I have been looking for a way to notify me when emergency stop is invoked. You reference that ability in this post. Is this a branch of the vThermostat available today? Thanks.
I try not to public my customizations as public branches - however, I'm happy to share my customized version which attributes the orig code. I'm in the midst of dramatic change ATM - I moved my house yesterday. While all my things are now at the new place - it will be a few days before I get my smart world back into functional! If you can wait and remind me I'm happy to share privately.
Will do - thanks!
I was planning to get a new version out, but my screen time needs to be at a minimum because I have a rapidly deteriorating lens (cataracts) in one eye and my one good eye gets tired fast. Since my main work is on computers as a Lead/Acide and Lithium battery CAD designer for industrial machines. I'm taxing it to much already and do very limited work on the computer at home (Did try to show my wife how to program, but here computer illiterate side takes over really fast ).
As soon as I get my surgery done, I will be able to get back to this project.
Thank you for the update Nelson. Sorry to hear about your cataracts and I hope that your surgery will go well and that you will be better than new. Your main focus of course should be work and not Hubitat, although I really value your contribution to the community.
Hey Nick,
Sorry for your current situation. If you want, I can open a pull request to you, to add what is needed for the Advanced vThermostat to be standard and supported in the new Easy Dashboards. It is 3 lines of code:
attribute "supportedThermostatFanModes", "JSON_OBJECT"
in the metadata, then adding
sendEvent(name: "thermostatFanMode", value: "auto")
sendEvent(name: "supportedThermostatFanModes", value: ["auto"])
in the installed()
Once these changes are made, people need to hit Configure for each device.
This is sufficient to make the thermostat work with the new Easy Dashboards.
hey there - I recall some time ago you were having some eye issues - hope you're improving!
I use this driver/app for monitoring an office heater and AC and it is perfect!
Feature request - could you add a section to the app for 'Modes'? Currently, I'm handling the vThermo via rules to disable when sleeping and away (I'm obviously not in my office!) The modes component feels illogical - I wanted to check it and had to figure out how I was managing it - I looked in the app for the modes until I discovered my external control via rules.
Thank you for considering!
Still waiting for the operation that should be before the end of year, thanks for asking.
Although I understand the request, this is not going to happen since this is more of an app driven driver and not a controller/scheduler. I would suggest checking out this... I believe this will do exactly what you want and is what I use to control temps for my whole house when away, during sleep and even and vacation.
@nclark Hello Nelson! I know you are going to have your eye operated on, and you are not doing any "extra" work on the computer to save your existing eyesight, but I have a question about your thermostat app.
I have tried it and when I first setup the child app, I can set the setpoint temp just fine.
IF I try and change the setpoint, the temperature selection does not appear.
Am I doing something wrong? How would I change the setpoint after the child has been created?
I am using the app to control an attic fan and am using several temp sensors that are averaged for the temp sensor.
I also need to create a second vstat to control the fan's lo/hi speed, but that is simple right now.
Hope you are doing well!
Thanks for asking, surgery is just around the corner (in 2-3 months), had my first consultation with the surgeon that will make the procedure last week, reassured me that they do offer pills to help me relax (shouldn't have gone on youtube to see what the procedure was). Decided on the lens type that would be best for me since I'm on a computer all day doing CAD.
If you look in the device page, you will find a device in there with the same name as the child app. From there you can change settings of the thermostat like any other thermostat, you can even have it on a dashboard and control temps and turn the thermostat on/off from the dashboard.
Hope this was what you were looking for. If not post back.
I'm with you! I have a procedure coming up (over active thyroid is wrapping around my esophagus among other things) and I saw a Cardiothoracic surgeon (she is wonderful), and of course had to look up the procedure and the rating of the surgeon (she is highly rated) BUT having an overactive imagination, came REAL close to passing out! VERY annoying to me!!!
I hope your procedure goes well, and you will probably REALLY like your eyesight afterwards!!!
YES! This IS what I was looking for! Thank you! I was trying to overcomplicate things.... sorry.
Once again... good luck!
When you think about it, it is AMAZING to me what can be done nowadays!
And how FAR medicine has come!
Looking over your driver/app, I really like the way you commented the different sections!
Really makes it nice to be able to see what is going on.
I am no programmer/code creator, but I do have a little experience in C++ / Fortran (THAT dates me) / Visual Basic, and can read a little code.
Just interesting to me........
we don't go "♪♫ Burning down the house, my house, it's of the ordinary--------------- ♪♫" ok quit singing in your head already, ok but it's a good song.
FUNNY!!! Found that Easter Egg....
Having issue with ThermostatMode of the child device of Advanced vThermostat Device type when using Rule Machine.
I have created three virtual thermostats using the Advanced vThermostat, in Rule Machine only the thermostat mode only works on one of them. The other two cannot detect or set the thermostat mode.
Solved the issue. In order to add some of the other attributes, similar to those included in the default Virtual Thermostat", just change the device type to "Virtual Thermostat" and save it. Then the additional attributes are added where you can make the changes as needed, like "Supported thermostate mode". After making the necessary changes, Change the device type back to "Advance vThermostat device".
Remember to [Save device] in between changing the device type.
Just note that if the driver you switch to doesn’t support the new attributes, they won’t be updated. Sounds like in this case the driver doesn’t natively have the supported thermostat modes attribute and wasn’t recognized by RM - luckily it only needs to be set once and never changes. Any other attributes that showed up as a result may or may not be supported/updated.
Just the app I was looking for.
I'm gonna install it right now.
Thanks @nclark
In the list of appropriate switches, you can add the Sylvania Lightify 120V/15A (Model: 72922)
The instructions in the 1st post were not clear to me, so clarifying for others.
After installing the app from the HPM, you have to add a User App, not a device
(You may also need to install the Hubitat Package Manager app first)
And the app will create a matching thermostat device that can be used in Rules or the Thermostat Scheduler.