Ready-to-Use Grafana Dashboards! - Beta Test / Feedback

With the sensor dashboard, I'm seeing this issue. Please assist. Thank you.

Status: 500. Message: A query returned too many datapoints and the results have been truncated at 10191 points to prevent memory issues. At the current graph size, Grafana can only draw 1019. Try using the aggregateWindow() function in your query to reduce the number of points returned.

Reduce the time range and I will check it out. I cannot remember if I added the aggregate function to that one yet or not.

Still an issue past 12 hours.

Can you edit one of the Temperate charts and look at the query code, see if you have this as the last line. I don't think it was in the original but I added it later so maybe you just need to import the new one.

  |> aggregateWindow(every: v.windowPeriod, fn: mean, createEmpty: false)

I just tested on mine with the range set to 90 days and it works fine.

I adapted @jtp10181 battery list and made a sortable table so that I could sort by name. Its not nearly as compact, but it is more interactive.

here is the query:

//Use this for Display name override

import "date"
from(bucket: "${bucket}")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "battery")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "value")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["${tagName}"] =~ /^${battery:regex}$/)
  |> last()

  |> group(columns :["${tagName}"])
   |> pivot(rowKey:["${tagName}"], columnKey: ["_measurement"], valueColumn: "_value")
  |> group()

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That did the trick. Thank you

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Today I was reading this update from the InfluxDB team and it looks like Flux is on the way out. Reading the blog Flux was the primary reason people didn't update to InfluxDB 2.0. Looks like the are releasing new versions of the product that are tailored to usage patterns, Long term series and then front-end analysis. You can read it here.

After a couple of years trying and really trying to keep my sanity with Flux looks like we are going to get a SQL like query language again.

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Not very complimentary ideas.

I'm just starting to play with this. It looks very interesting, but I can't seem to get it to pull the information for Hub Information. Also, the sensor information is just dates and time, but it doesn't say WHICH sensor, is that the way it is supposed to be?

hub Information Configuration

That looks like you have hubinfo driver loaded and it is getting the data..

Then you need to get the data from their into InfluxDB with InfluxDB Logger.

You will need to use the advanced option to allow all attributes. This is one of my setups that do this. You can see i have the switch for "Advanced attributes selection" on , then i selected my HubInfo device for my dev hub and then the attributes it is sending to InfluxDB. All of those Attributes are needed for the Hubinfo dashboard.

update I updated the image because i realized some of the attributes wheren't needed.

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Found that right after I posted above. Got all that setup, still not getting anything from hub info. and (or example) Sensors is way too generic.


Ok, I got the hub information reporting. Now I just need to get the actual device names to show rather than just the date and time..
Scratch that, got those figured out too!! @mavrrick58 thank you again for your assistance!

Working Screenshots

Try changing the TagName value at the top to "DeviceName" instead of "displayName" on the sensors dashboard.

Yep, that was what it was. First time I looked at it I thought it said something different.

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Just set up the basic Hub Info dashboard tonight...Influx and Grafana cloud setups were a great time-saver over doing a local Pi-based config, really like that.



Couple of things aren't filling in on the Info dashboard...not sure what I have missed enabling.


Enabled in Influx DB Logger:

I've tried refreshing and the info isn't filling in for some reason.

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It is most likely how they get into InfluxDB. InfluxDB Logger generally focuses on sending items by event. So if the part of HubInfo Driver that populates uptime and Firmware isn't sending that value in yet then it wouldn't show up in InfluxDB. Check the Hubinfo Driver config and make sure that they those values are part of something sending regular updates. Probably at most frequently every 5 min.

Those values are part of the Base Data group of calls. Make sure that isn't set to 0. I think as long as something gets sent it will know the uptime. Also a reboot will push new values as well.

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Thanks for confirming, had already done that and refreshed to re-poll everything:

On uptime, I just refreshed my Hub Info device page and uptime updated from 62-something to 81827, so there was an update on uptime. I refreshed and re-loaded the dashboard on Grafana and uptime didn't update. I'll give it some time and see if it catches up later.

Just wanted to confirm that you are talking about a hub reboot, correct?

In the InfluxDB logger, set the System log level to 'info' and save the app.

In the logs, you will see a list of devices and attributes that InfluxDB Logger has subscribed to. Does the list look correct?

Also, the log will show when events are queued for insertion with InfluxDB. Do you see events being queued? You will also see when the post to InfluxDB has been completed.

Do you see any warn or error messages in the log?

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Thanks. I had set logging to info last night to check and then got distracted and forgot to follow up. Re-saved InfluxDB logger w/Info Logging set and it looks good in logs:

Uptime and Platform Version are still not showing up on the dashboard.

Obviously missing those two items is not a big deal, just an OCD-ish personal issue that they aren't filling in. :slight_smile:

But are they showing up as events in the log for InfluxDB Logger?

If you go into the Hub Information device, and look at the events there, are there actual events being created? When is the last time?

A screenshot of the Preferences section for your Hub Information device might be useful...

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