[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

could you send me a device log? The only things that pop in my head are:

  • hubitat web service temporarily down (but there'd be lots of other people also not able to connect remotely if that's the case)
  • cloud token not valid
  • MakerAPI not responding to the request.. if you have a lot of devices this could be possible although HD+ should adjust to work-around it (in the newer beta versions)

Yes, set to auto. I get a notice that cloud mode is enabled when logging in and confirmed it in settings. I tried removing the app and re-adding. Really struggling why I'm having trouble

You want logs for a device or the app? I turned on logging for the app and it only says finddevice/deviceitemcalled ect.

I removed the app and re-added with only 3 devices. No luck.

Sorry, I usually send this link to help get device logs

Before you get them, please first enable debug mode. There's a section in the link above about how to do that. Then, just reproduce the issue (ie: refresh in cloud mode) and send the logs.. you can email them to me from your phone or upload them to the hub (in local mode) and fetch/send from there


Received - and I see an http:504 response coming back from an individual device request. I just recently had been dealing the 504 errors and learned that cloud mode can only return 128k per request (link)

But, I can't imagine a single device request like the one below would be that large. I'll reply to your email with the full link -- see if you can view it.

07-02 15:37:47.712 18813 28502 E HD_CustomInterceptor: HTTP_ERROR: 59) http:504 10268ms https://cloud.hubitat.com/api/SNIP/apps/1077/devices/716, RESP:null
07-02 15:37:47.712 18813 27468 E HD_HubitatManager: onFailure: Garage Door, 716, RetrofitErrorEvent(errorCode=504, errorMessage=No response from hub)

Ok I feel dumb.

I went to Google home and noticed all of the devices I share with it are unavailable. I reboot the hub and both Google home and remote access for hd+ are available.

So weird that the time I want to access hd+ remotely is when my hub loses internet access. Weird.

Thanks for the help and looking forward to using the app!

I've never tried playing a video inside a web/html tile. It does seem like Android's WebView doesn't work well with video though as I found this project which tries to fix that.

Do you have any example's I can try?

version 1.0.2088 (beta)

  • add option to select multiple devices and perform actions on them (hide/move)
  • support self-signed SSL connections for local IP cameras
  • fix showing images in folder
  • BACK button in folder will show nav drawer first, then back out to main dashboard

The biggest change in this version is allowing multiple tiles to be selected. This can be done in Edit mode, click on the middle (chekbox) icon. Right now you can only hide multiple tiles or move them into a folder but I can add other actions later.

I also found and fixed a couple of issues..

I got a new Reolink camera and the 'image' URL requires https. But, the image wouldn't load for me. It turned out that Android won't accept self-signed SSL certificates like the Reolink camera uses. I made a change so this will load now.

I also noticed that when in a folder I could never open the nav drawer. Someone may have mentioned this before but I don't think I understood it at the time. Anyway, now the BACK key (or swipe) will first open the nav drawer and than a second BACK key will back out of the folder.

Lastly, I noticed when I had multiple images in a folder they wouldn't display on the folder/cover. That should be fixed now too


Can you support the remove option too? Example when my dashboards get out of date I usually grab the up to date copy on my phone but have to remove a ton of shortcut tiles for apps not on my tablets.

It will either hide tiles or remove them depending on the tile type. Devices that are returned from MakerAPI will just be hidden but tiles that you manually add (ie: date/time, HSM, jokes/etc) will be removed.

Currently I have some issues with one Zigbee device via Maker API. Haven't figured out what makes this device so unreliable. However it works fine using directly from Hubitat. Rule Machine works fine, Hubitat, but webCoRE or HD+ don't.
As a workaround I think about using rules to turn the device on and off. Is it possible to execute a Hubitat rule via HD+?

Apologize if this has been brought up. I had over 200 unread messages in this thread since my last visit. I did scan them, but may have missed something. A few days ago the weather icons on my tablets stopped displaying. I see the raw text data with the days, highs, lows, etc. But none of the icons are pulling up. It shows broken image boxes instead.
It looks like they are bring pulled from a tinyurl[.]com link. If I look within my OpenWeather device within HE, I see the icons there, just not on the tablets themselves. Is this an issue with my side or with the HD+ app? I am not seeing any traffic being dropped/blocked in my firewall from either the HE or the tablets.

EDIT: I did a repair on the driver, even though it had been updated through HPM, and the icons started appearing again.

As a workaround I think about using rules to turn the device on and off. Is it possible to execute a Hubitat rule via HD+?

You can create a virtual device (Virtual Switch in this case), use rules to connect its actions to your real device actions and make the virtual device available to HD+.

Option to remove back button from a folder.

Someone mentioned this before and IIRC it even was the case in a past version, but not anymore.
I have some small dashboards, 8 tiles, and it would be great to be able to use all of them for devices/actions.
It is possible to go back from a folder using the Android's back button, so for cases like this, we wouldn't miss the back button at all.


Any chance of implementing timers on switches.

Also, I tried the screen saver and it works for me. Get a blank screen and comes alive no issues when I tap it. Using a Samsung tab. Not sure if we can now add our own screen saver configs.

Lastly, must I change a setting as lights and switches have to be refreshed as they don't show it went on automatically unless I swipe down. Only time it works is when I physically pressed a light ir switch . Any help is much appreciated.

Is there a trick to changing the icon for a folder that contains an HTML page?
When I change the icon in the usual way, the tile remains the same yet when I move back a page the folder that contains this folder shows the new icon when in tiled content display.

Yeah, that must have been broken in an update. The option to remove the back tile is there - just nothing happens. I'll look at it and see if I can put that back.

I did (also) recently make a change so the Android BACK button will first open the nav drawer and then will navigate up to the main dashboard. I needed that because it's almost impossible to open the nav drawer when you're in a folder and have the gesture based navigation enabled (most newer versions of Android use this by default now).

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I just tested and it showed instantly for me. Are you on the same network (local) or using cloud mode? Cloud mode won't show up instantly but should be within 5 seconds (default refresh time).

If you can reproduce this all the time, can you put the app into debug mode and send me a log after reproducing it? Maybe that will explain what's going on

Which weather app/driver are you using? I did notice the OpenWeatherApp driver uses icons from tinyurl and maybe the links expired.. I haven't noticed any issues on mine though.. maybe I already updated the driver last week
