[RELEASE] Error Monitor - Keep an eye out for errors that may pop up in the log

Where have you been!? lol Yes, take a look at Bundle Manager. Also, those errors on HPM have been discussed at length in the HPM thread.


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Under a rock I guess. Lol

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request. can you add an option to include the device name or app name that generated the error in the notification that goes out.. i see it on the driver panel page so i know you have it.. when we get these error messages it would be usefull to know immediately what device threw they to guage how important it is for immediate response.. ie often it is some kind of network timeout or connectivity issue and not a big deal and you can wait for the next update to see if it is resolved.


It already does this. :man_shrugging:

Edit: I see it now. Will fix soon. Thanks

New Bundle available...

1.0.9 - 06/26/22 - Fixed Name not showing up in push messages