[RELEASE] Device Watchdog

Looks great! and thank you.

FYI i can't seem to upgrade Watchdog via HPM (Hubitat Package Manager). Anyone else having similar issues?

"Error Occurred During Installation
An error occurred while installing the package: Failed to upgrade app https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bptworld/Hubitat/master/Apps/Device%20Watchdog/DW-child.groovy."

UPDATE: did the "Repair" function and seemed to work at least.

Flagging what I think may be an unknown problem - searched the thread and didn't find anything like mine.

I have virtual switches that go on when the Watchdog runs and finds something. When I clear these issues, I verify it is cleared by running the reports.

When the report runs, and is clear - it should toggle off the switch. AFAICT the switch only toggles off on a re-run of watchog timer. Because I run my watchdog daily, that means it is showing an error condition even tho the error has been cleared. I believe added the switch routine to the end of the reports is necessary.

Running the Reports in the 'Reports Section', is simply a visual report. It doesn't effect switches or send push messages.

You need to add a switch under 'Other Options' to manually run the report. This will turn your virtual switch on/off and/or send push as needed.

Yea. Got that - I'm taking full advantage -

As I mentioned - it's simply that running the report - imho - should also trigger resetting the switch (off OR on). At this time, on re-running the report it does not turn the switch off, only on. The switch does go off if I re-run at the schedule.

Might need the opposite - like a 'Turn this OFF if there is no activity to report'. I know the test says 'switch will automatically shutoff when there is no data' but that only seems to be checked on report run (I do it daily at 2pm). I'm going to try setting to run every 2 hrs and see what the impact is. Maybe I can live with that :).
update: I created a rule if it sees a virtual report switch go on, starts a timer and every 2 hours runs the DW. Tested. works. still a kludge tho!

as a side note - @bptworld you write so many great tools - lots with text basis - I wonder if you saw what someone did in the Noob CSS thread - the scrolling text is so cool:

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Feature Request -
DW is one of my most used/important apps. So first, thank you.

I have a few lights that are rarely used. DW shows that they haven't had activity for a while, and during the daily 'check' it sends a command to them. I believe I read that it sends a 'refresh'. What occurs in my environment is DW turns them on. I'm perfectly comfortable with that, but then I have to manually turn them back off. It's annoying to walk into my office and have to turn off my test bulb, or the living room mood lamp.
The feature I'm asking for would be to put a delay, then send the off command to follow. In this way, the activity log would reflect activity, the bulb would have toggled and no one would have known or cared!
In addition, as it stand now, I need to run a virtual switch that re-runs DW to clear the tile, Otherwise the tile, after having reported a negative state, stays that way.

Thanks for your consideration.

DW simply sends a 'refresh', it doesn't turn anything on. If no 'refresh' is found, it then looks for a 'configure' button. It's the same as you going into the device page and clicking the 'refresh' button.

So let's do an experiment - go to your device page and click on 'refresh' and/or 'configure'... what happens?

Configure turns on the bulb! Refresh doesn't exist. Using "Advanced Zigbee CT Bulb' driver from HE...

The "Configure" command with the "Advanced Zigbee ... Bulb" family of drivers on Hubitat runs some tests on the bulb and turns it on as part of that process (never been clear if it's supposed to turn it off after, but I don't think it has on any device I've tried). Maybe some option in the app not to revert to configure() if refresh() isn't found could help with this--assuming you prefer the "Advanced" over "Generic" drivers for this device, as the latter doesn't have this quirk (but also works differently and is generally less-featured).

Further exploration - yes indeed. All the devices that are having problems and 'ghost' enabling run this driver OR the Advanced Zigbee RGB... !!!

I have about 15 devices using this driver. It totally explains everything. I like the driver as it has level limit and transition speed. It's a shame I can't use it - does anyone have a recommended replacement?

@bertabcd1234 I swapped the driver for the 'generic (dev) one. It also has this problem. (are we gonna call it a feature? cuz in my book, it's a bug.)

I don't think those do that. You'll definitely want to run Configure after switching between the two. Might need to switch to "Device" and clear state and schedule, too, though I don't think I ever did...

That's definitely a bug, why would it turn the bulb On!? Very weird.


New version available...

2.4.5 - 02/28/22 - Added switch to not call 'config' due to a bug in some drivers

New version available...

2.4.6 - 03/01/22 - Added ability to use 'Custom notes' from the Data section of any device

Check out @thebearmay's awesome new addition, Custom Device Note App. This update makes it possible to use this custom data in DW battery reports!

@danabw :hushed:


Just looking at this for the first time. I must be missing something because I just setup a button for the status report. I only just bought the button and the status report says last status report was last year, in November. It is a sonoff push button.


  • how you have it setup
  • what the status report looks like
  • debug log - any errors?

Hi there, just installed the Device Watchdog yesterday. Took me a little bit to figure out how it worked but once you do its a great addition. Can you tell me if the image indicates a problem.
It lists 1 device but says total devices 2. Do I have some device with no name?

I just tried to use Device Watchdog on linked devices from other hub and it didn't work. I doubled checked my settings and have been using the app for almost a year on the hub where the devices are on. I first did it with a device tile that was also linked and another try using a local device tile, each being setup as a "Device Watchdog Tile".

Am I doing something wrong?

See post 670

Ok, makes sense.