Questions on z-wave, lots of integrations

Somehow I got one of them gone. Can someone tell me what this means?

Failed node 29 remove status: 0 SDK failure node is no longer in failed node list

Here is the log entry after a reboot, I did discover, then repair, then remove and every time I click remove it adds that message

sys:12022-11-22 11:01:30.596 AMinfoFailed node 29 remove status: 0 SDK failure node is no longer in failed node list

sys:12022-11-22 11:01:16.937 AMinfoFailed node 29 remove status: 0 SDK failure node is no longer in failed node list

sys:12022-11-22 11:01:07.113 AMinfoFailed node 29 remove status: 0 SDK failure node is no longer in failed node list

sys:12022-11-22 11:00:55.361 AMinfoFailed node 29 remove status: 0 SDK failure node is no longer in failed node list

sys:12022-11-22 11:00:37.562 AMinfoFailed node 29 remove status: 0 SDK failure node is no longer in failed node list

sys:12022-11-22 11:00:37.514 AMinfoFailed node 29 remove status: no reply

sys:12022-11-22 11:00:27.520 AMwarnZ-Wave Network responded with Busy message.

sys:12022-11-22 11:00:02.944 AMinfoFinished Z-Wave Network Repair

sys:12022-11-22 10:59:55.939 AMwarnZ-Wave Node 29: Repair failed node unreachable

sys:12022-11-22 10:59:43.722 AMtraceZ-Wave Node 29: Repair is pinging the node

sys:12022-11-22 10:59:43.720 AMtraceZ-Wave Node 29: Repair starting

sys:12022-11-22 10:59:28.685 AMinfoRefreshing Node States

sys:12022-11-22 10:59:28.682 AMinfoStarting Z-Wave Network Repair

It looks to me like the hub thinks the physical device of which node 29 is a ghost is still alive and responding.

That seems odd because when it does the repair it says it is unreachable:

sys:12022-11-22 10:59:55.939 AMwarnZ-Wave Node 29: Repair failed node unreachable

sys:12022-11-22 10:59:43.722 AMtraceZ-Wave Node 29: Repair is pinging the node

Yeah that does seem inconsistent. Perhaps there's another explanation. Sometimes it seems like the zwave stack just holds onto any slight chance the device is still alive before removing it. Clearly some sort of DNR is in order! It's a bit easier with a stick since you get more diagnostic info in flight, so to speak.

Is there any way to get developer support on this? I found this thread which indicates that that is corruption in the zwave DB. Zwave Zombie Node - #38 by thebearmay

Also, I can reliably cause this to happen if I:

  1. click refresh
  2. click remove
  3. without clicking refresh, click remove again.

It doesn't show up if I click refresh

Seems like a developer might want to look into this and maybe assist, especially as I'm on the latest version along with having updated the zwave radio. Possibly even log a bug report with the zwave chipset manufacturer. And this weird behavior is why I'm still thinking it would make sense to just wipe out the zwave radio and start from scratch, but I'm not sure what that would do to all my zwave devices in the regular devices tab (iow: if I could delete the zwave devices and then exclude and finally add them back in and associate them somehow to my current devices, that would be ideal)

The only way to do this would be reset the zwave radio, then factory reset each device. Then join them back which creates a new entry in the device list. Then use "App Swap" to swap any linked integrations from the orphaned device in the devices list to the new device. Then delete the orphaned device.
Even doing all that there is still a high chance you will get some failed pairings along the way and have ghost device again.

I got the zwave stick and successfully removed the devices. Now I think I need to get rid of some of the crazy routes that have the signals crisscrossing the house. What is the best way to accomplish this? Should I start with the device closest to the hub and repair or the device itself? Should I only repair the device itself? If I have to do everything in the chain, how long do I wait for the network to settle before doing the next node?

They should do it on their own, for certain plus devices will. Non plus devices you may need to run a repair on. You will not see an immediate change in the routing table, it may take a while for the device to figure out new routes that it found are better.

You could try a full repair, on my C7 as of the zwave 7.17 firmware (have not tried on 7.18) I could complete a full repair without much trouble.

Sometimes they just pick seemingly stupid routes and you can't do much about it. Once the device is working good you have to just learn to let it do its thing.

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