Pushover Notifications Driver [Slightly Enhanced]

Any errors in the Live Logs?

I tested it here and everything seems to still be working fine.

Please post logs. Don’t forget to block out your keys first

Evidently, when you “update” driver code, it’s important to re-save driver preferences in device settings. Once I did that for my pushover devices everything started working again.

Thanks for the quick replies

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Another quick update now with a driver version to keep track (although I think there won’t be many more updates).

New in version v1.0.20180324:

  • Validates key before allowing further configuration (must hit Save after entering keys)

  • Autopopulates device list (multiple device selections don’t appear to be supported in drivers)*

  • Cleaned up logs (does not display tokens any longer)

  • Fixed error created by changes in previous update with customPriority

  • Added version info (as state variable)

  • If there is a need by anyone for multiple devices, let me know. I can add another input where multiple devices can be listed (manually entered and separated by commas). I don’t plan to do this unless it is critical for someone else.


Does a Pushover account allow unlimited text messages, or does it require the app?
If not, anyone have an idea how unlimited text messages might be accomplished? I know IFTTT allows it, but…

A) They are slow
B) There’s no IFTTT integration with Hubitat

Wondering if I can somehow use Google Voice to accomplish it. I’m not too keen on that one though. I pay extra to unlimited text messages from US numbers without charge, but my wife and daughter would get a charge for every US based number that texts them.

7,500 messages per month for free


Pushover does not do SMS's just diect messages to the app...which is required. I believe there are 3rd party clients as well but I have not checked that option out myself.

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Sent Pull request for Emergency Notification based on request below.

I have merged the PR.

Question: The Pushover API docs seem to indicate that that using Emergency priority also requires The RETRY and EXPIRE parameters. Maybe those should be user preferences? Thoughts?

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Thanks Dan…You are correct. And that’s why you shouldn’t rush out code when you wake up.
I used the Emergency notification with IFTTT to “Find my phone” and didn’t read the API in detail for this one. I will add the preferences soon.

But sleepy coding is how you get to spend all day troubleshooting! :wink:

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Submitted a new pull with retry and expire parameters

I just checked and don’t see the new PR yet…

Try now :blush:

Merged. Thanks!

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Has anyone considered porting this Pushbullet device over? Pushbullet device with service manager - Projects & Stories - SmartThings Community

This is great, thanks guys!

I was also running into the limits on sms.

@ogiewon or @stephack can you confirm how this works for multiple devices?

Let’s say I have pushover installed on two iPhones but I want different notifications to go to phone 1, phone 2 or both.

In the (hubitat) device settings page, under preferences there’s an option to choose a (pushover) device name. So I’d need to create two devices in hubitat with my pushover credentials, and in the settings for each, select phone 1 or phone 2.

Then I can create rules and set it to notify one or the other phones by selecting the device that’s tied to each phone? Or have I misunderstood how it works?

This is exactly how I use it. I have Pushover installed on my iPhone (1st Hubitat Device), my iPad (2nd Hubitat Device), and on my wife's iPhone and iPad (3rd and 4th Devices.) This allows me to target specific devices, or multiples, as necessary.

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Cool, thanks Dan!

I do use the same Pushover credentials on all 4 Hubitat devices. I just change the user preference for which Pushover device, and the tone based on user desire.

I also use the exact same Pushover account on my 2nd Hubitat hub that I use for development.

Pretty pleased with the value I am getting from just a $5 investment.