Reddit ShellyUSA Forum Banned Me - Why?

Ok folks I've been loving Shelly's and digging their devices, going even as far as writing my own device drivers for them. Today I posted a question, because support is hidden away and I could not interface to them, so I did it on Reddit. It was my Motion 2 not doing the correct temps for Fahrenheit. Wammo I was banned. What did I do?

Is this normal? Is the Reddit forum a Shelly sponsored site? Any insight?

Bizarre. Have you asked for clarification?

@Evilborg - any comments?

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Did you reply to the message to ask the mods of that subreddit?

Shelly does not like criticism I'm guessing

Nope.. @dougroberson is the person running that subreddit

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You were banned for spamming.

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I can't claim to be well versed in online forums, including situations such as this, but I would suggest you ask for clarification from the people involved in applying your ban, as @aaiyar already suggested. Whether you like it or not, and whether you agree with whatever rules were enforced or how they were applied, you have obviously caused some concern to those who matter in the Shelly space, without wanting to speculate more than concern..... I would hope, in the long-run, that any temporary misalignment of intent between you and Shelly can be rectified by a simple conversation.


The issue I have wit Reddit, every moderation policy is different per group. I was once banned from the Unifi group for talking about pre-release hardware. I had to explain it to them that I was just reposting info that was commonly known and linked to the YouTube video's.

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To be fair (and not looking to defend Reddit), and drift the conversation away from it's original intent, is that actually Reddit's fault? Or more the moderator's of that group / conversation? More an enquiry than a rebuttal...

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Reddit does what they want. That is largely my last resort for asking questions these days.

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Given that some platforms use it as their primary form of contact I don't think differently of respondents if they choose to engage using Reddit.... For me it is when people choose to apply their rules in "their own way" that can perk my interest,,, regardless of the platform...


BTW, to address the original issue you raised on Reddit. I would suggest placing the shelly sensor right next to your thermostat and not above it.

Smart thermostats, especially those that are 24VAC powered, generate heat during their operation. So it is not uncommon for a sensor placed above a thermostat to be a few degrees higher in temperature.

Also, in general, the sensors in these devices need to be calibrated, or offset, for consistency with other devices.


Thanks, I think my crime was I published two drivers and announced them plus the issue with the temp sensor. Not quite spamming as just trying to be a productive member of the forum and group and asking for support.

I was taken back, because this seems to be extreme and I am a consumer promoting their products and trying to make them better. I was not sure if Doug was a company employee maintaining Reddit ShellyUSA forum and that is my ask.

It's frankly made me more awake to Shelly and what kind of company they are.

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Within what time period? Sub-reddits often make use of auto-moderation. And multiple posts within a short time frame would certainly be a trigger.

Of course it’s your privilege to reach any conclusion you like, but auto-moderation is a common practice. As is the practice of having an actual human moderator read the response to an automated message such the one you were sent.


Wow, that's a sad situation,,,, if true.... As much I would encourage conversation to continue where it starts, if the oversight is so black / white without human intervention.... that is a shame....

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The process facilitates human interaction. Auto-moderation is the start of the process, not the end. And gives the end user an opportunity to interact with a human moderator.

As you consider this, bear in mind that Reddit is replete with spambots, so it is within reason to establish a process that flag/moderate users based on the frequency of posting.


I've enjoyed the fruits of a manually curated forum for too long.... :slight_smile:


Well - Reddit is too large to be moderated manually. But it does work well for forums like this one.


Sounds like you shouldn't take it personal @coreyclerico... Just please the powers that be... quite literally....