[RELEASE] Device Watchdog

Hey @bptworld, nice to see Device Watchdog is supported again, thx for that, the app is really helpful for me. Concerning the color indication of the health status in the attribute report, what I ment was to give the offline/online also a color.

This is strange to, motion has no color, I need to remove the 2 attributes to see the color:


same for switch

I hope this feedback does not discourage you from supporting it again :rofl:

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I guess the HealthStatus should add here...

Try 2.5.0, it should fix the issue.


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We are are half way :slight_smile: HealthStatus has still no color, is it even possible?

I would expected here

Me too... You're not using the latest code.

hmm, strange,


I think I have found the issue, it was a conflict between app/drivers I saw the parent twice, I removed the Bundel manger and all drivers in all sections, did a repair in HPM, now it looks OK.

When Installed the new version using HPM I followed your instructions to do this, Will test later this evening and give some feedback.

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@bptworld I remember there was a character limit on a tile to improve the reliability.
If I use color, the devices on a tile are less, is this as intended?

15 devices on 1 tile

In color 9 device on 1 tile

Yes, 1024 characters is the limit that Hubitat sets as the limit. The number includes any html code needed to produce the table and colors. Nothing we can do about that.

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Is this not getting pushed out to Bundle Manager? I am not seeing any update to 2.4.8

I also tried updating the current bundle versions directly from the apps.

No Updates Available

As stated many, many times... Bundle Manager is dead, most of my apps are dead. Luckily I'm still alive and kicking! :wink:


Well, to be fair, it has flipped and flopped back and forth between pacakage manager and bundle manager a few times now. I missed which one was latest when I was trying to catch up with unread posts.

Apologies for missing this and thus asking a question.

Oh no, so sorry to hear

Nothing more important! Hope you are hanging in there!


Question for @bptworld, Should we remove Bundle Manager now that is unsupported?
Will the apps keep working?

Sure, it's not doing anything and it won't hurt anything else by removing it.

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It’s a shame to remove such a beautiful piece of hard work software.


As per my understanding, I can configure device watchdog to send me notifications, when thresholds are met. At the moment it is working nicely, where I get a notification when some of my devices are low on battery or not present. But, life keeping things busy, I can get to fix those devices only after many weeks.

is there some way to maybe has a dashboard tile, where I can see all the current alerts from device watchdog? So then, i can go to that dashboard anytime, and see the latest sent alerts.

Sorry, I don't know of any app that does this at the moment. It wouldn't be hard to code but I'm not doing any new stuff for the foreseeable future.


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If I’m not mistaken Device Watchdog does not allow choosing a notification device. I think it uses the notification device it creates.
But, you could create a notification rule using RM or any other rule engine and make it send notifications to a designated notification tile device when ever a battery level drops below a certain point. This notification tile device can hold up to 20 notifications and can be even presented on a dashboard so you can visit it when ever suits you.
Just an idea.

I have used another activity checker app to send the notification to a virtual notification device which just stores it as text, then I can display that on a dashboard. Not sure if that could be done with this app or not.

The newest [RELEASE] Device Activity Check - Get notifications for "inactive" devices app has a permalink LAN or Cloud that you can use to see the current inactive / low batt devices.

I have also played around with using the Tile Builder app to make a custom tile showing inactive or low battery devices on a dashboard tile: [RELEASE] Tile Builder - Build Beautiful Dashboards