Recommend a Hardwired Zwave energy monitor outlet

The Sinope RM3250ZB seems way overpriced for my use (monitoring a few applicances). The Zooz looks interesting but are there any receptacle ones? Meaning these are all plugin devices, I really want something that replaces my outlet like the Enerwave...

Not z-wave. There's a Zigbee receptacle from Smartenit

Seems most use plugs instead of the receptacles is that the majority of the receptacles available only have one of the two outlets are actually controllable with zwave. The other is always on. therefore plugs you can control both outlets (as long as you don't get the older ones that block half the 2nd outlet)

OK. I could be persuaded to go zigbee. Any idea where I can find it?

Thanks! I assume it works with HE?

Dunno... don't have one. It's ZHA standard and if it doesn't just work then you could write a driver for it or ask someone to.

Yup I'm aware. NEC doesn't allow both outlets to be controlled. For my use that's OK. I just want to monitor my washer and the nonsmart one won't be used.

Even though it says it can handle 15A, Im not sure how comfortable I would be connecting a washer to this. In the specs it says its intended for lamps and TVs etc. A washer is potentially a high, power difficult load to switch. I would consider a ZEN15 for this application.

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I picked up a peanut plug... it always reports 0 watts with the Generic Zigbee Outlet driver... what am I doing wrong? I found a custom driver which also doesn't work. I'm reading I need to buy an Almond hub to update it first??? Did you recommend a device that doesn't actually work with HE???

I have a Zooz ZEN15 hooked to my washer (Samsung). Z-wave+ took 5 minutes to configure it. Report Volt, Amp, instant power (W) and energy (kWh). Works fine with HE.
Worth the purchase.

I'm sorry if your having trouble, mine work fine. You can try this driver, although people report it works with generic HE driver.
You may have gotten one with older firmware.

Here's mine

Are you using the same driver? I don’t see that it has a sync command like you show in your screenshot

Sorry, that is the view from my hub connect driver, on my main HE hub.
The plug is paired to hub 2 and connected to main hub via the hub connect app.
I do this to avoid the incompatiblity issue with the many xiaomi devices on my main hub. I run all my zigbee devices that don't play well with xiaomi devices, like the peanut and the Iris 3210-L plugs and osram bulbs and a few others, on my secondary hub.

Did yours start reporting power with the new driver?

Nope. It’s already removed and in a drawer. I’d warn anyone with HE against these devices. Having to buy a $120 hub to get them to work properly seems ridiculous to me. I’ll go with a different option next time

I would highly recommend the peanuts to anyone needing a zigbee repeater who doesn't care about power monitoring as they are one of the better zigbee repeaters and CHEAP to use on Hubitat.

Apparently you received a Peanut that didn't have its firmware updated. I have several of these, two came with updated firmware, the others didn't. I bought a second-hand Almond3 on eBay for $30 to update the rest. Raised the average price I paid for each Peanut to $17, which is still an incredibly good deal for a power-monitoring smart-plug that can handle an 1800W draw or 1/2HP motor startup.

While this may not be a good choice for everyone, it did work out for me.

Has anyone tried one of these in-wall outlets?

I have the GE outlet. Works well with HE, but no power monitoring. The Enerwave outlets are the only in-wall z-wave power monitoring outlets I am aware off

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