[RELEASE] Geofency Presence

The name and location are case sensitive, so make sure yours match. Unfortunately the iOS app will say successful even if the names are wrong. Also make sure you are using the cloud (not local) url.

Also, if you use a Mac, download the Geofency Mac app. There's a lot more there than just home automation functionality.

Ah ha...silly me. In the webhook URL I used my Hubitat device name, not the "name" defined in the virtual geofency field. Now it works! Thanks.

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I just switched to I phone a week ago and am finally getting around to setting this up. Im very confused on a few things.

  1. DO I also need to use OwnTracks?
    2Looking at the configuration instructions, where do I get those URL's and Access codes from? Is the Access token the the network device ID?

No, the dev also has an OwnTracks integration but it’s unrelated to this Geofency integration.

I’d suggest starting with the instructions in @brianwilson’s GitHub repo, link in the OP, if you haven’t checked there yet.

Thats why I asked, they refer to using Owntracks:

I am working off both and the instructions in the app. not really sure where this URL is coming from , specifically the Access token.

My guess is that’s a copy/paste error, since the OwnTracks instructions are likely almost identical.

I don’t actually use this app, I use the Maker API with Geofency, but I believe it functions essentially the same way.

A hub http endpoint has to be entered into a location you create in the Geofency iOS app. That’s what triggers the Hubitat presence sensor to show was arrived/departed.

I’m assuming this app should give you an http endpoint to copy/paste when you install it on your hub.

The access token is probably created when you enable OAuth in the Hubitat app code.

Ahh this sent me down the right road. I got hung up on the URL in the instructions and didn't read all the way through. Thanks!

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I think i got this working. I might need to tweak a few rules, apps etc. that handled combined presence and swap this out for the android solution I was using. One more question, on my phone, do I need to allow location always and precise location? I feel like I should, but just wanted to make sure.

I would think you need always allow. I have mine set to always allow and precise location and I have seen no significant battery drain, so I don't know if necessary but it's seems like a good idea.

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Definitely both if you want it to work as intended.

that is what I was concerned about, thanks!

You are right. I have updated the docs. Thanks!


I had the same issue and found out If I copied and pasted the URL it would work fine. At first I was scanning the URL and it gave me the error.

I'm struggling with this, and I'm hoping someone can help me out.

It's really the wording here that I'm having a hard time with:
"create a new virtual device of type Geofency Virtual Mobile Presence Device corresponding to each user and location you wish to monitor within Geofency"

If I have 2 users and all I want to do is monitor one location (Home), would I end up with 2, 3 or 4 virtual devices?

I've got one for each user:

But then I need one for each location?
GFLocationHome (and if only one, what user do i put in the "user to track" section?)

Or 2?

Or none at all (Meaning just the 2 user named devices)?

Thank you.

Each presence device is for a user and location. So if you are only monitoring home then you would need 2, one for each user at location home.

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My wife finally made the switch a few weeks ago. Is there anything different about adding a user after the initial setup?

Not unless you have confirmed it works on her phone and properly changes presence state.

If you get a new hub, even if you migrate devices natively, you’ll have to change the URL as cloud URL’s are specific to the hub.

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ohh hadn't even thought of that.. Even if you did the C7 to C8 cloud backup migration? Seems like it's been working on my phone just fine since then, but I also might not have noticed since it is currently part of an aggregate presence sensor. I am hoping to get rid of that altogether.

Yes, even if you do a cloud restore or migration. The GUID in the cloud URL’s is hub specific.

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Humm, I had even thought of that, I'll have to take a look at it. Maybe I got lucky and I actually have it on the C7 that I didn't migrate.