October 14, 2020, 6:58pm
While I mirror my security system status, contacts and sensors in my home automation system, it has been my philosophy to keep security control separate from home automation. That being said I have been experimenting with virtual buttons for arming and disarming. They have been working well and the convenience is tempting. I had the same question that you were asking and came across these posts on the subject. I have not tried them them yet.
I've been looking for a way to put specific choices onto tiles on the dashboard. So far I haven't found anyway to do this. If you're asking what is he talking about. I would like to have a tile that when tapped disarmed or armed the alarm without having to go into the secondary menu of choices which for what ever reason doesn't seem to be very responsive on tablets. Anyway is that at all possible??
A future option I would like to see is the ability of the HSM tile to have a few choices bu…
New Feature for Rule Machine Global Variables
With Release 2.1.4 there is a new feature in Rule Machine that allows Global Variables to be displayed and set from Dashboards. It also allows them to be used to link with other apps, where previously one would create a Virtual Switch device to cause the connection.
In the Global Variables setup section of Rule Machine, you will find a new column of information, Connector, and a new button, Create New Connector:
When you click Create N…
Virtual Keypad
Create Virtual Keypads to help manage HSM and Mode changes from any dashboard.
There are now 2 options for the Virtual Keypad. The full version which is explained in this first post, and a Virtual Basic Keypad which is outlined in post 2.
The Virtual Basic Keypad operates more similar to a hardware keypad, and only interacts with HSM. There are limited options, but this only uses 1 device and no children devices. Since this doesnt have children devices, the Virtua…
Hope they help.