2.4.0 (02/13/2021) - Added Alternate Exclusion mode to preferences.
Turning this ON will change the button press sequence for excluding. HOWEVER, it also makes status reports from these devices come in almost immediately (instead of having 1-3s delay).
I would recommend turning this ON - but the driver will not do that by default/automatically, as I don't think it is right to change people's pairing/exclusion steps automatically.
Thanks @velvetfoot for tipping me off to this 'quirk'.
EDIT 2 - You can change that setting "en masse" with Preferences Manager if so desired. If Preference Manager is already installed make sure you do Apps -> Preference Manager -> "Reload Preference Data..." to make the new parameter show up.
Jason - any idea why this setting doesn't appear in the Preferences app? Was goign to set all of mine from the app, but this new setting doesn't appear, as far as I can tell.
EDIT: I think the parameter has to have a value (can't be null/undefined) on the devices before it will show up. Once it has a value then preference manager can likely be used.
EDIT 2: Nope. I set it manually on my 4 dev hub dimmers, but it still doesn't show up in Preferences Manager.
@mike.maxwell Never mind. "Reload Preference Data" fixes it. I should have remembered that quicker...
@danabw Go to Apps -> Preference Manager -> "Reload Preference Data..."
Thanks, that did it. A bit of a DOH moment for me...
One odd thing, though. At first, after using the Update option, the new setting was still MIA. I had to go into and out of choosing the device type a couple times and then it showed up. Just noting this in case same happens to others, it didn't show up immediately for some reason, maybe takes a bit to populate.
@JasonJoel, I just noticed one of my automations wasn't running properly since I had replaced a Z-Wave switch w/a Z-Wave Plus Dimmer (Enbrighten/newer model). I'm using this dimmer driver w/the "Turn your dimmer into an on/off switch."
The reason my automation is failing is that the driver doesn't support flashing (I flash the lights to remind me the washer/drier are done). Is Flashing something that could be added at some point, or ?
I have no interest in adding software based flashing - sorry. I'm solidly in the camp that never should have been in ANY of the hubitat drivers in the first place as it is a software "hack" better managed at the application level.
Maybe you can get someone to fork the driver and add it, (which is fine) but I don't plan to.
I'm looking into using Bryan's "The Flasher" app to accomplish it. Using The Flasher app works great, and actually allowed me to simplify the rule a little, so win/win overall.
Just wanted to say thanks for this driver, this allowed me to change my Engrighten Dimmer to switch mode with ease and customize double clicks, etc. Thanks!
Hi. I can't seem to get 6 buttons working, just 2.
Admittedly I didn't try downloading the latest version.
The 6 buttons work great on the switches, just not this dimmer.
The dimmer should be of the same vintage as the switches, ie, not old.
edit: I'm using the GE Z-Wave Plus Driver. Is this not the right one? Thanks.
edit2: That does appear to be the fix.
Was minimum/maximum brightness ever implemented? I'd like to be able to trim out the minimum brightness to the lowest value without the bulb turning off. I don't see it in the menu so I'm wondering if maybe it wasn't added for some reason.
EDIT: I uncommented the code and it appears to just work?
I think I may have a dying dimmer ... driver in place, shows 6 buttons, but only basic ON and OFF (single tap on, single tap off) are working. Double, triple press, etc. have no result and don't show in logs, don't appear to trigger a button press. In the sequence below I hit button 3 (double-tap on) a few times and nothing shows up in the logs, and the Device page also doesn't register any button presses. Normal on/off is working.
Nothing changed on the device in ages. Air-gapped it for a minute and turned on again, no change.
Before replacing I would consider doing a factory reset on it, then do a zwave device replace (so you don't have to redo automations), and see if it stats behaving. If not,, it may be broken (but I'll say I've never seen one break like that...).
Looks like a goner...I reset and replaced the dimmer w/itself, and the same behavior as before. Made sure I changed the dimmer to this driver after the replace, saved, configured, and the device page looks normal. Zero events in the log, or in the device Events page for any double or triple press.
Really odd, never seen anything like this. Dimmer controls lights via physical switch, via device page, and via automations, but none of the extra buttons provided by this driver are available, and I need them on this switch.
Going to futz around w/it a little more. Strange...
@JasonJoel ... Something new to add to our lists of potential issues. Swapped out the dimmer and the new one works fine, all double/triple taps are registered and related automations triggered as expected.
This is a new one for me, definitely. Dimmer works fine for everything but registering the additional tap options provided by the driver. Interestingly, using triple-tap up/down to reset it worked fine, so the switch is able to "see" multiple taps. And of course I had tried resetting the dimmer and that had not helped. Strange.
Do feel like I have to admit that I made the whole replacement process more "interesting," by somehow managing to confuse the old and new dimmer while I was doing the swap, and accidentally puttingg the old dimmer right back in after removing it. (Made the mistake of laying the old dimmer right next to the new dimmer.)
That was a confusing few minutes, I'm hitting Refresh repeatedly on the dimmer's entry on the Z-Wave Details page and not getting the "Replace" option, and even try a Z-Wave Repair which completed w/flying colors of course, since the dimmer was installed on on power. I was about to post a very confused message here when I looked again at what I had thought was my old dimmer sitting on the countertop and realized it was the new dimmer, and what I had done. Double DOH!! Thinking of changing my middle name to "Operator Error."