[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

fixed in next update

I tried creating some tiles using this a long time ago and wasn't really able to master it.. I probably just need to spend more time understanding it and/or have something specific in mind to try and create. Anyway, from what I remember there was 2 different paths: if the HTML was < 1024 chars the entire HTML would be contained in the device attribute. Otherwise, a URL is provided which points back at the Hub app.

I'm guessing in your case this is the URL path and there's some css style reference in there. Is that what's not being loaded from what you can tell?

HD+ uses a WebView which should be able to display included css but it's possible there's something in there that's not supported. Not sure I can fix it but the the best place to start is for me to reproduce it first. I haven't had a lot of free time in a while so if you or anyone can help me come up with the simplest way to reproduce the issue that'll be a big help.

I haven't checked in a while but I do see a Blink driver update. I'll test it out - maybe something changed

I just tested this and it worked for me; If you're seeing an error can you send me a device log?

07-04 12:55:05.829	com.jpage4500.hubitat.debug	16820	17383	D	HD_CustomInterceptor	 31) GET	
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I added this for the next update

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version 1.0.2457 (beta)

  • when app starts but before syncing with hub, dim icons
  • increase calendar date font
  • fix share file to hub
  • when changing icons/colors/sounds, default to current state (open/closed) and not always open state
  • fix plural description of several device types (ie: Owntracks, Battery, etc)
  • allow drag and drop folder into another folder

Just sent the log by email


Hi @jpage4500 - sorry for the delayed response. I appreciate how fast you are to respond - being the 4th, the BBQ was at work and so was I!

I had always hoped you and he would see the synergy of connecting. While your app is the best in class for dashboards, he is the equivalent for tiles. His CSS is ninja.

You're basic understanding is correct. @garyjmilne uses extremely efficient and optimized CSS to do massive work for the user, and that CSS can get heavy given the limitation of HE. He keeps tiles under 1024 generally, but still relies on an external CSS template in certain cases.

This is the spot things break - in HE dashboards there is the css tab and HE lets us mod dashboard tiles there. Gary takes advantage of this and provides a css template that needs to ride in on the dashboard. In your product, there doesn't seem to be a way I can copy in a CSS template that can be applied. A 'user.css' file that carries into the HD+ dashboard - that I can copy paste CSS into. In Gary's template that file can be 10-12K in size.
With it, his tile optimization clicks, without it, certain tile stuff - the really cool stuff - doesn't function on your dashboard.

Whether by tile, or just a general way - I wonder if it was possible for your configuration to allow the user to drop in and tweak css - like some form of HD+dashbard.css for the dashboard itself, or a tile specific css template ala tile.css or something like that.

His tool is more a set of tools. For advanced users (the nice name he gives us folks that have donated) we have extended an feature set and a package of tools for creating tiles - snipped right from his app:
Tile Builder has five types of tile:
1) Activity Monitor: Generates a table containing data for activity\inactivity using the lastActivityAt attribute. These tiles are refreshed at routine intervals.
2) Attribute Monitor: Generates a table containing data for multiple devices\single attribute into a single tile. For example, all room temps on a single tile.
3) Multi Attribute Monitor: Generates a table containing data for multiple devices\multiple attributes into a single tile. For example, indoor temperature, humidity, AC\Heat status and weather in a single tile.
4) Rooms: Generates a graphical layout of Icons representing devices within a room. Icons change appearance depending on the state of the device.
5) Grid: Generates a Grid of Data up to 5 columns wide with freedom of placement for Data. Tile Builder Advanced Users only.
6) Thermostat: Generates an attractive alternative to the Hubitat built-in thermostat control. Tile Builder Advanced Users only.

I rely on his first 3 tool types to clean and condense HD+ to my needs. I wanted to condense further recently and created a Kitchen tile - a room tile as described above. His tiles are incredible. Efficient, beautiful, and effective. Have you seen his new Thermostat? omg. its a work of art! and you and he often seem to overlap your work in certain ways.

I recognize I'm a singular voice, but I suspect I'm not the only one that would love to extend his tiles into my HD+. I don't use HE dashboards - just yours. So I'm always looking to improve my environment with your amazing features. This just takes it to another level.

I'd like to report a bug. This is something I noticed several months ago (like maybe March or April) and took screenshots, but never posted about it. There have been a couple of app updates I think and at least 1 major HE platform update since. But I had the issue reoccur recently.

Sometimes the state of a device the dashboard shows can be out of sync with what HE and even the app itself says the state is. I've had this happen with ceiling fans and my garage door (which is the one that prompted me to post this). What happened originally was I saw in the dashboard the garage door was open, so I closed it. My wife came in the room a few minutes later and asked why I just opened the garage. I was a little confused, but went and checked, and sure enough the garage door was open and the app was showing closed. So the next time this happened, I made sure to get some screenshots.

This is the tile on the dashboard showing the garage is open. I could turn lights on and off with no issue. I could toggle the same lights physically and see that status update on the dashboard. It was only the garage door out of sync.


These two show that HE knew the garage door was closed, and then I checked the details from the tile on the dashboard, even the app knew the garage was closed, which explains the door opening the first time. If it had sent a close command nothing would have happened, so it clearly knew it was closed and the toggle told it to send an open command. So it seems to be purely a visual bug, but could potentially be bad if someone was not at home, thought their garage door was open when it was actually closed, and then opened it thinking they were closing it.

Two things of note

  • This has only ever happened on devices that don't immediately toggle and have the little window that opens up to select a state. It's basically just a confirmation window. At some point the garage door confirmation window changed from having a separate open and close button (like how a fan has a separate on/off button) to a single button.
  • Swiping the app away and reopening it causes the initial sync to happen and fixes the state. Manually refreshing by pulling down on the tiles does not.

I am on Android 14 (AP2A.240605.024) and my app version is 1.0.2436

Joe, thank you for your amazing work! I just started using HD+ for my new home, on both mounted screens and as a mobile app.

I have a feature request: I have a number of window shades in my home that have only two states: Open and Closed. Would it be possible for you to create a simplified Window Shade device type or configuration option that removes the 25%, 50%, and position slider? When tapped, it would just have an Open and Close option. The current device type works properly, but contains all of that extraneous information. Tapping on any of those options doesn't do anything, so it is confusing for folks here. Maybe you could call the device type "Window Shade Simplified"? Alternately, you could add configuration options for window shades that enable the elimination of these extra controls.

I imagine that besides situations like mine where a device lacks those attributes, other folks would benefit from options to remove features they don't use.

Thanks for considering this!

I think I have seen something similar to @waterboysh . What I have seen is with light switches that get physically changed. Most of the time everything works fine, but sometimes the state gets out of sync with reality. Someone flips a physical light switch and HD+ stops reflecting the correct state.

Pulling down to refresh doesn't correct the mismatch between indicated and actual state. If I toggle twice (for example if light says off when it is on: turn HD+ switch to On, then to Off) the indicated state and actual state will be both correct.

I haven't tried completely closing HD+ to see what happens. I also didn't log directly into the hub to see what it thinks is the state. I'll try both of those next time I observe the issue.

I've got two RTSP streaming cameras in HD+. The thumbnail on the tile updates in real time. Will HD+ still be connecting to the camera in the background if I replace the icon for the tile with a static image, or will it only make the connection when I click on the tile to open it up? (Concerned about bandwidth usage over WiFi as well as the performance impact on my feeble little tablet as I may increase the number of cameras on the dashboard significantly.)

I found that when using a static image as the icon, the tile will get the title "Video" with no possibility that I've found to change "Video" to something else. Would it be possible to get the ability to edit the title of the tile?

I'm trying to think though the issue to see where the problem could be.. the line above is something I'm curious about. I would expect to always see 2 options: open and close when you click on a garage door. What does the single button say?

I do have 2 garage doors but I'm using a non-standard device driver which is basically just a couple of tilt sensors (I have myQ which doesn't really work with Hubitat). Anyway, while I can't test it I should be using the garageDoorControl capability for your driver.

Can you send me the full JSON from MakerAPI for this device? I don't need all devices but this page shows how.

If there's a bug somewhere I'll get it fixed!

This really is odd as a pull to refresh should do the same full sync as starting the app..

1 last question -- what version of the app are you running?

I see (well, not exactly but I'm starting to get an idea at least).. so there's some css code that needs to be injected manually in the native Hubitat dashboards? I haven't ever tried that but I'll see if I can do it just so I'm familiar with how it works.

css injection likely can be done with the WebView Android UI widget though I haven't done it either.

Anyway, I can't promise anything but I'll spend time figuring this out and if there's a way to get it added I'll do it

FWIW - I was lucky enough to be asked to do some testing with @garyjmilne - he's legit brilliant, communicates well and just like you, responsive and communicative without talking down. I have zero doubt he can answer any questions I can't. I"m ever hopeful you can find a breakthough that opens a new door to extended features for us! (I honestly believe that 'injected' css as you put it can apply to many other features, tiles and functions you already are doing for us).
*** Edit - I'd like to add, his documentation is incredible too. ***

For anyone else that might not know what I'm talking about, when you tap on a ceiling fan, this happens and you select on or off.

The garage door used to do the exact same thing, but open/close instead of on/off. But for a while now it just pops up a bigger version of the button that works as a toggle. Because I know you'll ask... if I go to edit and choose click action, I have prompt selected. I do not have "Toggle On/Off" selected, which I assume will just immediately toggle the garage door, which I do not want.

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This was so minor that I wasn't going to bring it up but since someone has I'll say that I see the same thing with my Gdoors occasionally. Although for me it's slightly different; a door that I have closed manually (I haven't noticed if it happens when I open the door but I've never specifically looked then either) may never update on the app. However, in my case, I can touch it on the app, then press the pop-up toggle button and the app will immediately update the tile but will not affect the door. Since it does seem to be a little more than just my experience, if/when it happens again I will gather more data to see if it helps.

Yes, same - I prefer it the other way.

I see what you're saying.. that's just the device detail screen which is usually displayed when you long-press on a device or click a device that doesn't have some action.

Anyway, I found the issue and it'll be fixed in the next release. It was specific to garage doors


Confirmed working for me too.

Is there any way to have the radar map show a more zoomed in view?

I noticed (NOT concerned mind you!) that there seems to be inconsistencies with device status.
In numerous cases, its Uppercase first letter, followed by lower case. For the record, thats my standard personally!
Conversely, there are many tiles with all lower case.
so - 'Disarmed, Present, On, Off, Active' are very common on my tiles, but some are:
'closed (Garage door), On / present (an xbee usb dongle, Mode tile), devices (battery Monitor)'.

I think it's called Cameling. Maybe a great feature to have (Like HD+ needs more features!) would be an optional right corner attribute configuration in the general settings? All lower, all Upper, Upper first etc... then future work you do won't care!

Have I ever mentioned how devoted I am to this app/tool? I use it constantly - couldn't begin to live without it!

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Not a fan of this. I have to refresh my dashboard twice each time I open the app just to get away from the dim.