Proper Three-Way switch setup using Associations

I don't see association options on any inovelli device page. Where are you seeing that?

I have come to find out there is nothing easy about hubitat.
But once it's setup it just works.

I just tried this on a couple of my GE/Jasco switches and couldn't get it to work. Is there a "trick"?

I put in the DNI number of the device I wanted to control in the Group 2 association box. Nothing happened.

Nope, no trick to it. Just make sure to save preferences. Association group 2 is for on/off associations and group 3 are for doubletap associations. Here is an example of one of mine:

As You can see, after I hit "Save Preferences" the association showed up in the State Variables.

I assumed (could definitely be mistaken) that this is it:

But, if that doesn't work you could always install this: [HOW-TO] Using the Z-Wave Association Tool in Hubitat - Hubitat - Tips & Tricks - Inovelli Community

I just installed it, appears all the options are there.

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I do get the association in the State as well, but it has no effect on switch behavior. I'll try again tomorrow.

Can anyone try adding an association between inovelli switches? I have all brand new red series and they won't associate.

In the logs I see this Java exception:

app:612020-10-29 03:48:11.368 pm errorjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Command 'setAssociationGroup' is not supported by device. on line 71 (installed)

app:612020-10-29 03:48:11.325 pm debugInstalled with settings: [overrideLabel:false, sCapability:Switch, dSwitch:[Bedroom Switch 2], sSwitch:Bedroom Switch 1, dCapability:Switch, groupNumber:2]

app:612020-10-29 03:48:08.789 pm debugwill set default label of Bedroom Switch 1 Association Group 2

--- Live Log Started, waiting for events ---

Worked, perfectly. I hit "Set Association Group" went to my inovelli switch turned it on and a light that has a GE/Jasco zwave switch turned on simultaneously. Exactly what group 2 is suppose to do.

@Stephan.J what driver did you use to get the SetAssociationGroup? Did you have to switch back to the Inovelli driver after?

I used the inovelli hubitat driver that you can find here:

No I did not switch back, cause I used the inovelli driver to set the association.

I did this on a red series dimmer with this custom inovelli driver (made specifically for hubitat users) for the red series dimmer:

No luck with the Jasco toggle switches. I'd really like this three way switch arrangement to work. I too have no neutrals in one box. It's really slow pressing the physical switch. I've got a C7.

I am disappointed Hubitat does not have a built in app for this. So many people seem to want it. I used Z-Wave Tweaker for associations with Smartthings and it worked great, but it doesn't work in Hubitat. I have 10 virtual three-way situations in my home. Aeon Minimotes works but here is a delay between the satellite and the main.

Here is a log:

The driver I am using is [RELEASE] GE 4xxxx / ZW4008 Enbrighten Z-Wave Plus Switch Driver . It's for the switch, not dimmer.

Are you hitting configure on the driver? If so that might be the problem as many drivers reset the associations if you hit configure.

I'll give it a whirl.

Could the dimmer version be different than the relay switch? I was thinking of trying that.

You mean the drivers? Since I made them both, I doubt it. Although it is possible (very likely) that the in-box driver is significantly different than my user drivers.

On my drivers, if you hit CONFIGURE or SAVE PREFERENCES it will reset the associations. But if the GE device is the one being associated TO that doesn't matter - it can't erase associations in a different device.

Yes, your drivers.

I hit both configure and save pref a few times: no joy.

I think I'm confused at this point. Are you adding associations to the GE switch (aka you want to do something on the GE and have it change a different switch), or is the GE the one being manipulated by another switch?

Your log looks like you setup an association to device 108. Do you have a device 108?

When configuring the association are you entering the device nodeid as hexadecimal or decimal? Should be hex.