[RELEASE] Echo Speaks v3 + Actions

Second time I have given this app a try (last time was mid last year), and both times this app is the cause of my hub getting really slow and completely locking up.
The last straw was last night when my hub locked up around 11pm and the only way to bring it back was to pull the power plug. No app is worth the possibility of corrupting your hub, specially with the amount of work I have put in to my routines.

Anyway, with this happening both times I have tried this app between the space of at least 8 months I am assuming it will not get fixed. The feature set is nice, but if it is this destructive then the whole thing can't be used. Or is this only me having this problem? Seems strange though as I just followed the instructions as presented.

Does anyone know of an echo app that at least has the ability to send custom announcements to the echos? It's unfortunate, but I can't use this one.

I recently reinstalled.

However I do schedule reboots daily at 4:30am.

It’s been around a week now.

Yeah it stays up for more than a few days......but it was noticeably slow to do everything. Getting half way down the stairs before the light turns on, for example, is unacceptable.

I don't want rebooting the hub every day to be a solution.

Fork is on the upper right. Once you have the fork in your repo, install Pull from above link. Install the Huroku server from your repo, The Pull app will keep your repo always up to date and Heroku will automatically update and rebuild the server.


Nice find... I tried at one point to find a solution.

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Ahh, maybe I can get it to work if I set it up on smartthings, didn't think of that. Time to plug my smartthings hub back in I think....at least for echo speaks:

So the PULL app is cloned into the echo speaks cloned repo ?

The Pull app will update your fork (every few hours I think) so your fork will match with any changes in the original repo. If your github has more than one fork, it will do them all so do whatever it takes to disable pull for anything you don't want to update.



Would it be possible to only return a response to the Echo where a question was posed? e.g. I have a echo routine "What's the Status of my Garage Door". I would like the answer sent back only to Echo that the question came from.


Since last update the Echo Speaks lost the auth token every 1-2 days and I need to reauthenticate.

Someone more faced it?

I would also like the response to go back to the device it was asked from!

Release v3.6.1.1 (March 11th, 2020)

Main App (v3.6.1.1)

  • FIXED: Scenario where cookie auth failed and server wakeup request was still being sent every 5 minutes.
  • UPDATED: Gave the diagnostics web interface a facelift and made it easy to get the External Url while using the new ST app.

Server (v2.4.1)

  • FIXED: Cookies were being cleared by the server for UK users on startup after v2.4.0 upgrade.
Server Update Notice:

Thanks to the @zarthan for pointing to an app that will allow you to add auto-updates to the server without having to add me as a collaborator.
The Github app is called Pull

I added some basic steps to the documentation here:


So does that make me a co-creator of the ES app? :wink:

Anyone else getting repeat announcements with the latest (and previous) version? I have a rule that announces when a lock is unlocked and I get repeats on several of my Echo devices.

I have looked all over to find a way to do this, but have not succeeded. Can anyone show me how to get Echo Speaks to play a sound (like a chime or a beep)?

Please note that when initially launched you could use most of files that start with amzn_sfx_ but they seem to have been restricting them down to only the sounds supported by Alexa Routines

I tried writing a test rule:

Then ran it and got this error message:

Any advice?


Any help appreciated, @tonesto7.

Unfortunately you can't play every sound in the effects library.