[RELEASE] Event Engine - Automate your world with easy to use Cogs. Rev up complex automations with just a few clicks!

Nope, the log shows that this app set them to 6000 but the bulb only went to 4000. Try going into the bulb device page and set the bulb to 6000. What happens?

This should be fixed in the new version.

New version:

2.1.6 - 10/21/20 - Adjustments to setColorTemperature


You are absolutely right. The bulb only goes to 4000k. Boy, do I have egg on my face ! :blush:

I can now confirm that the color changes, but now the level does not change. So we are closer:


new version:

2.1.7 - 10/21/20 - More adjustments

@bptworld...I have a trash reminder in WebCore that I'd love to port to EE.

This is how it needs to work:

  1. Every Monday at 7PM it starts reminding me to take out the trash (text/voice). The reminders continue until 11PM at which point it stops even if I haven't taken out the trash.
  2. The reminders repeat every 30 minutes until a contact sensor on a gate I have to use to take out the trash is opened. Doesn't need to stay open, just has to change from closed to open once between 7PM and 10:59 PM.
  3. Once that happens the reminders stop and the cog would go dormant until the following Monday at 7PM.

It's a simple process, but different in that it needs to repeat a reminder every 30 mintues and stop when a contact sensor changes state briefly, rather than the sensor changing to open and staying that way.

Is there a way to do this in EE?

Oh yes ! It works perfectly now :slight_smile:

Here is the log in case you are interested


Thank you for all the effort you have put into this troubleshooting, and of course for creating this brilliant framework. I have finally gotten my lights to work as I had envisioned without any complex RM rules.

A small donation is forthcoming.


Glad we got it working!

Thank you very much. Always appreciated!

I'll play around with it in a little bit. :thinking:

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Here you go...

2.1.8 - 10/22/20 - Added Repeat options to Notifications

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Thanks! I'll check it out. It's one of my dog's "estimated birthday" today (from a rescue so we just chose the date when we adopted her), so I'm going to tell her it's her present. :wink:

FYI, last night my doors/windows/lock cog w/the piano light going red ignored the front door lock again...light went out when the door was closed, and didn't notice/react if the door was unlocked. This has been an issue before so thinking maybe you'll know where to look w/out logs?

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So cool!! And most importantly, so easy to do in your app.

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cool will need to do this for my freezer or wine too warm alerts


Yeah, and having the option to kill the reminder ensures my wife doesn't get woken up at 1AM by a reminder on my phone if I blow off taking out the trash.

Reminds me...I have laundry reminders set up, and one year we were in Europe and my son was home, and he had left laundry in the dryer. I started getting text and SmartThings app reminders every 10 minutes in the middle of the night for his forgotten laundry. Not a great home automation experience... :wink:

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I might have something going for this. Stay tuned! :wink:

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@bptworld - Cog is ignoring my front door lock again. :slight_smile: Hurts his feelings...

Piano light goes out even when it's unlocked, doesn't turn on when it's unlocked.

Logs below... :slight_smile:


I'll take a look.

I'm blaming @furom for this one... It was part of the Global Variable code that broke the locks! :joy:

New version:
2.1.9 - 10/23/20 - Now supports multiple locks as Condition

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He's a known troublemaker... :wink::scream::rofl:

Thanks for the fix!


question i have various device handlers that i have a lastupdate datetime in and want to write rules or an app that onces once a day and checks if these devices have not reported in , in the last 24 hours. Any idea what the best way to do this would be..



Device Watchdog !? :wink:

will that work with custom attributes.. One is a composite device so data is coming in all the time, so really need to check certain specific time attributes to really see the individual component devices.