[RELEASE] gCalendar Driver - Display working Google Calendars on HE Dashboards

Great job!!

I'm sure I tried this and about 100 other combinations.... Will definitely be giving this a go.

I am getting only "400" errors. I am using my calendar "Embed" code and I have also tried my public URL... No luck.



Tried this driver... spot on... even better with DashEd etc. good instruction.
Just a few questions/ideas:

  1. is it possible to 'merge' 2 (or more) calendars?
    I have my calendar, my son, my girlfriend and girlfriends son... we share those calenars and on our phones it's shows as one but in here i had to add all calendars as a new 'device'
  2. is there a way to use the topcis of the calendar to trigger something.
    For example, If i'm at work in the late shift I would get a warning if anybody tries to access sex dungeon
    My girlfriend has 12 possible 'shift' (named L2, L1, O3, D6,...) no week is the same, i have a 3 week rotating job, my son is half-time with me etc... would be to complex if not impossible to automate it with some Rule

thx anyways for the already awsome job. :bowing_man: :clap:

This can be done within Google Calendar, then display the combined calendar.

Nope, there is no interaction between Google Calendar and HE. This is just a simple way to display a calendar on a dashboard.

Then i don't know how...
I can see all agendas with a link but there's no 'main' link.
is it possible that since i don't 'own' the calendar i can't merge them...?
I have rights to view but not to change my girlfriends calendar for example.

I have (in google calendar) My agenda. Girlfiends etc is listed in 'other agenda's'...

maybe it's because of google/apple friendship also... don't know.

To bad... would be cool.

You need this one.

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thx I will take a look/shot at it... I looked for like 2 seconds and it's seems like your right and it should trigger stuff but not really show a calender.
I think both will be perfect... this and that :stuck_out_tongue:
one showing it... the other triggering.

Thx again


I've got this far...

just a small problem with the code I get.
When I use it it gives me a erro 500.
I tried with Notepad++ to change all the '&amp' to just '&' like a post said... but no luck

<iframe src="https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?height=600&amp;wkst=2&amp;bgcolor=%23ffffff&amp;ctz=Europe%2FBrussels&amp;src=Z2VydGphbi5kZXByZXpAZ21haWwuY29t&amp;src=aXVmdWZxNDIwMmZycGU4b282MmZpM251bnVsajhtNGNAaW1wb3J0LmNhbGVuZGFyLmdvb2dsZS5jb20&amp;src=M2YzNXFkOGs0ams0ZjJqcmFqcGYwZ2RjNXQwYjhvdWZAaW1wb3J0LmNhbGVuZGFyLmdvb2dsZS5jb20&amp;src=Y29uZnVzZWR3aW5nc0BnbWFpbC5jb20&amp;color=%23039BE5&amp;color=%234285F4&amp;color=%23E67C73&amp;color=%23E4C441&amp;title=alles&amp;showTitle=0&amp;showNav=1&amp;showDate=1&amp;showPrint=0&amp;showTabs=1&amp;showCalendars=1&amp;showTz=0&amp;mode=MONTH" style="border-width:0" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Great job @jenntress, that worked for me too, am able to see an Agenda view now.

@vmsman and @gertjan.deprez - I had also tried to generate the embed code through the Google web site and had similar issues, hence my comment about 100 other attempts. I had also tried messing with the embed code and ampersands in Notepad++. The main difference (I think) is that in the iframe in @jenntress 's post, the src is just your gmail address, not the guid generated by the Google web site. I took @jenntress 's iframe, put in my own email address and time-zone, pasted this into the URL of the HE virtual device and can now see my Calendar coming up on the device edit page and a dashboard.

If you want to play with the settings a little, go through the exercise of setting one up in the Google web site, copy the embed iframe code and incorporate it into a URL in the same format as @jenntress 's, making sure ampersands, etc are converted or used where necessary. Hope that makes sense...


For anyone else who may be still seeing a 400 error, I have noticed that this worked for me in Chrome, but when I opened the Device Edit page in Microsoft Edge, I too saw a 400 error. Not sure what this means in terms of solving the issue, but just wanted to share what I found.

I believe I have significant information for those who have not been able to get this working.

As it turns out, I was using Chrome and Brave as my browsers. They both produced the 400 and 500 errors consistently. I used Firefox and I got the calendar to display without the 400 error:

I also was able to display it on a dashboard.

Unfortunately, the "Month" view ends up all squished vertically despite changing the sizing parameters in the URI. So, we are much closer now.

In summary, I believe that any "Google Chrome" derived browser is not working. This is a problem because my target use case was to use the CATT Server to display a monthly calendar dashboard on my Google Chromecast Ultra via voice command.

If we can figure out why this URI from Google Calendar has issues displaying in the Chrome browser, we will have a solution.


Tried 'updating', tried almost anything I could think off... ok fair enough I believe in thinking (much) :stuck_out_tongue:

I th... believe it would be best to let this one go... :musical_score:just let it go... I can't hold it any more...
the code 500 are not going anyway :musical_note:

I was struggling so used this just changing the email addy and it worked

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Can anyone do anything with this git so we can use ical link

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Lovely turn of phrase.... :grin:

Well I had it all working on my phone and computer, load the dash on my fire and it didn't work!

I'd been playing with magic mirror on a pie, and the ical works fine

Here is what I get.

All I can tell you is to follow the directions in the first post. I just setup a brand new one and it works fine.

Are you able to paste the entire block (<iframe...) into that URL field? When I do it doesn't save and nothing changes

Could that be the changes to html injection introduced recently in the HE platform?