Recommendation humidity sensor for bathroom

also in the driver above, the screenshot you show. The 3 options in the middle will never come into play because option 40 is set to 0.

So the "Humidity Change Amount (%)? The percentage the humidity must change to induce an automatic report." Will not work. What should be added to the parameters is a Boolean for "turn on automatic report based on change" setting to true or false. True would turn option 40 on and false would turn it off.

I have 2 small bathrooms and both go up by 3-5 percent humidity in 5 min on the aeon. It is easy to capture when to turn on the fan for me.

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Do you then just use a set time to leave the fans or or somehow figure out the drop in humidity also to turn it off?

I have an app that I got in my ST days that I have rewrote. It looks for a rise by X% to turn on, then looks for the humidity to come down to X% difference above where it started and the highest humidity it sees to turn off with an optional delay
So, if I Set it to look for a 2% increase and turn off at 25%. If my sensor starts at 40, increases to 45, it will turn on as it is over the 2% increase since the last humidity reading. Let’s say it increases all the way to 52 percent. Then the fan will keep going until the humidity drops below 43%. Then it will either turn off, or turn off with delay.


@Cobra has a similar offering:

And I remember a discussion about using a sensor in another room as a base to compare, but can't jog more of that memory out at this moment :frowning:

I'll push a new version of AeotecMultiSensor6 (v1.4) to github in a few minutes, I can't test the reactivity, because this office has no change in humidity, and since lux is defective on this particular device, a flashlight won't work. :frowning:

However, I can say, it's sending values, without logging errors. :slight_smile:

ConfigurationSet(configurationValue:[0, 100], defaultValue:false, parameterNumber:42, scaledConfigurationValue:100, reserved11:0, size:2)
ConfigurationSet(configurationValue:[5], defaultValue:false, parameterNumber:43, scaledConfigurationValue:5, reserved11:0, size:1)
ConfigurationSet(configurationValue:[0, 2, 2, 0], defaultValue:false, parameterNumber:41, scaledConfigurationValue:131584, reserved11:0, size:4)
ConfigurationSet(configurationValue:[1], defaultValue:false, parameterNumber:40, scaledConfigurationValue:1, reserved11:0, size:1)

@csteele awesome, thanks

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