[RELEASE] CoCoHue: Hue Bridge Integration (including scenes!)

I used the contact sensor by doing an open and close event with it.

That is what I'd need for the events, it appears. Thanks!

However, this work is more difficult than simply slightly adjusting the motion sensor code, as I thought it might originally be. This is because contact sensors are apparently not exposed over the v1 API at all, only v2, and while CoCoHue makes use of the v2 API for events, most other functions still rely on the longstanding, stable v1 API, including retrieving the list of devices.

This work will have to wait until some changes are made to that handling (assuming I can make something work without even having the devices, which again I think are a bit silly for Hue and don't plan to :slight_smile: ).

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Is there a reason you want these on the Hue bridge specifically (as opposed to instead just pairing them direct to HE)? I'm assuming they are ZB3.0, but maybe not.

So you have no plans to support them then?

I didn't go quite that far. :slight_smile: It just can't happen until I get around to using v2 for more of the integration instead of just the parts that truly benefit from it at the moment, and it would be hard to fully test without a real device -- but it would ultimately be possible.

In the meantime, is there a reason you don't want them paired directly to Hubitat, as suggested above? They are Zigbee and would likely work with the built-in generic driver, though I don't know that anyone has tried.

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Tried and they don’t initialize with HE

I am willing to test your code if it will make it go any quicker and easier.

While that would be helpful and likely necessary, all of the above is still true, and I do not have a timeline for when I would be able to get to the prerequisites (nor do I like to commit to such for things I do in my spare time).

My guess is that Hue are planning to specifically restrict software access to their security range, so it will prove to be very hard or impossible to connect via any other medium than their app - which will require an account very soon.

@bertabcd1234 ... have you run this integration on multiple hubs simultaneously? Just curious, as I'm decentralizing my rules a bit, and am thinking it might be cleaner to have Hue bulbs 'local' to the automations they are used in.

Yeah, hub mesh certainly works, but if i can run CoCoHue on several hubs, it might make it a bit easier to keep things straight.


Yes, that is not a problem at all.



Is there a way to import the "Natural light" scene activator through cocohue?
I kind of want to get rid of my rule in hubitat to activate correct scene depending on time of day, since it's much more easy to change this directly in the hue app

Only if it shows up as an actual scene or Hue Labs activator. I'm not sure what this particular feature is, but it doesn't sound quite like either. I can look into it if not, but no guarantees.

Hue added a new resource in the V2 API called Smart_Scene, which is where I think the Natural Light scene gets called.

Ah! In that case, this feature will have to wait until I start using v2 for scene activation and similar features (no timeline, per the discussion above).


This might be way too much for this topic but I ask anyway. :slight_smile: Do you @bertabcd1234 know Hue Essentials app for android? There are cool effects to use with Hue lights, like strobe lights, disco lights and police lights (red blue). All of these effects work way different than how Hue lights normally work. For example if I'm trying to control let's say 3 bulbs so that every bulb turn on in half second intervals, that is not possible. They usually of course turn on but it is not that precise. Lights cannot be controlled in real time but at the same time..somehow Hue Essentials app can control bulbs to flash for example using audio from phone. Or flashing bulbs like a real strobe light which means really fast and rapid action between bridge and bulbs.

So..my question is..is there a way for developer like you to get access to same place where Hue Essential developer has. :slight_smile: I know that Hue is more of a consumer product than professional. In professional light systems they operate lights so that bulbs usually do what is ask at that same moment when button is pressed. Consumer stuff usually doesn't but it seems that Hue bridge is capable to control bulbs very fast if wanted.
It would be cool for example set stairway lights to turn on one by one/step by step.

Any comments about this? And sorry if it's way too much to this CoCohue topic..

I'm not sure how Hue Essentials does this. It could be something in the app, or it could be combining various Hue features (schedules, rules, scenes?) to create the effect. In any case, nothing that CoCoHue is doing right now, and likely nothing that will be prioritized for me personally in the near term...but being open-source, anyone can take a look if they want to try. :smiley:

I'm pretty sure that Hue Essentials is utilizing your phone to send the commands to the Hue Bridge and not saving the effects/scenes to the Hue Bridge. For CoCoHue to work, the scene would need to be saved to the Hue Bridge. Basically, if you can start the Hue Essentials effects by the Hue App, then CoCoHue would be able import it into Hubitat.

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Yep. I do not actually care so much about those HueE effects even they are cool. I would love to make these automations where lights one by one do things at the exact moment and do it by using Hubitat. For example turning outdoor lights on in cool pattern. That is what I was thinking...what it needs if Hue Essentials and android can do it. Is it something that could be done by using Hubitat or is it really something between phone and Hue Bridge. And if it is...what is it? Oh..I have so much questions :smiley: