[RE-RELEASE] EcoWitt and Wittboy Weather Stations And Sensors (Local)

I do need to get back to this and a couple of other enhancements people have either submitted or I started ages ago. Thanks for the reminder, and for the template details.

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just made the following changes as my stupid starlink at the cottage on CGNAT is changing the ip every 5 minutes at times. and get warning that the data coming in doesnt match a device and it is dropped..

changed ip check time to minutes instead of hours

input(name: "DDNSRefreshTime", type: "number", title: "How often (in Minutes) to check/resolve the DDNS Name to discover an IP address change on a remote weather station? (Range 2 - 43200 (30 days), Default (1 day)?", range: "2..43200", defaultValue: 14400, required: false)

if ((ddnsupdatetime != null) && (ddnsupdatetime != 00))
def thesecs = ddnsupdatetime * 60
logInfo("Rescheduling IP Address Check to run again in $thesecs seconds.")
runIn(thesecs, "DNSCheckCallback");

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Question - can you combine the Indoor Ambient Sensor (WH25) and the PWS Sensor (WH69) ??

The reason is that I cannot get a single device that reports air pressure and the other sensor elements of the PWS. The WH69 relies on the WH25 to report air pressure - as obviously there is no way the gateway sensor and the outdoor sensor will have different air pressure !

That is an interesting question... I can't see that the drivers support this natively (I didn't develop them originally). My gut feel is it seems simple enough and an understandable request, but some edge cases may make it complicated. Even the fact that the Air Pressure would (I expect) need to be fed back through the parent device and then down to the PWS, which may not always be setup as a single device, that is an option, I believe the outdoor sensors can be split out. Air Pressure would be the only reading to be treated in this way, indoor temperature and humidity would not be copied, they already exist as outdoor readings from the PWS. Identifying the PWS device may be possible using the device type references in the Device Network Id, but I would need to check what the possibilities are for having multiple PWS devices (it may not be a thing).

I'll have to think about it....

You could combine them but then it would not the standard temp and humidity attributes and you would have to name the attributes something else snd loose all the built in hubitat features using standard humidity and temp cabibilities.

If your goal is to get pressure duplicated in the pws with all the other attributes that should be possible. I will look at doing it if bundled=true.

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That's where I was heading with it, minus the condition :slightly_smiling_face:. If yo can take a look that would be great.

not as easy as i thought.. still looking.. also thinking of adding an toggle to display pressure in mbar.. currently it only does that if metric but even in usa now pressure is usually in mbar. it is on the ecowitt website graphs etc.

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Best I could think of earlier was to out a method on the parent to receive the reading from a child device and then distribute to child devices that have a (new) setting turned on to receive and record air pressure

ya we cant just bundle it in as we do with say the rain sensor or as i mentioned the outdoor temps for instance would get overwritten with the indoor temps..

i can see the point though that everthing else like wind rain etc is on the pws device but not pressure.. kinda strange they never added a pressure sensor to the outdoor unit?

Yeah, does seem odd. I was only thinking about sending the air pressure reading back up and down again, not all the sensor readings like temp and humidity.

basically have to walk up the tree. get parent, then get the child named "pws sensor" and put the attribute there..

I was thinking a method in the parent that would receive a call from the child with the pressure passed in, then the parent would find children with the right sensor type in the dni and some new preference setting turned on to say they are willing to receive the air pressure. Not sure whether siblings would have the rights to update each other's attributes.

Thanks guys! Hopefully you’ll figure out a solution :grin:

I realize this is (likely) wishful thinking.. any chance the images from these can be brought into a dashboard?

First thing I see is $49.99 :slight_smile: But hey, no reason to say no, just not when... Where were you thinking you would like to see them, at the top of the tiles?

Im only considering one or two, (while they are cheaper on pre-order) Yes, at top of the tiles.

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I am amassing a backlog of changes for these drivers.. not sure if it will make the list of the most recent changes likely to be made... but am happy to add it to the list...

That would be great! Between them being preorder and having to be shipped from China, i'm Sure it will be at least a few months until I get them. I can always use them in the ecowitt app for a while.

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Camera is not hd.