Yes, but remember, RM is written by one of the owners of HE. It can do stuff that us 'normal' folks don't have access to. Just have to wait for a response in the other thread.
@bptworld Wondering if this attribute is the correct one to speak the number of miles. Currently it just says "attention....lightning has been detected at miles"
I have the following in the speech text so I assume it is the wrong one. Nothing in the log.
Here is the cog.
Would need to see a debug log.
@bptworld This is with the debug logging selected. Sorry, I forgot you always need the logs.
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:31.512 pm trace********************* End - startTheProcess (3.1.2) - Lightning Detection *********************
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.835 pm debugIn pushNow - Sending message: Lightning Detection - attention....lightning has been detected at miles
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.832 pm debugIn pushNow (3.1.2) - Sending a push - msg: attention....lightning has been detected at miles
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.764 pm debugIn letsTalk (3.1.2) - Sending the message to Follow Me - msg: attention....lightning has been detected at miles
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.760 pm debugIn messageHandler - message: attention....lightning has been detected at miles
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.756 pm debugIn messageHandler (3.1.2) - doMessage: true
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.754 pm debugIn startTheProcess - actionType: [aNotification]
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.750 pm debugIn startTheProcess - HERE WE GO! - whatToDo: run
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.748 pm debugIn checkingWhatToDo - ********** whatToDo: run **********
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.744 pm debugIn checkingWhatToDo - Using A - Run
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.742 pm debugIn checkingWhatToDo - everythingOK: true
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.738 pm debugIn checkingWhatToDo - USING AND - totalMatch: 0 - totalMatchHelper: 0 - totalConditions: 0 - setpointOK: true - timeOK: true
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.735 pm debugIn checkingWhatToDo (3.1.2)
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.732 pm debugIn checkTransitionHandler (3.1.2)
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.729 pm debugIn setpointHandler - LIGHTNINGDISTANCE - setpointOK: true
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.727 pm debugIn setpointHandler (Low) - Device: WH57 Lightning Detect LR, Value: 24.0 is LESS THAN setpointLow: 25.0 (Bad)
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.724 pm debugIn setpointHandler - Direction - Setpoint value is going in the correct direction
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.721 pm debugIn setpointHandler - setpointValue: 24.0 - state.preSPV: 24.0
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.719 pm debugIn setpointHandler - spValue: 24
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.716 pm debugIn setpointHandler (3.1.2) - spName: [WH57 Lightning Detect LR]
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.713 pm debugIn startTheProcess - 1C - betweenTime: true - timeBetweenSun: true - daysMatch: true - modeMatch: true
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.710 pm debugIn startTheProcess - 1B - daysMatchRestic: null - timeBetweenRestric: null - timeBetweenSunRestric: null - modeMatchRestric: null
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.708 pm debugIn startTheProcess - 1A - betweenTime: true - timeBetweenSun: true - daysMatch: true - modeMatch: true
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.705 pm debugIn hsmStatusHandler - hsmStatus: null
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.702 pm debugIn hsmAlertHandler - hsmAlertStatus: null
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.700 pm debugIn modeHandler - modeMatch: true
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.695 pm debugIn modeHandler - No Mode selected so modeMatch = true
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.692 pm debugIn modeHandler (3.1.2)
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.690 pm debugIn dayOfTheWeekHandler - daysMatch: true
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.687 pm debugIn dayOfTheWeek (3.1.2)
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.684 pm debugIn checkSunHandler - timeDaysType:
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.682 pm debugIn checkSunHandler (3.1.2)
app:2752021-06-14 08:15:29.677 pm trace******************** Start - startTheProcess (3.1.2) - Lightning Detection ********************
When attempting to install Event Engine with the latest version of Package Manager, the following error results.
An error occurred while installing the package: Failed to install app Please notify the package developer..
New version available.
3.1.3 - 06/15/21 - Added 'Event Engine' actions, Added more logging
Not fixed but I added more logging. Please try again and post the debug log. Thanks
Try again...
@bptworld Here is the log. I updated to latest of EE and reran.
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.444 am trace********************* End - startTheProcess (3.1.3) - Lightning Detection *********************
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.332 am debugIn letsTalk (3.1.3) - Sending the message to Follow Me - msg: attention all....lightning has been detected at miles away
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.325 am debugIn messageHandler - message: attention all....lightning has been detected at miles away
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.313 am debugIn messageHandler (3.1.3) - doMessage: true
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.304 am debugIn startTheProcess - actionType: [aNotification]
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.302 am debugIn startTheProcess - HERE WE GO! - whatToDo: run
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.300 am debugIn checkingWhatToDo - ********** whatToDo: run **********
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.299 am debugIn checkingWhatToDo - Using A - Run
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.298 am debugIn checkingWhatToDo - everythingOK: true
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.296 am debugIn checkingWhatToDo - USING AND - totalMatch: 0 - totalMatchHelper: 0 - totalConditions: 0 - setpointOK: true - timeOK: true
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.294 am debugIn checkingWhatToDo (3.1.3)
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.292 am debugIn checkTransitionHandler (3.1.3)
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.290 am debugIn setpointHandler - LIGHTNINGDISTANCE - setpointOK: true
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.288 am debugIn setpointHandler (Low) - Device: WH57 Lightning Detect, Value: 0.0 is LESS THAN setpointLow: 5.0 (Bad)
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.286 am debugIn setpointHandler - Direction - Setpoint value is going in the correct direction
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.284 am debugIn setpointHandler - setpointValue: 0.0 - state.preSPV: 0.0
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.282 am debugIn setpointHandler - spValue: 0
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.270 am debugIn setpointHandler (3.1.3) - spName: [WH57 Lightning Detect]
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.263 am debugIn startTheProcess - 1C - betweenTime: true - timeBetweenSun: true - daysMatch: true - modeMatch: true
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.261 am debugIn startTheProcess - 1B - daysMatchRestic: null - timeBetweenRestric: null - timeBetweenSunRestric: null - modeMatchRestric: null
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.258 am debugIn startTheProcess - 1A - betweenTime: true - timeBetweenSun: true - daysMatch: true - modeMatch: true
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.257 am debugIn hsmStatusHandler - hsmStatus: null
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.251 am debugIn hsmAlertHandler - hsmAlertStatus: null
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.245 am debugIn modeHandler - modeMatch: true
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.243 am debugIn modeHandler - No Mode selected so modeMatch = true
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.242 am debugIn modeHandler (3.1.3)
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.241 am debugIn dayOfTheWeekHandler - daysMatch: true
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.237 am debugIn dayOfTheWeek (3.1.3)
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.235 am debugIn checkSunHandler - timeDaysType:
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.234 am debugIn checkSunHandler (3.1.3)
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.230 am debugIn startTheProcess - whoHappened: - whatHappened: - whoText:
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.228 am trace******************** Start - startTheProcess (3.1.3) - Lightning Detection ********************
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:17.217 am trace*
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:11.894 am debugIn checkSunHandler - timeDaysType:
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:11.892 am debugIn checkSunHandler (3.1.3)
app:47902021-06-16 08:54:11.862 am trace***** Initialize (3.1.3) - Lightning Detection *****
There isn't anything for it to say. What else is triggering it? Screenshot the Cog Description.
@bptworld I added in the %whoHappened% at the beginning of the speech statement and it got left out also. Thought you would want to know.
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.296 am trace********************* End - startTheProcess (3.1.3) - Lightning Detection *********************
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.123 am debugIn letsTalk (3.1.3) - Sending the message to Follow Me - msg: attention all....the has been detected at miles away
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.118 am debugIn messageHandler - message: attention all....the has been detected at miles away
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.113 am debugIn messageHandler (3.1.3) - doMessage: true
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.107 am debugIn startTheProcess - actionType: [aNotification]
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.104 am debugIn startTheProcess - HERE WE GO! - whatToDo: run
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.103 am debugIn checkingWhatToDo - ********** whatToDo: run **********
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.101 am debugIn checkingWhatToDo - Using A - Run
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.100 am debugIn checkingWhatToDo - everythingOK: true
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.098 am debugIn checkingWhatToDo - USING AND - totalMatch: 0 - totalMatchHelper: 0 - totalConditions: 0 - setpointOK: true - timeOK: true
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.096 am debugIn checkingWhatToDo (3.1.3)
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.094 am debugIn checkTransitionHandler (3.1.3)
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.092 am debugIn setpointHandler - LIGHTNINGDISTANCE - setpointOK: true
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.090 am debugIn setpointHandler (Low) - Device: WH57 Lightning Detect, Value: 0.0 is LESS THAN setpointLow: 5.0 (Bad)
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.088 am debugIn setpointHandler - Direction - Setpoint value is going in the correct direction
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.086 am debugIn setpointHandler - setpointValue: 0.0 - state.preSPV: 0.0
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.084 am debugIn setpointHandler - spValue: 0
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.079 am debugIn setpointHandler (3.1.3) - spName: [WH57 Lightning Detect]
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.073 am debugIn startTheProcess - 1C - betweenTime: true - timeBetweenSun: true - daysMatch: true - modeMatch: true
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.071 am debugIn startTheProcess - 1B - daysMatchRestic: null - timeBetweenRestric: null - timeBetweenSunRestric: null - modeMatchRestric: null
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.067 am debugIn startTheProcess - 1A - betweenTime: true - timeBetweenSun: true - daysMatch: true - modeMatch: true
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.065 am debugIn hsmStatusHandler - hsmStatus: null
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.060 am debugIn hsmAlertHandler - hsmAlertStatus: null
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.054 am debugIn modeHandler - modeMatch: true
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.052 am debugIn modeHandler - No Mode selected so modeMatch = true
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.047 am debugIn modeHandler (3.1.3)
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.045 am debugIn dayOfTheWeekHandler - daysMatch: true
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.024 am debugIn dayOfTheWeek (3.1.3)
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.023 am debugIn checkSunHandler - timeDaysType:
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.021 am debugIn checkSunHandler (3.1.3)
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.017 am debugIn startTheProcess - whoHappened: - whatHappened: - whoText:
app:47902021-06-16 09:18:40.014 am trace******************** Start - startTheProcess (3.1.3) - Lightning Detection ********************
Sorry, but still failing, after 4 attempts in a row, Each yields identical errors. Sorry its not working, but a wink will not resolve the problem for anyone.
app:1692021-06-16 11:38:02.346 am infoFatal error occurred, rolling back
app:1692021-06-16 11:38:02.312 am errorError installing app: Server Error
app:1692021-06-16 11:37:30.308 am infoInstalling Event Engine Child
app:1692021-06-16 11:37:27.177 am infoInstalling Event Engine
app:1692021-06-16 11:37:26.854 am infoDownloading Event Engine Child
app:1692021-06-16 11:37:26.616 am infoDownloading Event Engine
That cog won't speak correctly until it gets triggered by the Lighting device. I just did a test using a virtual temp device based on your cog description and it worked great each time it went below the setpoint.
This is the test Cog I setup:
In letsTalk (3.1.3) - Sending the message to Follow Me - msg: Test Virtual Temp Sensor on APPS is now 20.
In letsTalk (3.1.3) - Sending the message to Follow Me - msg: Test Virtual Temp Sensor on APPS is now 0.
Feel free to reach out again the next time there is lighting in your area. Going to have to get one of those sensors too. My acurite has the sensor but doesn't expose it in the api.
@bptworld Could the fact that the lightning detector is showing 0 miles at the moment cause any issues because it is a 0.
No, take a look at the log entry I posted. I purposely set it to zero to see what would happen and it spoke it just fine.
Will have to wait for the device to trigger the cog again to see for sure if it's working. Or you can setup a test cog like I did using a virtual device, set the device too low and see what is spoken.
I will try a test cog and let you know.
@bptworld Ok, I put together a cog. There is something troubling me about what it speaks. Top pic is what the virtual temp is set at and the bottom pic the cog description.
When it speaks it says: the "cog temperature probe" has gone below "65" degrees.....that is the value I put in the virtual device as a set point.
Shouldn't it be saying:
the "cog temperature probe" has gone below "75" degrees......because that is the value I set for the cog custom low set point?
@bptworld I hate to bring this up but here goes. I switched it from too low to too high for a condition. Left the setting for the cog at 75 and changed the virtual to 80. Ran the cog and nothing happened. No speech at all.
Here is log. Pic of description follows.
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.411 am trace********************* End - startTheProcess (3.1.3) - test Cog *********************
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.408 am debugIn startTheProcess - Nothing to do - STOPING - whatToDo: stop
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.405 am debugIn checkingWhatToDo - ********** whatToDo: stop **********
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.402 am debugIn checkingWhatToDo - Using D - Stop
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.399 am debugIn checkingWhatToDo - everythingOK: false
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.396 am debugIn checkingWhatToDo - USING AND - totalMatch: 0 - totalMatchHelper: 0 - totalConditions: 0 - setpointOK: false - timeOK: true
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.393 am debugIn checkingWhatToDo (3.1.3)
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.390 am debugIn checkTransitionHandler (3.1.3)
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.388 am debugIn setpointHandler - TEMPERATURE - setpointOK: false
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.384 am debugIn setpointHandler (Between) - Device: cog temperature probe, Value: 80.0 is NOT BETWEEN setpointHigh: 75.0 and setpointLow: 75.0
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.381 am debugIn setpointHandler - Direction - Setpoint value is going in the correct direction
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.377 am debugIn setpointHandler - setpointValue: 80.0 - state.preSPV: 80.0
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.374 am debugIn setpointHandler - spValue: 80
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.371 am debugIn setpointHandler (3.1.3) - spName: [cog temperature probe]
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.367 am debugIn startTheProcess - 1C - betweenTime: true - timeBetweenSun: true - daysMatch: true - modeMatch: true
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.364 am debugIn startTheProcess - 1B - daysMatchRestic: null - timeBetweenRestric: null - timeBetweenSunRestric: null - modeMatchRestric: null
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.359 am debugIn startTheProcess - 1A - betweenTime: true - timeBetweenSun: true - daysMatch: true - modeMatch: true
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.354 am debugIn hsmStatusHandler - hsmStatus: null
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.349 am debugIn hsmAlertHandler - hsmAlertStatus: null
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.346 am debugIn modeHandler - modeMatch: true
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.342 am debugIn modeHandler - No Mode selected so modeMatch = true
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.339 am debugIn modeHandler (3.1.3)
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.336 am debugIn dayOfTheWeekHandler - daysMatch: true
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.332 am debugIn dayOfTheWeek (3.1.3)
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.329 am debugIn checkSunHandler - timeDaysType:
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.326 am debugIn checkSunHandler (3.1.3)
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.323 am debugIn startTheProcess - whoHappened: cog temperature probe - whatHappened: 80 - whoText:
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.320 am trace******************** Start - startTheProcess (3.1.3) - test Cog ********************
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:51.317 am trace*
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:46.264 am debugIn checkSunHandler - timeDaysType:
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:46.262 am debugIn checkSunHandler (3.1.3)
app:47932021-06-16 11:11:46.256 am trace***** Initialize (3.1.3) - test Cog *****
You selected a High and Low setpoint, so the Cog is looking for a value BETWEEN the two. In your case 80 in not in between 75 and 75, so nothing happened.
BTW, I'm almost done getting your actual setpoint value to speak.
@razorwing , give 3.1.4 a try
- 06/16/21 - Adjustments to setpoint notifications
In letsTalk (3.1.4) - Sending the message to Follow Me - msg: Test Virtual Temp Sensor on APPS is now 40. The actual setpoint was 50.0.
@bptworld The only problem with what you have said about setpoint high and setpoint low is not what I chose in the cog. I chose too high and it came up with both.
Will try new version for previous problem.