[RELEASE] GE/Jasco Z-Wave Plus Switch Driver

You are using the wrong driver for that device.

Use the enbrighten one.

Thank you thank you!

I have a GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Plus toggle switch (46202/ZW4009). It works fine with the built in GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Smart Switch driver. In order to use association, I switch to GE Z-Wave Plus Switch driver. But I am getting the following warning:

Security light media room received unhandled command: SupervisionGet(statusUpdates:false, sessionID:62, commandLength: 3, commandClassIdentifier: 37, commandIdentifier:3, commandByte:[255]

Is 46202 a supported device?

I switch to GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Plus Switch and everything works fine.

BTW, does association only work with physical paddle? When I turn on a switch by app, the associated switches are not on.

The old model driver does not support security/securely paired devices, as those devices don't support security (so I never bothered adding support for security in the driver). The "Enbrighten" driver does support securely paired devices, though, as you've already seen.

I thought associations were always physical only, but I'll admit I'm not an expert at associations - I don't use them. I prefer to use hub based automations.

@jasonjoel , can I ask you a quick question?

Do you know if there a parameter that can be set so the switch is off, (or on), by default after a power outage?


There isn't that I know of.


I have been using this driver for awhile, but it doesn't seem to be working for double press on my 14291 devices. I previously had tested this and recall it working, but haven't used it recently due to having newer models in most places that I use the double. Any ideas?

The switch (I think that’s the 14291) doesn’t support double from the remote. It simply will never work. Is that your issue?

So I got it working on the same day as your reply. (Sorry it took me so long to respond) I'm really not sure what my issue was. I did notice what you are referring to and I guess this could have been my original issue, but not sure. I have since swapped it with a newer switch in my home that didn't have a remote so that I can double tap the remote switch as well. All seems to be good at the moment. Thank you for the help.

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  • 2.5.0 (09/09/2022) - Added push and doubletap commands to ensure driver doesn't throw an error if the commands are triggered. Required from change in Hubitat 2.2.6 update.

Also updated in HPM.


This driver has been awesome, but now the push and double tap buttons don't seem to work in Hubitat version

I won't be in front of a computer until this weekend. I'll look then.

Are you generating the event by pushing the button in the device detail display, or by generating an event on the physical device?

The driver never really supported using the push or double tap button on the device detail page itself, although I can add that like I have on a few others.

The driver always supported creating push and double tap events when done on the physical device though.

I turned off then back on "Enable debug logging", which now shows 2 buttons.

I thought before that the driver created an additional digital push button which could be used independently of physically touching the device. I use Hubitat with HomeAssistant, and I was looking for a way to push the button when the switch is on, which can allow for additional actions.

Perhaps I've looked at this too long, and I'm going in circles making this more complicated than necessary... let me know if this makes sense.

You can see my Hubitat showing those as sensors rather an actionable buttons.

What is that interface I am seeing? Why does yours look so much different than my Hubitat?

Can someone confirm if the GE dimmer models from 2016, 12724 or 12730 would support double tap action in some way on Hubitat?

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