[PROJECT] - Live video In Hubitat Dashboard Via tinyCam

So I happily stumbled across something today. I found that if you set a driver attribute to the value of an iframe link, not only can you see the live video in the driver detail page you can also use an attribute tile to show the feed as well.

I have success both with a public nest iframe code and tinycam with my wyze cam.

The code I am using currently has my urls hardcoded so it is in no shape to share. If I have time to clean it up I will post.


Here is a simple driver. You should be able to just enter your urls, save then click the on button.

For the dashboard I used the attribute tile. Beware I have had this crash a dashboard or two. Seems you need to ensure the tile is rather large. I have been using 4x4 with good success.

Every attempt to put two of these in one dashboard has also crashed said dashboard for me. The iframe code likely needs to be adjusted.

Edit: Driver removed. It causes many headaches.


I am stuck on an error: Cannot get property 'input' on null object, on line 23. Where would I put the url of my image? In the spot of title: "URL 1", or description :"URL 1", or somewhere else?

I have my camera images working on a regular dashboard, using the image template, and typing in their url there, so I know it can work.

should look like this

Enter the url in both fields. It will not like one of them beingblank.

make sure you hit the save button

Well, it sure helps that I add it as a device driver and not an app. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I got to where I can add the urls, thanks. Now when you add it as a tile in a dashboard, pick the cams as the device, pick attribute as the template, but what about attribute name?

as you see in states

should be video
or video2

remember to make a LARGE tile.

I have two images showing up from 2 cams, made a large tile, but it shows only a still image, not a stream. I am still fiddling with it though.

We have to remember this is not a officially supported function. As such it may be buggy.

Can you see live video in the driver details page?

what does the url look like that you are entering into the driver? Does it stream if entered into a browser? Is there any kind of authentication? username pass? I have not tried with any security enabled.

I am using Unifi cameras. They are all on the same network, and I don't have to enter any security credentials to view them in the image tile.

No live video, but I am using url's that end with snap.jpeg, so I am guessing it is only sending snapshots and not a stream. I have the RTSP stream enabled, and when I input that url instead, nothing is displayed, either with this driver, or with the image tile.

On AT, I have it refreshing every 1 second, so it is not streaming there (using snap.jpeg), but it refreshes often enough that way that it is usable. If HE allowed for refreshing like that, I would be happy with that.

Well yes you will only get a single image like that. What does the rtsp stream URL look like?

I hate to show off my ignorance, but does the live feed work with the cloud dashboard or just the local dashboard? What I want to do someday, is have my camera completely local and then control how I can see it outside my network. I just don't trust the security on other servers.

What I want to ask more about is tinyCam -> WyzeCam. Are there guides or instructions on that? I love my wyzecam and find only 1 drawback, which is 'their app only' video. Seems you have a way around that?!?

As this is passing the video through the driver as an attribute it should show up in the cloud dashboard.

I will test when I get home.

Edit: So I just tested this finally and sadly no the video does not show in the cloud dashboard.

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tinyCam is an android app for viewing your cameras. I believe it can also run in an adroid emulator in an always on pc.


So, I had a camera set up and was viewing it under the device editor fine. Now when I try to go back into the device it just hangs forever. Any suggestions?

Driver removed. It breaks things...

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That makes me sad. :cry: Great idea though...maybe somebody could figure it out. Unfortunately, that's well beyond my capabilities.