[RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4

Honestly I assumed you were a VMS guy and had just hopped on the Linux fad when it became fashionable :slight_smile: And for the record I'm a Mac guy so I'm halfway there.

Need to learn how to use a real operating system. :ninja:

I say this as an ex windows server engineer who only has a single modern windows system left in his house (for my CNC machine). Everything else in the house is running macOS, Ubuntu or a Debian variant.


Morning Everyone,

Sorry, I missed the deadline... I'm going in a different direction right now.
I will take @tony.fleisher docker script and create an official docker item pushed to the repo.
I will try to get this done this afternoon.



Please can someone past a link to the instructions to follow to install echo-speaks in a docker container on a Synology NAS.

Many Thanks

I went in to update to Eco and I see that my app is Heroku-18 and it will be deprecated. Anyone have this as well? Is there a fix?

This is what I did:
I installed Docker on Synology through Package center. You will need to turn on SSH. This can be found under Control Panel, Terminal SMP. You do not need to change any settings unless you plan on keeping SSH turned on, then I recommend changing the port. Once you are done installing, you can turn SSH off. I SSH'ed in using Putty.

I had to unzip outside docker - get the package from

You will need to get what folder you logged into when you use Putty. You can use the command .. to see what folders are available. Mine was \Home. Create a folder through Synology in a folder that is available. Call the folder
echo-speaks-server-docker-enablement. Upload all the unzipped files into that folder.
Now you can follow the instructions that were posted by VMS at https://discussion.scottibyte.com/t/echo-speaks-local-cookie-authorization-server/139

You will need command in SSH:
sudo apt install docker-compose

Then skip to cd echo-speaks-server-docker-enablement/docker.

Follow all instructions from there.

Go to https://community.hubitat.com/t/echo-speaks-heroku-end-anxiety-support-group-see-one-solution-below/104378/58?u=tazena

This is a post by VMSMAN that gives a visual for updating the Echo Speaks App. The thing that you will need to do is follow the instructions. There will probably be an issue with the Amazon cookie. This is fixed by going back to the Echo Speaks container in Synology. Turn it off and then back on. Go back into the Echo Speaks App and try to get the amazon cookie.

Hope this helps


I did this last night. It took about 5 minutes.

  1. Install Docker from Package Center.
  2. Install Git from the SynoCommunity package repository.
    a. Open Package Center, click Settings, go to Package Sources, and add a source with the location https://packages.synocommunity.com/.
    b. Search for"git". (Install the "git" from the community, not the "git server" that's an official package.)
  3. Clone the repository into a local folder:
    git clone -b docker-enablement https://github.com/TonyFleisher/echo-speaks-server
  4. Run the first two commands shown here:
    echo-speaks-server/docker at docker-enablement · TonyFleisher/echo-speaks-server · GitHub
    You have to do them as root, so sudo, e.g.:
    sudo docker-compose build
  5. Open the Docker app and you should see a running container.

Follow the instructions @Tazena referred you to in order to reset your Echo Speaks app setup in Hubitat. Pay attention to what he said about restarting the Docker container. I had the same cookie problem and that resolved it.

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I think I have things working for a docker deployment I made a new version of the server (v2.8.0) with some minor changes related to the local (IF YOU HAVING A WORKING LOCAL SERVER NO NEED TO UPDATE TO THIS)

Linux Docker Install

curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
sudo apt install docker-compose

Installing the ES Server in Docker

docker run --name echo-speaks-server --network host -d tonesto7/echo-speaks-server

Getting the IP Address:

docker logs echo-speaks-server

I have this running in QNap Container Station with the only requirement being changing the network mode to "Host"

Sorry, I don't have a ton of time building out the instructions but if someone doesn't mind building out the documents into a Markdown format I can add them to the ES Docs.


@dJOS Derek, My YouTube channel is loaded with Infrastructure training videos for the Home Lab using Linux. https://youtube.com/@scottibyte. I worked with Windows only for 20+ years in an environment with thousands of servers. In 2007, I moved over to Linux and I strongly encourage Windows users to develop a good background in Linux because it opens a world of options. Self-hosting and Linux go hand in hand. Hey and MacOS is stil most a Unix.

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Way back in 1980-1990 I was a hard core VMS guy. I still wish that Clustering was as good as it was when DEC did it!


[RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4 - #861 by KurtSanders has the raspberry pi installation instructions. Worked perfectly.


I way overpaid for a Pi to keep Echo Speaks running, it should be here in a couple days.

Can I utilize this?

Not an expert but how do you get on your local network?

Can you publish it to docker hub please? This will mean Linux noobs can install it via portainer etc.

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I couldn’t agree more.

I can run docker containers on my Synology NAS. They have a Docker Container App for the NAS.
Would I be able to use the container image?

Yes, Docker Hub is a default repo in Synology's Docker App (and most NAS systems that support docker out of the box).

Anyone put a youtube video together for this for the folks that are not that savy with the process?

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Yes, I (Okay, my sone did…) installed it directly on a Pi Zero W (The previous generation) and it works like a charm. (Did not use docker.)