[Re-release] Hubitat Ring Integration (Unofficial)

Okay, noob question(s). I'm new to my Ring alarm system, HE, and automation in general, but enjoying it thus far!

To be clear, you may either connect your Ring devices (mainly thinking door and motion sensors but do have cams and doorbell, too) to the Ring hub OR to the HE, right? And thus must go IFTTT if connecting to the Ring hub? No way to discover/add to both?

I want to have professional monitoring of my system, so I assume I must (only it seems) go the Ring hub route.

But I'd love to have, for instance, the system disarm as soon as I unlock one of my Schlage locks, and have certain lights turn on. Maybe I can do that through the Ring hub (if stuck with that route) though...?

I am also wondering the same. Can the ring sensors be connected to the ring hub and the Hubitat at the same time? If so would that be preferable over other solutions? I get have the other solutions for the cameras alarm itself.

Yes and no...

Through this integration, you can access your sensors via Ring alarm and Hubitat. So from that perspective, Yes. You can access your devices on both.

However, they are on distinct ZWave networks, so The sensors are not on Hubitat’s ZWave network. If they were, as far as I know, they would not be available in Ring alarm.

Okay, thanks Sebastien. I will add and set up everything through the Ring hub and then play around with this integration once we're done with construction.

THANK YOU, @ardichoke, and all the others for keeping this integration alive!

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You should be able to do this with this integration, have your locks set the Ring mode.
I personally set up one-way sync where any Ring change sets my HSM. Because I don't always want monitoring I don't always have my HSM away more set Ring if that makes sense.


That's great. Once I have actual, you know, doors and locks, post-construction, I look forward to figuring this out!

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Can the ring contact sensors and motion sensors not be paired with 2 zwave networks?

Correct. That is true of all zwave devices. They can only be paired with a single hub

So what this integration does is expose the Ring Alarm paired devices to HE for control.
The other alternative is to pair these Ring devices directly to HE (If you didn't have a Ring Alarm, or are ok with Ring Alarm not seeing them).

Will Installing this have any impact in the original code that I have installed which is working great?

I updated from the original code base (via Hubitat Package Manager) and had no issue, so I would expect you can do the same with no ill effect.


It shouldn't. I also used this to "upgrade" my existing install. Everything continued working as normal. Of course, ymmv depending on how outdated the code you have running is. If in doubt, and its working as you like, leave it alone.

anyone had problems with Ring Doorbell v3 plus? Is it not supported? I just upgraded my original Ring doorbell to v3 Plus and the hubitat app doesn't discover it?

Looking at the code it is listed there:

"doorbell": [name: "Ring Video Doorbell", driver: "Ring Virtual Camera", dingable: true],
"doorbell_v3": [name: "Ring Video Doorbell", driver: "Ring Virtual Camera", dingable: true],
"doorbell_v4": [name: "Ring Video Doorbell 2", driver: "Ring Virtual Camera", dingable: true],
"doorbell_v5": [name: "Ring Video Doorbell 2", driver: "Ring Virtual Camera", dingable: true],
"doorbell_scallop_lite": [name: "Ring Video Doorbell 3", driver: "Ring Virtual Camera", dingable: true],
"doorbell_portal": [name: "Ring Peephole Cam", driver: "Ring Virtual Camera", dingable: true],

I wonder if it changed or if you have a new version. Perhaps the pro is some form of the "scallop" but not 'lite"?

I'm not a coder, but I wonder if you turn all logging on and pull for devices again if you see any new doorbell entry that you could map to to add something like the following;


"doorbell_SOMENEWDEVICE": [name: "Ring New Doorbell 3", driver: "Ring Virtual Camera", dingable: true],

I did this and in the logs whilst discovering it does find a new device "doorbell_scallop" but that doesn't pull through into the device list in the Ring connect app.

OK So in the app code for Ring Unofficial I changed the doorbell_scallop_lite to doorbell_scallop to match the device type shown in the debugging and hey presto the new doorbell shows up in the discovery in the app.

Thanks for the advise @SoundersDude and hopefully if anyone else has this issue this post will help them the lines that needed changing are at 709 and 733 of the app code :slight_smile:

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Can you please file a Pull Request on my repo for this? I'll get it merged in when I can.

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I would suggest adding a line, not changing it. That way the code will work with both the 3 and the 3 Plus.


Hey all,

New Hubitat user here, trying to install the ring app. I've tried multiple times in various ways. Most recent using the HPM by URL which I copied from above. Here's the most recent error message I"m getting when trying to add the devices:

Add Ring Device Results:

An error occured com.hubitat.app.exception.UnknownDeviceTypeException: Device type 'Ring Virtual Light with Siren' in namespace 'ring-hubitat-codahq' not found An error occured com.hubitat.app.exception.UnknownDeviceTypeException: Device type 'Ring Virtual Chime' in namespace 'ring-hubitat-codahq' not found An error occured com.hubitat.app.exception.UnknownDeviceTypeException: Device type 'Ring Virtual Chime' in namespace 'ring-hubitat-codahq' not found An error occured com.hubitat.app.exception.UnknownDeviceTypeException: Device type 'Ring Virtual Light with Siren' in namespace 'ring-hubitat-codahq' not found An error occured com.hubitat.app.exception.UnknownDeviceTypeException: Device type 'Ring Virtual Light with Siren' in namespace 'ring-hubitat-codahq' not found

I have 3 floodlight cams outside and 2 chimes, which currently aren't plugged in.

Any help is appreciated!

Have you installed all the drivers you require.


Install them by using HPM.
Do a keyword search on Ring and it should show up.
You may end up with 2 instances of your already installed apps/drivers though.

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I couldn't find ring by key word cause it doesnt search custom repositories, tags I couldn't find it, so I used the url option from the url above.

I just checked my driver's code list and those were not installed when I installed via HPM. I'll manually pull them in a bit and try again.