[RELEASE] Ecobee Suite, version 1.9.00

The Contact and Switches Helper (open contacts) supports any contactSensor device, and I just checked the latest version and it is bringing up the list of installed contact sensors properly (for me).

What contact sensors are you using - could you post a screen shot of the device page for one of them?

Thanks for the reply, i tried it again and got it working. Well at least i think, its too cold here to test yet. Yesterday i was not able to select my Thermostat and so no options were coming up to pick contact sensors. Today my thermostat was selectable and then it worked.

Now i just have to figure out if turning off the HVAC will turn off my AC unit and leave my humidifier/ and air return fan on. Or if its better to just raise the lower temp to kick off my AC. I am not sure how they installed everything when the home was built.

But thank you for the ease of this app!

Hello there, I am having difficulty using the helper applications. When I open them, and attempt to select my thermostat, there is no drop down list of my thermostats. This has crippled the app for me. I attempted to reload the app, but no change. I made sure I was logged into Ecobee, but no change. Is there something I am missing?

Did you go through the process of selecting thermostats and sensors in Evobee Suite Manager first/before trying to set up the Helpers?

Yes I did. All my ecobee thermostats were selected.

what version of Ecobee Suite Manager and Thermostat are you using? And which Helper(s) don't work?

Are there any errors in the Live Logging for any of the above?

I'm currently running version 1.9.00 of Ecobee Suite Manager, and I'm currently running 2 ecobee smart thermostat's and 1 ecobee 3. I went through and tried to see if I could get any of the helpers to work, however they don't. When I click on the select ecobee thermostat, it shifts slightly, and the update button shows up, but there is no dropdown menu. As for errors in the logger, it doesn't seem to be logging.

I suspect your installation didn't complete correctly, and/or is corrupted. There should ALWAYS be events in Live Logging from both Ecobee Suite Manager and each of the Ecobee Thermostats.

If you installed by hand, make sure that you set oAuth on ES Manager - if not, you'll have to remove any installed apps and devices, set oAuth, and then reconfigure using ES Manager.

The best way to ensure that everything is set up properly is to use Hubitat Package Manager to do the install and updates...

I did use Hubitat Package Manager. I uninstalled and reinstalled using it as well. I'm just not sure where it could be going wrong? Clearly it's something I've done, because I don't see anyone else complaining about it. lol

If you selected all of your Ecobee Thermostats, there should be a Hubitat device for each one of them. Can you verify that those devices were created by Ecobee Suite Manager?

If they're not there, then you need to select and create them with Ecobee Suite Manager, then exit ESM, and restart again to start adding helpers. If those devices aren't created by Ecobee Suite Manager, they won't show up in the Helpers...

Also - did you install ALL of the Ecobee Suite app code, and both the Ecobee Suite Thermostat and the Ecobee Suite Sensor device code? Ecobee Suite requires that ALL the code is installed, or it won't work.

Hi there, thanks for this awesome plugin! I recently ran into some performance issues with the plugin. Specifically, it's constantly at the top spot of my Apps and sometimes making my Hubitat load to be severe. I have 15 devices (5 thermostats and 10 temp sensors) and polling frequency is 3 mins. I wonder if there is any tweaks I can do or do you have any thoughts which part of the code might be contributing to the runtime? I'm happy to take a look and contribute some code changes as well. Let me know!

It may sound counter intuitive but try setting you polling to 1 minute and see if there is a difference. From what I have observed is that the longer the duration of the poll the more processing needed to process all the queued up events that are retrieved on each poll.

This is what I observe with two thermostats, one with 7 sensors and the other with 5 sensors:

That's interesting. I need to look at mine. I only have one thermostat and 3 sensors, but the integration is always pretty much at the top of my usage. Not enough to cause any alarm, but still at the top.

I'll look at my polling soon as my hub finishes rebooting.

Polling frequency (almost) always should be 1 minute, this keeps processing time short for each loop, because this spreads the processing out over time, instead of a single big blob every 3 minutes.

FYI - At log level 2, the code logs the amount of time it takes to process each cycle in Live Logging - you can see there how many items are changing and the elapsed seconds for each cycle.

The code has been hyper-optimized over the years, and there are pretty much no more opportunities for optimization. Being at the top of the usage list isn't necessarily bad, since the code is maintaining over 100 attributes for each thermostat, If you don't need the functionality that the Suite offers, feel free to change to the stock Ecobee support...

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I just implemented this app and it works great. However I live in northern Canada and while it is very sunny and during the day i like my windows open, it still gets slightly below freezing at night but i do love my windows open. But i do like having the heat kick in before my alarm goes off, but before i can close my windows.

Basically is there an option to be able to only have the HVAC off feature, while sensors/switches are open/closed during certain times, or to revert back to normal if outside temperature is X. Like if i could pause the rule when my outside temperature is below 5c that would be great.


I am pretty sure that you can make this happen like this:

  • Use the Open Contacts/Switched Helper to turn OFF the HVAC when a window is opened
  • Create a Rule Machine action that turns the HVAC to Heat before your Alarm goes off each day
    • I'm pretty sure the Helper won't keep trying to turn OFF the HVAC once it has already turned it off...
  • Hopefully you close all the windows at some point in the day - this will reset the Open Contacts helper to turn off the HVAC when the window(s) open again.

Thanks changing polling rate to 1 min made it faster. Now it dropped from 13% to about 5-6% of uptime.

I'm curious why more events take more time though, shouldn't the time or space complexity be O(n), which is linear in the number of events n? Do you have any hypothesis why processing more events will take longer?

Simple: The longer the cycle, the more data that changes, the more data that has to be parsed, and the more data that has to be formatted and copied.

And, one of the key optimizations is that Ecobee Suite only requests data for the thermostats that have changed data since they were last polled; at 3 minutes, it is likely that every device has updated data, while at 1 minute, only a few of them will (and they will have fewer attributes updated).

If you added the time spent on each cycle at 1 minute for 3 minutes, it's actually more time than at 3 minute cycles, but it gets spread out over the 3 minutes at the short cycles. The way Hubitat/Linux calculates the load is somewhat misleading as well...


Wasn’t sure if anyone else is running into this, but the HPM install has completed and I don’t see the Ecobee Suite in the Apps tab.

I can install manually, but wanted to see if anyone else has run into is and what was done to fix it.

C7 Hub running the latest Platform Version

You should see Ecobee Suite Manager in the Add User App page. If you don't, go to the Apps Code page, open Ecobee Suite Manager, and then Save it. Then go back and click the "Add User App" button at the top of your Apps page.