[RELEASE] Echo Speaks v3 + Actions

i pushed up a fix... Its the same code version so it will require manual update.

Just tried to install latest beta via HPM but still failing for me.

Error Occurred During Installation

An error occurred while installing the package: Failed to install app https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonesto7/echo-speaks/beta/apps/echo-speaks.groovy. Please notify the package developer..

update. Latest beta installed fine once I had rebooted the hub.

@tonesto7 Fantastic work!! A clean install of the server and echo software and Iā€™m back in action.

A big thank you from me!

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IIRC using the Repair option in HPM will refresh the code from the latest version repository regardless of whether the version number has been updated.

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How do I update the server?


Install Options - Echo SpeaksDocumentation

Go to Updates, down to Server, follow the instructions.

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Pretty significant improvements here. From some simple comparisons of runtime stats it appears that average runtime for the devices has dropped by over 90%. For people like me that have more than a dozen echo devices, this is pretty significant.

Nice work @tonesto7 and @nh.schottfam!



Any chance of getting Echo groups to work? The WHA devices are created, Echo Speaks sees them...

Having 6 Echos, I'm trying to avoid the popcorn affect with announcements or is there another way?

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Amazon doesn't allow sending speech/announcements to WHA groups.

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Well that's a bummer, any way to avoid the popcorn affect?

Thanks for the great work and adding the new Gen 4's

I have a rule that triggers off of device attribute lastspokenToTime and it no longer seems to work.

I used it to trigger a rule, indicating that was the last device spoken to and then saved that device into a global. Has been working great, now it will not trigger.

Currently running


Try enabling debug and detail logging of the device in question and watch to see if the attributes change.
Also enable logs on the websocket to make sure you see events streaming in when you start speaking and once alexa stops responding to your request.

Just enabled the logs and asked the Echo in my office the time and said Hello. From the events page of the device you can see each action. There is nothing, however, on HE logs from the device

So I tried again because I realized I did not have on logging turned on in my RM rule. Then nothing happened. I got nothing in events or logs.

I then did a refresh after a minute or two of waiting and trying different phases. After the refresh the data updated for the device.

I then asked the echo the time again, and again nothing updated until I after I did a refresh.

Okay I missed the part about logging the websocket. Just turned that on and I get a message about cookie data missing. I just re-dployed the server today because it said mine was out of day. So let me do that again.

You don't need to redeploy if your app shows the auth is valid

Open the ES app and press done and it should synchronize the cookies in the devices

Just did that, the message I see in logs is

Skipping Socket Open... Cookie Data is Missing

This says it is valid?

try clearing your auth and re-login again to see if it fixes it

I think that did it, I am getting tons for messages for the websocket now. Let me play a bit and we will see if everything is back to normal

yeah make sure to turn off the logging in the websocket... It will flood the logs like crazy