it seems like video streams at controlled fps would be less overhead on the local network. I'm not sure what that does to the overhead in the android device. That's probably a different story? Anyway the 2fps off of my shiny new Reolink E1 Pro seems to work very well through tinycam. I'll let you know how RTSP works straight into the dasboard app when I get it working. Looking forward to trying out the new Rev.

heya - about says I'm on 1.0.1548. I check for updates every day or so - pretty sure I'm current on the beta.

Yup, it was set to cloud. Thanks

Tried out the latest Video tile (RTSP) and this time it responded without crashing the app. What happened is that it would go into a red spinning circle for about a minute then settle into a still image of what the camera can see.

If it seems like something that's happening now and wasn't before then it might have been a bug I introduced a few versions back. I'll look at what I did again and try to figure it out.

That's a good question. Yes I believe any video streaming uses some kind of compression to only send the differences/changes between images. I'm not sure it'd be less overhead than refreshing an image every 30 or 60 seconds but I guess it depends too on if there's any movement going on and such.. I know my camera is pointed at the front of the house and there's a tree moving in the wind nearby.

Anyway, my Reolink camera offers 2 RTSP URL's - one is a high-res video and the other is much lower-resolution which would be good enough for a small dashboard tile. It would seem like a good feature to be able to use the high resolution URL when the tile is viewed full-screen too
