[RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4

Is your Echo Speaks server on the same VLAN/network as your Hubitat hub? You may need to setup firewall rules if they are not.

they definitely are. I only separate cams into a separate vlan :slight_smile:

After setting up the container did you restart it? I found after setting it up the first time I had to stop and start the container before it worked. This was on my QNAP NAS so your Synology could be different but worth a try.

I recall stumbling over dns - local dns was a problem when I referenced a machine name which the synology likes to do ... maybe?

I'm sorry if I'm hijacking this, but every time I click on GOTO LOGIN PAGE when I open the app, Heroku says "There's nothing here, yet. Build something amazing." Heroku also says the app has been deployed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

well, i did restart the container, but then I didn't restart the VM / pm2
restarting them didn't help.

Same issue here. Have a paid Heroku account, and have tried the installation process multiple times on multiple browsers. No idea how to get this to work.

I suggest you open a ticket with Heroku. The code for echo-speaks has not changed and it was working fine before.

A question for the other Echo Speaks users. ES is one of the "heaviest" Apps in terms of memory use, so I was going to move it to an auxiliary hub. One of the things I was realizing is that I have 9 Echo Devices. So ES creates 9 devices. But, I only "use" 3 of them from Hubitat to do TTS Notifications. Can I prevent ES from creating the other 6 devices and reduce resources? I might even just be able to remove the 6 unused echos from the main hub. Seems to me that it creates these devices automatically, so they'd just come back, right?

I am not sure how it will effect resources but under Managing devices > Device Detection Preferences you can disable any device you don't want ES to use.


Turn this off after removing the devices you don't want:



Same issue here. I've setup the app, deployed to Heroku and when I click to configure/allow access from Amazon I get the "There's nothing here, yet" page. The URL seems to be correct - maybe - it's "https://echo-speaks-XXXXXXXXX.herokuapp.com/config" where the XXXXX is what was used during setup?

So based on @jtp10181, it seems like Heroku changed something and we have to contact them? I'd say if three of us new users have this issue within as many days, every new user is probably going to have this issue, and nobody new is going to be able to use this awesome code. Unfortunately, I wouldn't even know what to ask Heroku support; hopefully one of you two are more technically capable of submitting a productive support ticket.

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Dump Heroku and set up a local server. It’s not hard. Jeff Page (@jtp10181) has a clear write up on various ways to do it. I just got a Raspberry Pi and set up the non-Docker version. If you are more skilled, other options are straightforward, too.

As I have stated before...and no offense to anyone here. A new Rpi with case can be $140 - $190 US. That equates to 2.5-3 years of Heroku at $5 month. I continue to use Heroku and have had very few if any problems.

New RPi can still be purchased for $35 from reputable vendors like Adafruit, Arrow, Mouser, etc. You just have to catch them when they are in stock. There are websites like RPilocator.com which can help

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personally I just used my Synology NAS - the cost was effectively zero since I already owned it, and I've saved about 65 dollars already. Heroku trying to take people hostage put me way off of them. Had they offered a pro-version or something where I had a choice maybe I'd have been more open minded but not they way they pimped out their service.

Hmmmmm, ok you're all making me think! I had the app installed previously, but uninstalled during a move and reconfiguration of my Hubitat. Figured I'd do a clean install of Echo Speaks - obviously a bad decision on my part. I do have an Asustor NAS on my network, and I see Docker is an option. Thanks @672southmain for the link, I will check it out!

As another data point. I have not upgraded echo speaks simce v3. Both server and hub code are very old. It is still humming along like nothing changed. No charges from heroku. I dont know if itd be the same for new accounts.

I even left my hub unplugged for several weeks when i moved and no problem.

I switched over to the pay service before the deadline. Probably a mistake. :man_shrugging: