[RELEASE] gCalendar Driver - Display working Google Calendars on HE Dashboards

Nope, no errors in the log as far as I can see and no special characters either. According to the log it should work and it’s updating every hour as it should. :thinking:


You got me stumped! Hopefully someone else can jump in with another idea.

Yeah not much more to do I guess... :confused: I’ll continue to nibble with it and id I get it to work I’ll post my solution here.

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Hi @bptworld. Thank you so much for this. I missus has been waiting ages for this.

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth and then systematically kick it repeatedly until said gift horse is responding. Is it possible to to show a simple version of the calendar i.e. Today's and tomorrow schedule?

Good news is I only have RSS tiles to complete on my wish list

Use the customize button in Google Calendar. Then copy over the new link.

@bptworld sorry to derail this thread, wanted to circle back on a question above.

@waterboysh and @neonturbo, I have published code to query your Google Calendar to toggle a virtual switch. You can read more here:

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Hi @northan,

Did you get this working? I am still trying to get the Agenda view to work but get errors when I try and paste it into the preferences...


I too get an "Error 500" when I try to use the imbed code from creating a custom layout in Google. Has anyone found the source of the error, or a workaround?

I've tried everything I can think of and the custom layout just won't work.

I am getting an error 500 also. Any ideas?

I got the Agenda view to work by changing the customized embed code. I changed all the "& amp;" to just plain "&", otherwise I kept getting the 500 error.

For example, each ampersand is a setting that I want, so &mode=AGENDA displays the Agenda view. And &showTz=0 hides my time zone - since I know what time zone I'm in.

Below is a screenshot of my working dashboard with Agenda view, and the code that I used to make it work.

<iframe src="https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=jenntributor%40gmail.com&mode=AGENDA&showTabs=0&showTitle=0&showPrint=0&showTz=0&ctz=America%2FDenver"
style="border: 0" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no">

Great job!!

I'm sure I tried this and about 100 other combinations.... Will definitely be giving this a go.

I am getting only "400" errors. I am using my calendar "Embed" code and I have also tried my public URL... No luck.



Tried this driver... spot on... even better with DashEd etc. good instruction.
Just a few questions/ideas:

  1. is it possible to 'merge' 2 (or more) calendars?
    I have my calendar, my son, my girlfriend and girlfriends son... we share those calenars and on our phones it's shows as one but in here i had to add all calendars as a new 'device'
  2. is there a way to use the topcis of the calendar to trigger something.
    For example, If i'm at work in the late shift I would get a warning if anybody tries to access sex dungeon
    My girlfriend has 12 possible 'shift' (named L2, L1, O3, D6,...) no week is the same, i have a 3 week rotating job, my son is half-time with me etc... would be to complex if not impossible to automate it with some Rule

thx anyways for the already awsome job. :bowing_man: :clap:

This can be done within Google Calendar, then display the combined calendar.

Nope, there is no interaction between Google Calendar and HE. This is just a simple way to display a calendar on a dashboard.

Then i don't know how...
I can see all agendas with a link but there's no 'main' link.
is it possible that since i don't 'own' the calendar i can't merge them...?
I have rights to view but not to change my girlfriends calendar for example.

I have (in google calendar) My agenda. Girlfiends etc is listed in 'other agenda's'...

maybe it's because of google/apple friendship also... don't know.

To bad... would be cool.

You need this one.

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thx I will take a look/shot at it... I looked for like 2 seconds and it's seems like your right and it should trigger stuff but not really show a calender.
I think both will be perfect... this and that :stuck_out_tongue:
one showing it... the other triggering.

Thx again


I've got this far...

just a small problem with the code I get.
When I use it it gives me a erro 500.
I tried with Notepad++ to change all the '&amp' to just '&' like a post said... but no luck

<iframe src="https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?height=600&amp;wkst=2&amp;bgcolor=%23ffffff&amp;ctz=Europe%2FBrussels&amp;src=Z2VydGphbi5kZXByZXpAZ21haWwuY29t&amp;src=aXVmdWZxNDIwMmZycGU4b282MmZpM251bnVsajhtNGNAaW1wb3J0LmNhbGVuZGFyLmdvb2dsZS5jb20&amp;src=M2YzNXFkOGs0ams0ZjJqcmFqcGYwZ2RjNXQwYjhvdWZAaW1wb3J0LmNhbGVuZGFyLmdvb2dsZS5jb20&amp;src=Y29uZnVzZWR3aW5nc0BnbWFpbC5jb20&amp;color=%23039BE5&amp;color=%234285F4&amp;color=%23E67C73&amp;color=%23E4C441&amp;title=alles&amp;showTitle=0&amp;showNav=1&amp;showDate=1&amp;showPrint=0&amp;showTabs=1&amp;showCalendars=1&amp;showTz=0&amp;mode=MONTH" style="border-width:0" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Great job @jenntress, that worked for me too, am able to see an Agenda view now.

@vmsman and @gertjan.deprez - I had also tried to generate the embed code through the Google web site and had similar issues, hence my comment about 100 other attempts. I had also tried messing with the embed code and ampersands in Notepad++. The main difference (I think) is that in the iframe in @jenntress 's post, the src is just your gmail address, not the guid generated by the Google web site. I took @jenntress 's iframe, put in my own email address and time-zone, pasted this into the URL of the HE virtual device and can now see my Calendar coming up on the device edit page and a dashboard.

If you want to play with the settings a little, go through the exercise of setting one up in the Google web site, copy the embed iframe code and incorporate it into a URL in the same format as @jenntress 's, making sure ampersands, etc are converted or used where necessary. Hope that makes sense...
