[RELEASE] Auto Lock

Things looked OK yesterday, AFAIR. I'll go check again...I enabled logging and unlocked the door.

I'm not sure I understand the logging options, as it seems like you need to select them twice? In Logging Options and Logging Level?

Logging level is a permanent setting where as the others just turn it on for a bit. They operate independent of eachother.

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This is a great app.

Now I found a brand new use for it, with it I have caind of replaced IFTTT.

At HB I have created 2 virtual switch (with auto off ).
One swich to work as ON COMMANDER and one to work as OFF COMMANDER)
Using the virtula swich created for on comands will:
1.- When turned on using this app it wll unlook a virtual lock
2.- The virtual lock will start a ALEXA RUTINE (prevusly created at Alexa app) to turn on what ever smart device is linked to Alexa.
3.- Since the virtual swtch has auto off, it will autolock the virtual lock, leaving evething ready to be switch on again

Same performance for the the virtula swich created for OFF commands.

1.- When turned on using this app it wll unlook a virtual lock
2.- The virtual lock will start a ALEXA RUTINE (prevusly created at Alexa app) to turn OFF what ever smart device is linked to Alexa.
3.- Since the virtual swtch has auto off, it will autolock the virtual lock, leaving evething ready to be switch OFF again.

I hope this is usefull for some body

It's always fun to see the use cases people come up with.

1.1.25 uploaded to github and available hpm. It adds ability to create/delete a virtual combined presence device from the parent app.

Any feedback is welcome. The infrastructure from the unlock selection was already in place so figured I would add options for locking as well. Preview of addition I'm working on...


The first 3 are already done. Just getting started on the other 4.

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I like how you wrote the last option... I assume that if all options (including the last one) are checked, the lock will not lock. Correct?

Correct. I can't stop someone from going and physically locking the door, but I guess I could force it unlocked if they did but that should be another option so it's expected.

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That’s when you activate the cattle prod option.

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Booby trap mode would be an interesting one but it's illegal in the US. I think it's covered under the Geneva Convention as well.

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New version 1.1.26 out. It adds options for locking when lock unlocks, lock when contact closes, presence departure lock, lock with modes, switch triggered lock, lock with hsm, and prevent locking under any circumstances.

Note, the contact sensor is now an optional selection and doesn't use it unless selected. To enable contact sensor locking you need to check the second option in the box under locking options.



I'm getting these kind of errors from time to time for the contact sensors and door locks battery handler for each door lock rule I have. Do we care or no big deal? Started to notice them since 2.2.5 update

Which version of the app are you running?

My dev build on 1.1.28 hasn't gotten any errors. Let me go ahead and push that out. It adds multiple presence lock/unlock options. Some notification stuff too but I'm still working on that.

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Thank you Sir

1.1.28 posted for you. Just run an update in HPM.

That's awesome, thank you so much got it. Awesome app I know we can use RM I have before but this app makes things quick and simple and has nice choices of options. Donation sent

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If you ever come across issues just let me know I usually run a build or two above release to let it settle for a while and check for errors.

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Gotten a bunch of pm's about crazy ways people are using this app. Things I would have never considered but I guess if it works then hey... whatever makes it easier for you. Does give a lot of edge cases to test against though.


I am not able to add locks to the app it says required fields not filled out.