[RELEASE] FLAIR DEVICES with new capabilities for building physical zones in your home and controlling your mini/window splits, portable heaters/coolers

I'd like to know if your stuff can help me with my use-case. I have a Carrier Infinity system, just so you know what thermostat I have. I have one room with three ceiling vents. What I want to do is simple. When the heat is running, close those vents, otherwise open the vents.


Thanks in advance.

New Releases

The new versions of MyPuckDevice (v2.5),MyFlairVent (v1.6) have been modified to expose the battery level based on the system voltage value returned by the Flair APIs.

  • If you are a contributor, just download the new code using the same selffy download link.
  • All you need to do is to copy &paste the new code over the existing device's code under the IDE and save.

For new users, you can download the code at my store: www.ecomatiqhomes.com/hubitatstore


Hi Newman - seems simple enough. I'm using the flair service manager app and the device handlers, but wrote my own programs to control the vents. You could easily do the same with Webcore or RM, assuming Hubitat can see the state of your thermostat. When thermostat in heating mode/state, close vents. If thermostat not in Hubitat, then still possible, but may require extra work to create a program that first detects the temp of the air coming through the vent, then closes them if hotter than X.

Thank you for this integration, this has been very helpful.

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I've read through some of the posts here, and docs on the website, but I can't tell if what I want to do is supported by this driver...

I have a Flair puck and a couple vents. It's integrated with my Ecobee thermostat as well, though I don't think that's relevant here.

All I want to be able to do is change the currently active Schedule for my Home location via Hubitat. Basically, this setting in the Flair app:

Is that possible with this driver? If so, which device type would it be associated with? The puck?

Hi @jlupien,

To my knowledge, this is not exposed by the Flair APIs.


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Not sure if this is the same "schedule", but it looks like this might be an example of how to set it via API: Example: Change Schedule


In v2.5.1, I have the following method that can be called from any puck device:


However, you'd need to look up a valid schedule id, otherwise, you'll get an exception.


Nice, thanks! I imagine it won't be too hard for me to figure out how to get the list of schedules via a /api/structures/<home-id>/relationships/schedules API call. Let me know if I'm being naive. I'll try this out at some point in my spare time.

I just installed some Flair vents and they are working well to even out temperatures in my home. Now I am looking into integrating them into some automations and came across this plugin.

I am using an Ecobee thermostat and have Ecobee temp sensors throughout the house. I am letting the ecobee control the set point. The Flair puck is only functioning as a hub to connect the vents, but isn't used as a temp sensor or controller in any way.

Before the flair vents, I used a rule to turn off the HVAC when Windows/Doors were open and back to Auto HVAC heat/cool mode when all Windows/Doors close.

I would like to make that a little more advanced with the Flair vents. What I would like is if I open a door/window within a given room, I want the vent in that room to close, and then have that room excluded from the calculation for average temp with the HVAC set point.

Is something like that possible with this integration?

Hi, The flair devices are just devices, not apps.

In order to create such automation, you'd need to use a rule engine (like RM or webcore) and create your own rules or use my zoning smartapp (ecobeeSetZoneWithSchedule) which already has some built-in automations with my own devices (flair, ecobee)
