Question Regarding Dome Water Leak Sensor

I just got a Dome Water Leak Sensor and mounted it in my Sump Pump. Works nice locally and was fast to update in Hubitat that it was now wet but It won't go back to dry as soon as it stops detecting water like my Fibaro Flood Sensors do. It just sticks on Wet. I pressed the refresh button and in the logs it told me this.

"The sensor data will be refreshed the next time the device wakes up. You can force the device to wake up immediately by pressing the connect button once."

I'm like alright but it's been like 5 mins now with no change. Also if I trigger the sensor again it won't report another wet event in the device events page like it did the first time.

Also I noticed that after including it into the network that all the state varables were populated but I just went in again and they are all blank except pendingchanges, pendingrefresh and lastBatteryReport.

Any help would be appreciated.

UPDATE: I figured it was another reason because of the placement of the device but it seems the sensor just has really poor range. I mean this water sensor is no more then 30-40 feet with line of site to the hub and I cannot get it to have a strong signal. This didn't happen when I had a Fibaro Flood sensor in the same exact place with no issues and it reported a strong signal. I mean I have a Fibaro Flood sensor in the other room on the same floor and it has no issues with a strong signal.

So do the Dome Water sensors just have crap range or am I doing something wrong? Also yes I did repair the network

I have 2 of these, z-wave plus and they are anything but reliable. The range is very poor and they fall off, go to sleep and in general not reliable. I bought these figuring z-wave plus and the price and a major manufacturer, but they suck. My fibaro's are not plus and do a better job, but are also sleepy and have to be whacked to make sure they are still on the mesh.
Both on ST and Hubitat, dome sucks, seems worse on HE tho, at least for me.
One sensor is 20 feet line of sight from my dome z-wave valve(plugged in repeater)

Thanks for the reply and yes I came to that same conclusion. I love my Fibaro Flood Sensors (the z wave plus model) but I'm not drilling a hole in the waterproof casing to install some janky probe.

I have an abode home security system so I just went ahead and bought their water sensor that works with their proprietary radio frequency so I won't have connection issues. It's weird there are so few options for z wave plus water sensors that have easy probe support. The dome would have been perfect but it's signal sucks dooty

If you still have these sensors, would you try something for me.

Next time a water sensor goes to wet, try the following:

Pick it up and verify the sensor is now dry.
Then place the sensor on some sort of metal (so all the contacts touch, and you should hear the device alarm.
Now remove the sensor from the metal sheet.
Check the HUB. Dry?


I do not have them anymore. I returned them and replaced them with Abode flood sensors.

Okay. Thank you for the update. I am trying to determine the root cause of the problem.

FYI, on Hubitat, only line-powered devices participate in repairing the z-wave network. So I would recommend keeping in z-wave+ outlet (or switch or something) very close to the Dome sensor.

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I find that solution kinda of pointless unless it's purposely needed. Like I mentioned months ago if the connection to two (sent first one back for replacement) of the dome sensors is cutting out 10 feet with direct line of sight to the hub then there is something wrong especially when the smaller fibaro sensors work perfectly through a concrete wall and under a sink with no wall powered z wave devices around it either. Was it possible I just got two different sensors from one bad batch? Idk but they didn't work at all.

I think the point I was making was lost in what I wrote - in Hubitat, battery powered zwave devices don't participate in zwave repair, so it isn't surprising for an issue with an errant sensor to remain after zwave repair.


I understand that but I removed and added the devices multiple times. Same problem everytime and even tried new batteries. No device should stop working 10 feet from the hub

Initial problem: These Dome water sensors frequently false trigger "wet" , and when they do false trigger, they don't return to dry on their own.

Once you have detected a falsely triggered device, you must "solidly" re-trigger the device before it will send a "dry" condition. Placing all the sensor pickups against a piece of conductive metal will re-trigger the device as if it had actually sensed water, and once removed from the plate, they immediately go back to dry.

I have been working on resolving the source of this problem for a few days.. and today was my lucky day. Another false trigger!

TTS: "A leak was detected under the water main".

Checked it, and it was completely dry. (as you can see in the attached photos)
Paper towels definitely help prevent the false triggers, much reduced. Paper towels do soak up a lot of water, so this is win/win and you know when it really is wet. These towels are NOT wet.


Below is a summary of all websocket data for this particular leak sensor today, which is kept in a SQL Server database.

The red box shows the initial false "wet" trigger.
Roughly 3 minutes later I check on the sensor which sits atop paper towels. (pics were take today of faulting sensor) and as you can see its not wet, and the device did not send a dry command. When the device is picked up touched, etc.. nothing. Then at 6:53:21pm I touch all the sensor pickups against a piece of metal, and it triggers "wet". Within a second of removing the sensor from the conductive plate it sends "dry" as you can see in the blue box below.

I have written several stored procedures in SQL to find my stuck sensor and summarize. This provides a great snapshot of all the sensors in a single view. I only had time to trigger half of the water sensors I have, but as you can seek when triggered by actual water, or atop a conductive plate the devices reliably go back to dry once removed.

I suspect these devices have a voltage drift in the input circuit that is causing them to false trigger.
Slow ramping voltages into digital CMOS without the use of Schmidt trigger buffers will cause what is referred to as "CMOS latchup" They devices exhibit this in my opinion. Water sensors are extremely sensitive, and can tricky to tune.

I DO NOT KNOW if this is the actual problem, but i am dissecting a few of my devices to see if I can determine the root cause, modify a few for long term testing, and I will post here when I do. This will likely void my warranty, but they do me no good turning off my water and running my neighbors to check on my sensors all the time.


USE [hubitat]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[usp_FindStuckMotionSensors]    Script Date: 09/17/2019 12:47:30 ******/
-- =============================================
-- Author:		Matthew K
-- Create date: 9/11/2019
-- Description:	Find sensors Motion Sensors that are STUCK!
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_FindStuckLeakSensors]

	-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
	-- interfering with SELECT statements.

	--local variable declarations
		DECLARE @TimeStuckOn INT 
		DECLARE @DeviceType INT

	--init local vars
		SET @TimeStuckOn  = 4

		SET @DeviceType =23

	--init output table
		DELETE FROM tbl_StuckDevices

    -- Insert statements for procedure here
		(	pkid INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
			SensorName nvarchar(1500),
			DeviceID INT,
			State int, --(Active = 1, Inactive = 0)
			DetectedWater datetime

	--Capture all Records for this device
		INSERT INTO #TempTable
			(SensorName,DeviceID,State, DetectedWater)
				WHEN E.value='wet' THEN 1
				WHEN E.value='dry' THEN 0
				ELSE -1
				END as State,

		FROM tbl_HubitatDevices HD

			INNER JOIN [events] E ON E.deviceId = HD.Device_ID
			HD.DeviceType = @DeviceType AND
			(E.value = 'wet' OR E.value = 'dry') AND 
			 created > dateadd(day,-2,getdate()) 

		-- Debug ONLY
				--SELECT * 
				--FROM #TempTable C
				--WHERE C.DeviceID = 3201
				--ORDER BY C.DetectedWater DESC
		-- Debug Only 

		INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_StuckDevices(deviceID, deviceFunction, deviceName, deviceType, lastStateDetected, HoursSinceLastStateChange, LastState, LastChangedStateOn)

		SELECT		H.Device_ID,h.DeviceFunction,h.DeviceName,h.DeviceType,
					isnull((	SELECT TOP 1 T.State 
						FROM #TempTable T
							T.DeviceID = h.device_ID 
						ORDER BY T.DetectedWater DESC
					 AS LastStateDetected,

					isnull((	SELECT TOP 1 DATEDIFF(hour,T.DetectedWater,getdate()) as HoursOnNoStateChange
						FROM #TempTable T
							T.DeviceID = h.device_ID 
						ORDER BY T.DetectedWater DESC


					 AS HoursSinceLastStateChange,
					(SELECT TOP 1 value 
					FROM events E 
					WHERE E.deviceId= h.Device_ID and (value = 'wet' or value = 'dry')
					ORDER By created DESC)	as LastState,

					(select TOP 1 Created 
					FROM events E 
					WHERE E.deviceId= h.Device_ID and (value = 'wet' or value = 'dry')
					ORDER By created DESC)	as LastChangedStateOn
	FROM dbo.tbl_HubitatDevices h
		h.DeviceType = @DeviceType	AND --motion sensors
		h.Device_ID  > 0

	ORDER BY H.DeviceName

	--return stuck devices table
		SELECT * FROM dbo.tbl_StuckDevices

	--Destroy temp tables
		DROP table #TempTable		


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I got one Dome Leak Sensor, so far seems to be pretty useless. It sits 6 " (yes inches) from the hub, Pressing the button sometimes causes it to report the battery but mostly does nothing. If I do not press the button nothing happens at all.
Max range is about 10 ft line of sight, if you have at least one sheetrock hollow wall in the way forget it. The good thing I ordered only one to try and hope the seller will accept the return.
The strange thing it has overhelmingly good reviews on amazonm now I start doubting about amazon's review usability ( or maybe I got a dud ? )

However I also ordered 10 of ZLINK Z-Wave Plus Water Leak and Freeze Detector Sensor with S2 and SmartStart - ZL-LD-100 × 10 which have not arrived yet and am dreading if those will work better. Zlinks can work on both power supply and batteries, but there is very little inormation about their realibility.

Received my zlink leak sensors a few days ago and I think can make a conclusion based on a few days testing:
These work on batteries and take non exotic 3 x AAA :+1:
Also work on external 5V via a micro USB jack. In this mode they work as repeaters :+1: :+1: :+1: react to water immediately and report temperature every minute.
When run on batteries they wake up every minute to check water compared to others that react immediately so some can consider it is as a minus.
In this mode they report the temperature every hour. Nice, but my concern is the battery life. Sure should last less than others that wake up once 12 hours. Time will tell. I am actually planning to put most of those on USB power. But they do report every hour unlike Dome sensors that only do it in documentation.


I don't know what the difference is but FYI I bought 3 Dome Leak Sensors about 2 weeks ago and they have been working fine. They are reporting in at least every 12 hours. When I tested the water sensing, they all went wet back to dry as expected multiple times. In a couple of cases, the sensors are in the basement and across the house from the hub on the first floor.

I start thinking that some of the sensors are set to some non default wake up value, mine finally reported the battery level in exactly one week.

Just in case it shows anything, here is some information from my device config/stats. You can see the checkins every ~12 hours:

How have these been working for you? I am considering purchasing several.

If you refer to mine it is working reliably so far but there is really no way of telling if it is still there. It does not report at all unless you put it in water . Device Watchdog does not wake it up either.
I bought 10 zlink water sensors and like them much. They work from both batteries and usb power supply. In the latter case they work as repeaters too and check with the hub every minute. Otherwise every hour.

Yes, sorry, I was asking you about the zlink sensor. Have you tested any of them? How long is the cable that senses water?

The website says the length of the sensor should be 4ft, and can be extended to 150ft.