[RELEASE] GE/Jasco Z-Wave Plus Dimmer Driver

It would be more consistent, but I really don't think the in-box drivers should do that either...

Anyway, I'll think about it for a future version, though. It isn't hard to do.

v 1.6.2 uploaded, removing some errant warning logs messages.

I guess most other drivers have the "Enable descriptionText logging" preference. Ill test 1.6.2 now and report back thx.

Everything seems to work flawlessly !!! Except for one error.

errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method toInteger() on null object on line 384 (updated)

Only happens when saving the device preferences.

Did you specify a value for the LED behavior before hitting save? :smile:

I put some checks for null in my other drivers to prevent that, I'll go back and add it to this one.

As long as you specify a setting for each of the preferences, though, you shouldn't get that error.

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Whoops my bad ! Missed that setting.

Nice work @JasonJoelOld

Uploaded v1.7.0: Added parameter validation checking to prevent errors if a user saves without specifying the settings

No worries, I should have added the validation anyway. I missed it when I redid the parameter selection format this morning.

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I will add descriptionText logging in a future version. Might be a few weeks as I'm going out of town, but you are right - it should log that to be consistent with the in-box drivers.

Uploaded 1.8 that adds descriptionText logging.

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So "promise" a few weeks, and then get it done in a little over 3 hours? Taking lessons from Scotty? (Original Star Trek- probably nobody on this board didn't know that. :slight_smile:)

Looking forward to installing my new dimmer and trying this!

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When I go to my device and use your driver this is one of the options that now show up on my device.

"Association Groups

Devices in group 2 will turn on/off when the switch is turned on or off. Devices in group 3 will turn on/off when the switch is double tapped up or down. Devices are entered as a comma delimited list of IDs in hexadecimal format."

does this work? where do I get the hexadecimal id of the device I want to control. I have a Hue Group I would like to put in there to control, is that possible? Thanks

Associations only work with other Z-Wave device, not with zigbee. This is just how Z-Wave works, not a limitation of my driver. Z-Wave association's work at the Z-Wave protocol level, which is why they can only send the messages to other Z-Wave devices on the same network.

Thanks for that clarification!

Note, the OP was done on my old account, so I can't update it.

  • 1.9.0 (05/05/2019) - Added physical/digital types to switch events, streamlined code dramatically

This is fantastic, thank you!! You creating this driver got me away from ST to Hubitat.

The only issue I was encountering was that I set a trigger in Rule Machine to set dimmer levels by mode (bright during day, dim in evening, really dim at night), and it would happen even if I activated a scene that was supposed to have the light at another level. No longer a problem! Now that you have it recognizing physical switch events, I only auto-adjust the level when the switch is pressed, so it is unaffected by scenes or when I tell Google Home to set a specific level. Love it!

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Updated dimmer driver on github to add numberOfButtons event, as required by the button capability.

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Unbelievable. Thank you.

@JasonJoel I finally had time to try the updated dimmer driver with BC 3. It still doesn't appear to expose the buttons. If I start the BC app using a different switch (GE Fan) I can create the buttons and then switch back to the GE dimmer and the button app works. No hurry for this at all as it is easy enough to work around it. Thanks!!

Odd. did you hit configure or change preferences and hit save after updating the driver? As I understand it, per the specs all that should have to happen is is populate that variable - which is what updating or hitting configure will do.