[Deprecated] Bundle Manager


I ran the install from HPM. I just clicked the radio button to install the Bundle Manager with Hub security. Nothing happened or any indication in the logs. What should I be seeing next or looking for? Thanks...

EDIT: Disregard, I see this inserts 'Bundle Manager' in the 'Add User App' area and I need to install that.

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I'm sure this has probably been said elsewhere but I don't understand why this continues to exist. Please integrate the bundled apps into Package Mgr and make that core to Hubitat.

See post #1.

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Bryan, I've previously read that. I guess I don't really understand why you haven't rolled your apps into Package Mgr. To me, it would make sense for Pkg Mgr to be integrated into the Hubitat menu tree.

After following the instructions, BM is now broken and won't complete setup after uninstall/install. Doesn't show up in installed apps. If it matters, I'm running HE BETA.

After much machinations, uninstalling every bundle, library, etc. except the few apps/drivers I'd still like to try, I was finally able to get BM installed and seen as installed by HE.

Now when I install any app, existing or not, it throws errors and I have to go back and forth and run the install 2-3 times to get it installed.

This error coincides with the log error below.

New version...

1.4.7 - 11/23/23 - Error trapping

@rjterry21 try manually updating (post #2)


Check for Bundle Updates updated BM to 1.4.7

I was able to install one (1) previously never before used app, and install one previously uninstalled app without errors.


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Is this app completely shut down or disabled? I know it no longer developed and I need the Flasher to set up light for my doorbell button because I am deaf.

I tried installing the bundle manager then it say first time use please update waiting ....... I waited for a while and nothing happen .. it still show still working .... please wait ..

I know it not longer supported or developed but is older version still working and available? How do I get the flasher installed?

Thank you

Could do it manually by going to the Bundles Tab on the hub and importing: https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/TheFlasher.zip

Thanks .. I'll try that

If they still work, feel free to use them. If they don't... well. That would be it for that one. I keep them on my Github so others can build off of them or use them as examples, if anyone would choose to do so. Lots of good bits and pieces in there!


I think that hang happened to me too. I reloaded the page and the install seemed to have worked. I am using the flasher currently. (and thanks @bptworld)

The Hubitat team should add flashing as a system feature -- it is incredibly useful at times.

I tried installing flasher manually and set it up. It did flash my light only one item then I couldn't get it to work again after the first flash attempt. darn I was really hoping to get this working. It would be very useful to myself and my family who are also deaf.

If anyone could help us out here to install it and get it working manually that will be awesome.

Again we know it no longer in development but it kind of a great importance to us.

Okay, okay. :smile: As someone who has become somewhat recently disabled (stroke). I know how much automation can affect quality of life. Give me a few days to get this one going again.


if you post some logs showing you trying to run it and errors etc. i can take a look and see if i see the problem with the flasher app.. it could just be the device you are trying to flash does not have a good enough mesh connection to flash.. for sub second on/off you need to have a good connection.

if it helps i can also put a copy of the flasher in my github and add it to package manager but you just unzip the above zip file and install the 2 files in apps code , and the one driver in driver code.

then add the app under apps. (just the parent app).


Feel free to continue any conversation over on the Flasher thread.


Thank you for the feedback and I will look into what you suggested.

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I got it working. At first I thought I had to install the flasher as a bundle and that didn't work out then I unzipped it and install driver plus 2 apps separately and that worked.

Thank you for creating this awesome app!

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Also keep in mind the device itself. I tried using it on Hue bulbs. If I want 5 second flashes, great. But each on and off isn’t instant and the device itself dims over a second or two. So I couldn’t expect a one second flash.

However, using it on GE switches, flashing works a little too well! If it gets triggered as part of HPM, getting it to stop can be tricky. Lesson learned the hard way! :grin: