[RELEASE] Follow Me - Speaker control with priority messaging, volume controls, voices and sound files!

Just letting you know...:smile:

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Will need a log with debug on please

Echo works fine with either setting now after I restarted HE. Either setting echo repeats the message twice.

Hi, tried to use the priority feature and has now stopped working. See following logs:-

That's why they call it an 'Echo'... Couldn't help myself on that one!


LOL :rofl:

minor changes...

V1.3.5 - 08/03/19 - Put in an extra check if random voice is called but no random voices are selected. Other small changes.

IMPORTANT: everyone need to open each child app and make sure everything is filled in and re-save. Thanks

Hi, I have just carried out a few more tests with your latest release and I can confirm that the app works until I try and utilise the priority features.

When I enabled the priority feature, I also edited the message to include [R] before the message, being sent to my 'What did i say' virtual device, which failed to work. As soon as I disabled the priority feature and removed [R] from the beginning of the message, it worked again.

Curious, what builds the MP3 file used by the FM app? I see the WDIS driver having the correct text but what is played as MP3 is old text.

Nothing critical as Iā€™m playing with my Mac Mail script to announce new emails. Only thing not working yet is the MP3.

Think they're might be a bug. If I don't provide the prefix [N1] (for example), it plays an older message. For my applescript I'll just ensure I give the prefix. Working now.

Alright, I'm back... throw me some logs please

Chromecast device error:

Echo is repeating twice...Remember. :wink:

Need to see some follow me logs :wink::grin:

Google Speaker:

Just a couple of lines...
def tts = textToSpeech(state.lastSpoken,state.voiceSelected)
def uriMessage = "${tts.get('uri')}"

This is the rule i have setup to perform the test:-

The following shows the followme child task setup:-

The following is the error I am getting when I open the bedroom window. (wife is thinking I am going mad continuously opening and closing the window. She doesn't understand the need for all this home automation! I'm sure she will thank me one day.)

My wife too. Thinks I'm a geek. They complain but like some of the features.

Small steps...

V1.3.6 - 08/03/19 - Fixed echo from speaking twice. Other small changes.

Let's try again.

Echo is not repeating twice now. Thanks.

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Did you figure out what is causing the error with the Bed3 Speaker Chromecast?

Any findings regarding my issue?