[RELEASE] A bunch of various integrations (no longer maintained)

Indeed they do! Thor and Loki have been holding their poops and pee for 24 hours, just about to burst. They are now very happy.

Verified working as well. Thanks for the quick response with a fix!

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Just a note, it will break again when they force everyone over to the autopets app. That has a completely different api that will take some time to integrate.


:frowning_face: Grumble.

HPM updated with the new release. I will work on adding the new Autopets API as I have time to hopefully get it ready before they break it. However, they made this a lot harder to reverse engineer than it used to be so it will take a while.

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Thanks so much! Let us know if/when you need help testing. I’ve got a spare C-5 that is idle.

I know it was just released, but any word on functionality wise how the new built in Bond integration stacks up to yours?

Unfortunately, dman2306 is no longer active in the HE community, so I doubt you'll get an answer from him. I doubt another dev will take over dman's Bond integration here now that Bond is officially integrated -- there's just no point.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Custom driver for Litter Robot not working properly