Really disappointed

I have been using Home Assistant for the last couple of years and have only really had a handful of issues but regardless I had this overwhelming curiosity about the Hubitat box so recently took the plunge and purchased an C8. Having now had the HE for around a month I find myself increasingly frustrated by what it can’t do. I had a bunch of Meross plugs (I know Meross right) which have worked flawlessly since I purchased them but despite loading the recommended custom apps I just can’t get them to work. I also have 20 Tapo P100’s which work until the power goes off and then the HE looses communication with them after power is restored . It also appears not to work with the ring alarm at least directly.

Home Assistant works with all of my devices so unless I can find another use it will become an expensive Zigby hub.

Sorry to hear you've had a frustrating time with your new hub. I used to have a similar issue with my Kasa plugs reconnecting to the Wi-Fi network after I restarted my router. Once I looked at the various 2.4GHz channels I was using and made some adjustments they have not had this issue. I'd suggest doing the same.

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Thanks for the reply. Even though the HE loses connectivity the Tapo app and Home Assistant continue to function correctly with the P100’s so I’m pretty sure the network and in particular the 2.4g channel is ok

Do you mind elaborating a little bit more about the difficulty of using these devices? What part of getting them to work are you having problems?

Hubitat and Home Assistant are great for different things. Hubitat has been my primary hub for quite a long time. I bought a C-5 right when they were first released. Overall, I still find Hubitat to be the best platform for local automations (Rule Machine). But, there are a number of things Hubitat can do but Home Assistant can simply do much better (trends, history, and dashboards).

So, recently I've been using both, and this has finally given me everything I want. Nice, easy to use dashboards, great trends and device history provided by Home Assistant, and the power of Rule Machine to automate everything exactly how I want it to be provided by Hubitat.


Sure. According to the logs there is no apparent connectivity to the devices. I have followed the instruction outlined on the authors GitHub page and acquired what appears to be the crypto key using a network analyser tool. But despite this nothing.I gave up after reading other user experiences to the same.

I guess I was looking to use a combination of both but the problem with the P100’s has put me off the HE. As a trustworthy device. I too really liked the look of rule machine and have found it a very powerful and relatively simple tool to use, however I have a rule that monitors the temperature in my home bar an compares the difference to ambient temperature outside in the shade. Once the bar temp rises 6 degrees c above ambient it turns on an exhaust fan. Unbeknown to me the power had gone off for a few minutes during the day but upon power restoration the HE would no longer switch the P100’s and therefore failed to turn on the exhaust fan which then caused an issue with a fridge overheating. I can bring connectivity back by deleting and re-installing the P100’s. I have since moved the automation back to home assistant and use the HE to connect to the Zigby temp sensors and report via the HE to Home assistant bridge

The P100 is a simple Wifi device. Just reconnect them all to Home Assistant and then share them back to Hubitat using Home Assistant Device Bridge. Now Hubitat can control the device for automations via Rule Machine, and Home Assistant can still give you all the device history and trend information with it's nice built-in graphs and stuff. Best of both worlds.

[RELEASE] Home Assistant Device Bridge (HADB) - :gear: Custom Apps and Drivers / Custom Drivers - Hubitat

but also:
On a related note, the connectivity problem after a power outage is probably related to your router handing it a new IP address when the power resumes. You might be able to solve the problem by supplying the devices an IP address reservation in your router so that they receive the same IPs each time they reconnect.


Thanks for your reply. I Already have HADB configured so will try out your suggestion on sharing the P100’s back. To HE.

All the P100’s have reserved IP address’s and the router itself is powered via battery backup so not an issue with the router.

I agree with others that a combination of solutions makes the ideal platform and there is no doubt that Rule Engine is very powerful but I guess I expected more from the HE and hoped to be less reliant on HA

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FWIW I have one Tapo bulb and my experience has not been great. Even after setting it to a fixed IP address, sometimes the Hubitat is unable to control it. Then I just start rebooting things and crossing my fingers, and eventually it's back. During these outages its own app still works fine, so it's something about the Hubitat integration.

Making Home Assistant the primary connection for the Tapo devices sounds like a good idea.

Well for what it's worth, I've really found Hubitat to be really powerful and pretty stable too. I can't explain for your issues with the Tapo P100s, as I have dozens of Tapo/Kasa devices connected directly to Hubitat without any issues. Mine area all reliable and many have worked properly directly connected to Hubitat for years without a single issue. However, I have also had my share of issues and times where I wanted to rip my hair out with Hubitat. So, I totally understand where you're coming from. I hope you are able to get your devices working in a stable condition.

Are you using the C8 via Ethernet or WiFi?

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